Auto-rotate screen does not work on xiaomi mi5. What to do if screen rotation on an Android smartphone does not work? Reasons for auto-rotate not working

Many people are probably annoyed by the automatic screen rotation in Android 7, Android 6.0 1 and so on, but you can tame it if you wish.

Although even the advanced technologies offered by tablets, smartphones Samsung, Lenovo and so on can at some point fail or work poorly (glitchy).

One of the relatively common problems is that auto-rotate the screen does not work. How can I fix this myself?

If screen rotation stops working, this is of course bad – the function is quite convenient. It allows you to adjust the position of the screen for comfortable work.

To use this function, the smartphone has a built-in motion sensor - an accelerometer. If this element fails, the screen remains permanently in one position.

Also, the screen will not rotate if the software is buggy. Let's look at the situation in order.

Why did screen rotation stop working on Android?

If you cannot rotate the screen automatically, you first need to check whether the corresponding function is enabled.

This can be done by selecting the appropriate option in the top bar in Quick Settings.

You can also do this by going to the display of settings options in your phone.

Once you are sure that the feature is enabled but not working properly, you can move on to the next step.

How to enable auto-rotate on Android

If the screen rotation has disappeared, let's try to turn it on first. In Android 6.0.1 this can be done very quickly.

Just pull down the top settings control panel and if you see the Portrait icon, click on it so that it appears as Auto Rotate.

What to do if auto-rotate is enabled on Android and does not work

If it is started and does not work, then most often the problem is solved by turning it off completely, removing the battery for 10 minutes, and then turning it on normally.

The second method is more difficult (if the first did not help) - this is to reset to factory settings.

It will return them to factory settings. This will only help, however, if you, out of inexperience, pressed or installed something that was not needed on your own.

If neither the first nor the third helps, then the problem may be in the sensor. Then you can’t do without a specialist, since the sensor needs to be replaced.

How to fix screen rotation on Android

A fairly good program called “Rotation control” can help you make settings for auto-rotating the screen.

After installation, all options will be visible - you can apply any option, including auto, with just one click on the icon.

Errors related to the system settings of individual components can also be resolved using the service menu, which is hidden from device owners.

They may be caused depending on the manufacturer of the tablet or smartphone.

Unfortunately, using this menu comes with risks. Therefore, it is better not to enter there without the appropriate knowledge.

Without knowledge, you can create even more problems. All at your own risk. Good luck.

Every modern smartphone based on Android or iOS has many interesting features. Every year, devices are equipped with more and more complex functions that make working with the phone easier. One of the features of smartphones is sensors, of which there are more than a dozen. Xiaomi also has a lot of these.

Long-term use of the device leads to disruption of the sensors. Because of this, the automatic brightness of the screen may not be adjusted correctly at different times of the day, and there will be problems when pressing the screen, since touches are detected incorrectly.

As for smartphones, calibrating the Xiaomi proximity sensor will help fix the problem. This procedure allows you to configure the sensor responses to the correct response, also with other types of sensors. It is worth noting that devices from other companies do not have this function.

How to calibrate the proximity sensor on xiaomi

On most Xiaomi smartphones you can use the engineering menu, which contains the necessary sensor tests. But first you need to check the activity of the proximity sensor:

  • Open the “Phone” section and click on “Menu” on the left.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Find the item “Incoming calls”.
  • In this section, look at the line “Proximity sensor”, the function should be active.
  • Open the dialing menu and enter the standard engineering menu code: *#*#6484#*#*.
  • We immediately get to the QC test window. Here we find the item “Proximity Sensor”.
  • We try to move our finger closer to the sensor on the top panel of the device. If the “Value” value changes, then the sensor is working.
  • Click the "Calibration" button to calibrate the proximity sensor on your Xiaomi.

Battery calibration

Why do you need to calibrate the battery of Xiaomi smartphones?

During long-term use of the phone, data on the full charge and discharge of the battery may be incorrect, and as a result, the smartphone may not charge correctly. This problem shortens the battery life. To fix this you will need to calibrate the battery.

The first method of calibration is that the device must be fully charged while turned on and the following manipulations must be performed:

  • Disconnect the charging cable from the phone;
  • Turn off your phone completely and after a couple of seconds, reconnect the charging cable. The LED should light green;
  • Unplug the charger again and turn on the phone. After loading the OS, turn it off again. We carry out all actions very quickly;
  • We begin to charge the switched off phone. As soon as the LED turns green, disconnect the smartphone from the charger again.
  • Turn it on and use it.

This was the easiest way to calibrate the battery on xiaomi.

The next method is to use Root rights. To do this, you need to prepare by reading each point of the instructions below:

  • Turn off the smartphone completely and connect it to the charging cable. It is advisable that the adapter be connected to an outlet.
  • After the device LED turns green, the device must be turned on and wait for the operating system to fully load.
  • Further actions will work if you have superuser rights. Download the “Root Explorer” application.
  • Go to the data/system directory and find the batterystats.bin file that we are deleting.
  • We disconnect the charger and use the smartphone until it turns off automatically.
  • We charge the phone to 100%.

Now the xiaomi smartphone battery is fully calibrated and the system has “remembered” the exact capacity value.

How to calibrate a compass

Almost any Xiaomi firmware has a built-in Compass application. Correct compass calibration proceeds as follows:

  • Go to the smartphone settings and the “Installed applications” section;
  • Find the Compass application;
  • Click the “Clear data” button to clear the cache;
  • Reboot the phone;
  • We are looking for the compass application on the main screen. It is usually located in the Tools folder.
  • By launching Compass, we allow access to geodata.
  • We act in accordance with the instructions on the screen (You need to perform a figure-eight gesture), while the smartphone is placed in a horizontal position.
  • After calibration, vibration will occur and the compass itself will appear.

Screen calibration

If, when you press the screen, the sensor does not respond well, or touches are detected incorrectly, it is possible to correct the problem. To do this, the sensor is calibrated. The process involves the following series of actions:

  • To calibrate the screen, it is advisable to remove the protective film or glass, but this is only a recommendation;
  • We go to the engineering menu by entering the command *#*#6484#*#*;
  • Find the “Touchpanel” option;
  • We move our fingers across the screen according to the instructions.

It is possible to use specialized applications that can be downloaded from the Play Market. These include Touchscreen Calibration, Display Calibration and the like. We use them last.

Thus, we looked at two ways to calibrate the display. If it doesn't help, then the problem is somewhere else.

Other calibrations

There are many more sensors, but one of the important ones is the accelerometer, which is responsible for orientation in space. In other words, if your screen rotation isn't working properly, there's probably a problem with your accelerometer.

Calibration of the accelerometer on a Xiaomi smartphone is carried out using two methods: using standard functions and an ordinary magnet.

In the first case, on some Xiaomi firmware there is an accelerometer calibration function in the settings. It is located in the “Display” parameters. After this, the built-in feature will automatically configure the sensor.

The second method is to use mechanical force on the smartphone using a magnet. The method does not always work and should be used with caution (the magnet should not be highly magnetized).

Take a magnet and run it across the back of the phone for 2 minutes. It is advisable to put some fabric or paper between objects. After the procedure, we restart the device and check the functionality of the accelerometer.

There is another calibration option using the engineering menu. Let's do everything in order:

  • Enter the command *#*#6484#*#* to enter the engineering menu;
  • Find the item “Accelerator” or “Accelerometer sensor”;
  • We tilt the phone in different directions: right, left, forward and backward. As soon as all the arrows appear, press the “Calibration” button;
  • The message “Calibration success” should appear;
  • Click OK;
  • Now you need to rotate the smartphone in a circle to calibrate the Magnetic Sensor. We hold the device in a horizontal or vertical position;
  • We are waiting for the vibration and Finished message.

What to do if auto-rotate screen does not work on Xiaomi? Most often, this problem occurs after a firmware update. The reason may lie in a banal settings failure, so you need to solve the issue with simple steps:

Turn on the rotation sensor

Lower the notification shade and find the “Rotate” icon

If it is active, rotation is blocked, so we simply deactivate it.

You can also go to Settings > Screen > Auto-rotate screen and check if the function is active

If the first method does not help, reboot the smartphone

I had the same problem and after checking the settings, the banal one helped. Press and hold the lock button and click “Reboot”.

Perhaps the firmware is “crooked”

One of the reasons for the malfunction is the firmware. Some functions may simply not work in it, and in this case you need to install a working version. You can read more about the types of firmware.

If the turn sensor is faulty

If the sensor does not work, then neither a reboot, nor a reset, nor subsequent updates will help. In such a situation, you can use third-party applications, for example, Rotation control.

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The automatic screen rotation function allows you to improve the display of information on the smartphone display in certain conditions. For example, it is more convenient to read an article in a vertical orientation of the device, and watch a movie in a horizontal orientation. Switching between modes occurs by simply turning the phone over to the desired plane; this is done by a gyroscopic sensor that tracks the position of the device in space. In this article we will figure out why the screen on Android does not rotate and how to solve this problem.

Reasons for auto-rotate not working

Automatic screen rotation may not work due to software or hardware reasons. These include:

Let's look at each problem in more detail and highlight ways to solve it.

Enable automatic screen rotation

Sometimes the auto-rotate feature may have been accidentally turned off or not enabled by default after installing the operating system. If the screen on Android does not rotate for this reason, then you need to enable the option in the settings. This is done using the following algorithm:

In new versions of Android, this option can be placed on the quick access screen. To do this, you need to lower the curtain from the top of the display, go to the “Sorting” menu and move the corresponding button into view. After completing these steps, enabling and disabling the function will be done with one click.

Troubleshooting software

Often, problems with display rotation are related to a glitch in the smartphone software. However, be aware that the screen does not flip over on the desktop and in some applications.

First of all, you need to restart your smartphone, perhaps the problem will disappear. If this does not happen, a deeper reboot is carried out by disconnecting the battery (in devices where the design allows).

Also, in some cases, auto-rotate the screen does not work after installing third-party applications on the smartphone. You should view the list of recently installed programs and disable or remove them, then restart the device and check the functionality of the desired function.

The next step in troubleshooting the problem is checking for OS updates. It's possible that a recent update has a bug that was fixed with the release of a new version of Android. The check is performed in the settings menu, section “About phone”. There you need to click on “System Update” and start searching for a new version. If there is one, you must allow it to be downloaded and installed on your smartphone.

In cases where there are no updates for a long time and there is a firm belief that the error appeared after the transition to a new version of the OS, you can rollback. This is done using a special program and the corresponding installation files.

Another extreme option is to reset the device to factory settings. The procedure will entail the deletion of user data and all changes made to the system.

Gyroscope failure

Failure of the gyroscopic sensor has characteristic symptoms:

  • lack of system response to changes in the position of the mobile device;
  • The screen on the smartphone rotates spontaneously;
  • irregular nature of the problem.

In addition to the breakdown of the gyroscope itself, partial disconnection of the contacts transmitting information could occur due to the fall of the device. In any case, this problem cannot be solved on its own. You will have to contact a service center or a specialist.

Fixing auto-rotate in one position

Disabling automatic rotation is carried out in the same sequence as turning it on. To do this, you will need to enter the appropriate settings section or use the quick access curtain. When the function is disabled, the smartphone will always be in portrait display orientation, with the exception of videos that have been expanded to full screen.

If rotating the screen on your smartphone does not work due to a broken gyroscope, and spontaneous orientation switches are observed, then you can use the Rotation Control application. It will completely disable the function and prevent other applications from changing the position of the picture. In this case, the image can be captured not only in the vertical, but also in the horizontal plane.

Automatic change of screen orientation is a basic function of absolutely any Android smartphone.

With its help, the user gets the opportunity to display content in the most convenient form (horizontal or vertical) by simply turning the gadget into the desired position. However, there are situations when the phone refuses to execute even such a simple command, not allowing you to switch from one mode to another. Why does this problem arise and how can it be dealt with?

Portrait screen orientation enabled

If the screen orientation does not change when you rotate the device, you need to check whether position locking is enabled. You can do this through the standard Android settings by opening the section called “Screen” and then going to “Auto-rotate screen”. Usually there is a slider here that needs to be moved to the right to activate the function.

You can also disable display locking using the button located in the Android notification shade. If you swipe your finger across the screen from top to bottom, a quick access panel to the main smartphone tools will open. Among them there should be an “Auto-rotate” button with a small icon in the form of a lock. By clicking on it, you can quickly disable display orientation lock without using settings.

Software errors

Automatic screen rotation is carried out thanks to the built-in screen, which continuously monitors the current position of the smartphone. Violation of its normal operation can be caused by failures in the Android system, for example, due to internal problems with recognizing input signals

In this case, rebooting the device should help. If your smartphone has a removable battery, you can remove it from the case for a couple of minutes, then insert it back and turn on the gadget.

Some programs running in the background can negatively affect the functions of the accelerometer. To check their involvement in this problem, you need to remove or disable recently installed applications through the standard smartphone settings menu.

Another reason for problems with automatic screen rotation may be the next Android update. In this case, you just have to wait for the next version of the official firmware, where the developers will fix the bug.

In some situations, it is possible to solve the problem with the display auto-rotate not working by returning to factory settings. You should only use this method without forgetting to copy all important data in advance.

Hardware failure

If automatic screen rotation does not work at all or works spontaneously, this is most likely caused by a broken accelerometer. In this case, the device should be taken to a reliable service center, where the faulty components will be replaced.

To experience less discomfort due to a non-functioning accelerometer, you can use the Rotation Control application. With its help, you can manually control the position of the display, setting a convenient orientation for different applications.

If the built-in equipment responsible for rotating the screen does not work correctly, you can try to calibrate it yourself. This can be done using special applications (GPS Status & Toolbox) or in . In the second case, you will need to call up the “Sensor” section, place the phone on a flat surface and press the “Gyro Selftest” button. The accelerometer will be automatically calibrated and ready for further use with applications.

Auto-rotate screen not working does not always occur due to internal failure of the smartphone. Often the reason lies in Android software errors, the consequences of which can often be resolved on your own.