How to set up a 1C document flow mobile application. Mobile client for document management system

To install the mobile client of the EDMS “Corporate Document Flow”, download the apk file of the Android application
from the page

You can download the file directly to the user’s mobile device or record it on it via a connection to a personal computer.

The application cannot be installed through Google Play (the application will be posted there only after its official release), so the mode for downloading applications from unknown sources must be enabled on your Android mobile device (you can enable this mode in the “Security Settings” section of the mobile device). On many devices, this mode is already enabled by default.

During the installation of the apk file, the mobile client of the EDMS “Corporate Document Management” and the mobile platform will be installed "1C:Enterprise 8.3"(if it has not already been installed on your mobile device).

It is recommended to install the mobile client in the main memory of the device, and not on the SD card. When installed on an SD card, the platform may freeze on some devices; in this case, the application can be transferred to the main memory using standard Android operating system tools.

After installation is complete, click on the icon
Corporate document management. Mobile client"
to launch the application.

The mobile client can work in a completely autonomous mode and without the Corporate Document Flow EDMS program; in this mode, only personal notes are available to the user. To connect to the EDMS “Corporate Document Flow” database, you will need to configure the corporate database and configure the mobile client.

Initial setup of an enterprise database

The mobile client and the central database exchange data using the mechanism web services provided by the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

In order for web services to become available to enterprise mobile clients, they must be published on the corporate web server. When working with 1C:Enterprise 8.3, two versions of corporate web servers are supported - Apache and Microsoft IIS.

The Apache web server is free and usually quite easy to install. You can read more about installing Apache for working with 1C:Enterprise 8.3 databases on this page:

After installing the web server, publish the EDMS “Corporate Document Flow” web services in the “Configurator” mode. To do this, in the “Administration” menu, select “Publish on a web server”. Next, select the file directory where the published files will be located and the name of the application on the web server.

Make sure all the checkboxes in the "Web Services" section are enabled and click the "Publish" button.

Please note that mobile clients will access the address of your web server; therefore, this web server must be accessible to mobile clients.

If mobile clients work not through the internal corporate network, but via the Internet, then the enterprise web server must be accessible from outside, via the Internet.

An alternative option for organizing access for mobile clients to a corporate database is to exchange data through a special mail gateway, when both the mobile client and the corporate database exchange messages through a specially dedicated mailbox.

The disadvantage of this method, compared to using web services, is the lower speed of data exchange; web services allow mobile clients to work with the corporate database almost online, and exchange through a mail gateway introduces some delay. Currently, the mode of operation through the mail gateway is not yet available in the mobile client.

Setting up a corporate database to work with mobile clients

To organize the ability to connect mobile clients to the central EDMS database “Corporate Document Flow”, it is necessary to enable the ability to work with mobile clients in the database.
To do this, in the “System Administration” subsystem (available to users with full rights), go to the “Program Settings Program Options” section, on the “Basic” tab, check the “Use mobile clients” checkbox.

Enabling mobile clients allows you to exchange central database data with mobile clients. Without enabling this mode, data exchange will not take place. The mode of working with mobile clients can also be enabled through the data exchange panel.

We understand that small and medium-sized business owners have many tasks and little time. Therefore, our article contains a list of mobile applications that will simplify doing business and help save a lot of time and money. But first, let’s list the main advantages of mobile solutions.

So, why are 1C mobile applications a good idea?

  • 1C programs are among the most common in Russian business, which means that you can easily find a mobile solution that can integrate with your PC program.
  • With your smartphone or tablet, you can access your business data wherever you are.
  • You can easily find programmers who can modify the application you need, thanks to the developed market for services for maintaining and modifying 1C programs.
  • Developing 1C mobile applications is several times cheaper than using standard mobile programming languages.
  • Mobile applications integrated with 1C save time for managers and field employees, thanks to quick access to corporate information that is synchronized with the main database.
  • The decision-making process is accelerated due to the availability of information, which means employee productivity and company efficiency increase.
  • You can easily work with documents: printing the necessary documentation (reports, invoices, checks) is done directly from the application.
  • Mobile solutions are suitable for iOS and Android operating systems.

We hope our review will help you decide on the optimal mobile application for your business.

1. “1cFresh Accounting Client”

Let's start with the latest release - a mobile application "1cFresh Accounting Client"(new version The application is intended for use with the programs “1C: Accounting 8” and “1C: Entrepreneur 2015”.

Main functions:

  • Prompt tracking of the most important information about the state of the business: cash balances in the cash register, in bank accounts, balances of goods, issued invoices and acts, etc.
  • Working with a list of counterparties from 1C: Accounting 8.
  • Synchronization with accounting Pull-to-Refresh (“pull to update”). Synchronization occurs in the background without interfering with the program.
  • Manager's monitor with the ability to customize the displayed sections. The monitor shows the main indicators (money, debts, sales, etc.) and their changes compared to last year.
  • View and issue invoices and acts. You can view and edit sales documents entered in accounting, enter new sales documents, print and email TORG-12, acts, invoices and UPD.

The mobile application is not intended to work offline. To use it, you need a “cloud” version of the programs “1C: Accounting 8” or “1C: Entrepreneur 2015”.

For whom?

For owners of small and medium-sized businesses, users of the programs “1C: Accounting 8” or “1C: Entrepreneur 2015”.

How is it useful?

The application allows you to quickly track the most important information about the state of your business, work with counterparties, issue invoices for payment, send invoices by email, etc.

2. “1C: Managing our company”

For whom?

The application is intended for small and medium business owners.

Main functions:

  • Operational accounting of orders
  • Maintaining a database of buyers and suppliers with their contact information
  • Accounting for debts of buyers and suppliers
  • Goods accounting: warehouse balances, purchase price, selling price, photos of goods
  • Using a smartphone/tablet camera as a barcode scanner
  • Accounting for payment of orders, generating a cash flow report
  • Calculation of gross profit
  • Sending invoices for payment via e-mail and SMS
  • Print reports and documents on WiFi and Bluetooth printers

The application works both stand-alone and in conjunction with the 1C: Managing Our Company program for PC and cloud version.

How is it useful?

Allows you to keep records at small businesses with a small volume of document flow, work with orders, and perform basic warehouse and cash transactions.

3. “1C:Orders”

For whom?

The application will be useful for sales managers, traveling sales representatives who accept orders outside the office.

Main functions:

  • Maintaining a customer database and registering complete information about them (name, legal information, delivery conditions, contact information, etc.)
  • Calls, SMS or email correspondence with the client
  • Maintaining a list of goods - indicate the name, price, article number, unit of measurement, VAT rate; group products
  • Receiving orders for goods and services from clients using the “Basket”, in which a quick search for goods and filtering of goods by groups are available
  • Accepting orders immediately after client registration
  • Sending a price list and order information to the client’s email
  • Quickly view the status of orders (Current, Urgent, Overdue, Completed)
  • Create tasks to visit a client
  • Provide discounts by percentage or amount
  • Add new products or services
  • Register payments for customer orders

It can work either independently or in conjunction with the programs “1C: Trade Management 8”, edition 11.1 and “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”. The list of programs with which the application integrates may expand.

How is it useful?

The application provides the ability to conveniently register orders and payments from clients, maintain a list of clients and interact with them, and maintain a list of goods.

When synchronized with the specified programs, information about products, prices, customers, sales conditions and order statuses is automatically filled in. The “Cart” provides the ability to filter products based on their availability in the company’s warehouses (only in stock).

4. “1C: Document Flow”

For whom?

The application is a mobile client for the configurations “1C: Document Flow KORP” and “1C: Document Flow DGU”.

Main functions:

  • Ability to complete assigned tasks assigned through “1C: Document Flow 8”
  • Working with incoming letters, preparing and sending letters, moving between folders
  • Putting emails, tasks, files, processes under control
  • Maintaining a work calendar (creating and editing entries)
  • Setting tasks and instructions for employees
  • Coordination and approval of documents

Currently, the mobile application can be used with versions of the “Document flow CORP” and “Document flow of a government agency” configurations, edition 1.3, starting from version

How is it useful?

Works autonomously and does not require a constant Internet connection.

You can always see and conduct important business even in the absence of the Internet.

5. “1C:ERP Monitor”

For whom?

“1C: ERP Monitor” - the application helps you see target indicators for your business and stay up to date.

Main functions:

  • For managers of medium and large businesses working with the programs “1C: Trade Management 8” or “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”.
  • Quickly view the status of target indicators in the form of charts and detailed reports
  • Managing contact information of partners and clients, their files, calls
  • Decoding target indicators using transcript reports
  • Viewing reports from boxed solutions

Sync data selectively (to reduce synchronization time).

The solution works in conjunction with the programs “1C: Trade Management 8” or “1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2”. The application requires an Internet connection to operate.

How is it useful?

The application interface is optimized for use on smartphones and tablet devices.

Allows you to monitor key business indicators, view reports, information about partners, etc.

For whom?

The application is intended for couriers, insurance agents, sellers in pavilions or outdoor trade tents, and for taxi drivers who accept payment for services by bank transfer.

Main functions:

  • Acceptance of payment in places of non-stationary retail trade (both cash and non-cash payments)
  • Information base backup
  • Processing sales and returns
  • Sales control during returns
  • Closing a shift, generating reports
  • Scanning product barcodes
  • Confirmation or refusal of receipt of alcoholic products (bill of lading) according to EGAIS

The application implements a division of access rights into “Administrator” and “Cashier”. The first mode allows you to make the necessary settings, and the second mode allows you to process sales and returns.

The application supports printing receipts on mobile receipt printers and fiscal recorders using a wireless connection via Bluetooth.

Can be used in conjunction with commodity accounting programs.

How is it useful?

Thanks to quick exchange with standard configurations (“1C: Retail”), it allows you to always be aware of sales, retail prices, current balances in retail outlets and warehouses, quickly make decisions and prepare reports based on available information.

7. Your mobile application "1C"

If among the listed applications there is not what you need, you can always contact our specialists to develop your own mobile application!

1C Business Architect specialists have their own developments, which have been tested by our employees and are successfully used in our company.

Mobile client released for Android And iOS based on "1C:Enterprise 8.3". All enterprises that purchased our EDMS program “Corporate Document Flow” in 2018 will receive a mobile client at no additional cost. The mobile client is designed for quick viewing corporate documents And tasks document management system EDMS “Corporate Document Management”. The application is installed immediately along with the new 1C:Enterprise platform on mobile devices.

The mobile client of the EDMS “Corporate Document Flow” allows you to receive tasks assigned to an employee on his mobile device and complete them. An employee can assign tasks to other employees of the enterprise. After data exchange, they will be placed in a central database and also transferred to the performers’ mobile devices.

Notifications about system events can be sent to users' mobile devices. To send to users' mobile devices, the appropriate transport must be specified in the user's subscription settings. The ability to send messages must be enabled in the system settings and the ability to receive messages must be enabled in the user settings.

Mobile device users can create and edit their own notes. In the mobile client settings, you can disable synchronization of such notes with the central database, so working with notes does not require a connection to the database and can be done completely autonomously. Based on the created notes, it is possible to later create tasks for the performers.

Below we provide some screenshots of the solution (pictures enlarge when clicked). In new versions it is possible to change the design and arrangement of design elements.

Additional information about the mobile client can be found in Mobile client installation and connection guide

The main mechanisms of the mobile version of the EDMS “Corporate Document Flow” today are:

  • The corporate document of the mobile system is analogous corporate document EDMS "Corporate Document Flow". In the mobile version, the document has a number of limitations and simplifications, however, it contains the same name, content and basic details.
  • Mobile system message - analog messages and system notifications displayed on the desktop. For example, notification about the completion of a task by an employee, the creation of a new document, late completion of tasks, etc.
  • User task - elements containing text, deadline and other details of the user task of the document management system. User tasks are formed business processes of the system.
  • Personal note from a mobile user. This document can be used for quick user records on a mobile device and can be worked with completely offline without synchronization with a central database.

The functionality of the document management system's mobile client is constantly expanding.

In some cases, the mobile client can be used without the Corporate Document Flow EDMS, in a completely offline mode.

In this mode, the functionality of the user’s personal notes is available.

Installation and connection instructions mobile client

Document flow on mobile devices: dictated by time

Managing information and electronic documents using applications installed on tablets and smartphones has become firmly established in the practice of business and the public sector. The advantage in efficiency, which is achieved through the use of EDMS in remote (mobile) mode, has made these technologies a mandatory element of business style.

Today, document management systems for mobile devices are not a whim, but a requirement of the time. “Mobilization” of documentation technologies has become one of the ways to fully use the potential inherent in EDMS.

What can a “mobile” EDMS do?

A mobile application for an electronic document management system gives you a number of advantages:

    you are always in touch and included in the organization’s business processes, as you have access to document flow from your tablet;

    you can find the required document, get a certificate, assign tasks to subordinates and read the completion report simply by using the mobile client for the EDMS;

    being out of the office, you do not waste time calling employees responsible for a document or task - all information is available to you on the tablet screen from the client for the document management system;

    By using mobile devices to access corporate document flow, you build your image and communicate with counterparties in a unified format of business communication.

Mobile electronic document management: choosing an application

The EOS company is a leader in the market of mobile clients for EDMS. We have developed applications for any devices and operating systems:

Advantages of our developments

    you do not need to purchase a separate device specifically for mobile work in the EDMS - choose an application for electronic document management that is suitable for your tablet and operating system (iOS, Windows, Android, etc.)

    you can configure a mobile client for the document management system depending on your preferences and needs;

    you have access to all operations in the corporate document management system - reading documents, approving and signing them, viewing and editing reports, generating instructions (based on documents and initiative ones);

    you can work on a tablet in the document management system, even if there is no Internet access.

    The mobile document management system from EOS is a guarantee of security when working remotely in a corporate EDMS. Our applications support electronic signature (ES) and legally significant electronic document management.

What OS is on your tablet?

Still have questions? Contact us right now - we will introduce you to the best offers on the market for mobile document management and select a client with the necessary functions and settings.