Equipment for direction finding of cell phones. Direction finder online by phone number via the Internet: tracking programs

Articles and Lifehacks

Is it possible to find out the exact location of another person? This article will tell you how to find a direction on a mobile phone, and how realistic is what numerous online resources offer.

In what cases is this possible?

Many users believe that only intelligence services have this ability. How true is this? Will we be able to find our family and friends? Let's try to figure this out.

So, if we know the number of another person, and he agrees that from time to time we can track his location, we are invited to check with our cellular operator about the availability of the corresponding service.

Such a service may be called differently (“Radar” and so on). This method is the most realistic and simplest. It is illegal to track the location of another person without their consent.

Today you can find many services online that offer to track a user by phone number. It should be borne in mind that they are often created by the most common scammers.

The ability to track a subscriber's location is, as a rule, only available to mobile operators that have the appropriate technical base.

In this case, the user must be connected to their network. Unfortunately, in practice, everything turns out to be much more complicated, since mobile operators do not agree to disclose this kind of information so easily.

This is possible, again, with the consent of the person whose coordinates we are going to find out. In addition, sometimes mobile operators, as an exception, can provide information if there is a request from law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, and so on.

How it works? The coordinates of a particular subscriber can be obtained based on data from base stations of cellular operators.

If we are interested in our own location, it is best to use a navigator for our mobile platform (or a program like Google Maps).

Such software receives information from a link and transmits it over the Internet. The information from the database is then compared with the maps. Let us remind you: you should be extremely careful and not use untested software.

Possible methods of determining location

  • If our mobile device is always connected to the Internet and GPS is activated, there is always the possibility that we could be tracked. However, it should be understood that the likelihood of this is negligible for the reasons mentioned above.
  • In other words, the average user simply does not have the same technical base as cellular operators. Another thing is that information about our location may be requested if, for example, we pose a threat to state security.
  • We also note that if there is an SMS center connected to the SS7 network legally, a technically savvy user will be able to find out our coordinates and IMSI, as well as the state of the mobile device and the address of the serving switch.
  • In this case, a regular MAP request is used. Theoretically, to clarify the coordinates, you also need a map of the location of switches on the ground.

I think everyone has seen in modern movies how skilled detectives instantly identify a person by cell number, determining his exact location?! With the greatest passion, as you understand, are representatives of the younger modern generation, who, moreover, have an ardent desire to have a direction finder program at their disposal, which, in fact, is used to track a subscriber to a certain network, previously downloaded for free and installed directly on the computer. I suppose you won’t mind either, if I, being a user who has quite serious experience with this program, tell you about it in detail!

So, the direction finder program, to which these lines are dedicated and which, by the way, is available for download for free from the portal site, is intended exclusively for searching for a person by mobile phone number registered in the existing subscriber network. However, I would like to immediately note that the direction finder program functions in a strictly defined way and with certain fundamental limitations, which you will become familiar with by simply downloading its distribution kit for free from the popular site recommended for visiting in the lines above.

Download the free direction finder program to find a person by phone

Also, I want to note that the direction finder, you will not have the unique capabilities that real employees of special services and intelligence centers have, since they use completely different software, which, of course, is not available for downloading and installation, especially on free user terms . Therefore, before you start working with the direction finder program I advertised, please be in every possible way free from dreamy thoughts - keep your friends under complete control, while using a system that is free to distribute and download.

By the way, the product announced today in the form of a direction finder program is one of the few that is distributed free of charge for downloading and is available to all users, without elimination, it works exclusively with a distance of ten meters. That is, you can track your acquaintance or friend using this product only if you are close to him, and no more than ten meters away.

Of course, if you need a fully functioning direction finder program, through which you could easily track cellular network subscribers located at a distance of several hundred meters or kilometers, you can simply forget about downloading such a distribution for free. Believe me, truly powerful program direction finders are absolutely not available for the average user to download for free, the reasons for which, I hope, you understand.

There are a huge number of myths and conjectures about how exactly someone can find an anonymous mobile phone number using an anonymous number. We know the truth and now we will share it.

There are three common versions: they take bearings i.e. they determine the source of the radio signal, calculate it using special equipment at base stations of the cellular network, and calculate it through various hidden capabilities supposedly specially available in each phone.

We took part in a real investigation of a real case, where the criminal was identified by his mobile phone. And let's say this: the first version contains a little truth, but the main method of capture has nothing in common with all three.

Generally speaking, investigators and criminologists only use cool special tools and expensive equipment in the movies. In reality, the investigator's main tool is his head and pieces of paper. And the main method - you can hardly say “deduction” - let’s call it “search for patterns” or “statistics”. And there is also such a thing as Time. Time is always against anonymity: we do something too timely, and something completely wrong. And if somewhere there are logs of our affairs with time stamps, we cannot hide. And logs in mobile communications are kept for each byte. More details below.


You won’t believe it: on the “master” phone - your real one. After carefully reading the next paragraph, you will understand how easy, simple and fast everything is. The description uses the term “switching on” - this is the moment when the “anonymous” device went online. So, let's go, let's look at different situations:

Situation one: You are using an “anonymous” mobile phone, but the real one is nearby and turned on. Investigators are requesting logs from the entire cell in which the “anonymous” device is (was) working. This is all they need to figure you out (and not only “hot on your heels,” but also after a week, a month, slowly, in the chair of your office over a cup of coffee). They make recursive samples based on switching intervals and see who else was in the cell besides the “anonymous” device. For example, in one cell there were another 1000 phones turned on. The next time you turn on 500 of those that were the first time. At the next time - 20 of those who were there the first and second time. Most often, from the logs of three or four activations, it is possible to find exactly a pair of phones that do not leave the cell. Less often, more inclusions are required: in such cases, you can try to break down the history by the numbers of the sets of matches, as well as their owners. If this is a 90-year-old granny, of which she has had the number for 10 years and she has not left the apartment for 5 years, then, obviously, the option disappears. Thus, investigators quickly get to the real phone number, one call history of which will reveal all the cards. Often, intelligence agencies are lucky with the 2nd inclusion: quickly study and discard hundreds of numbers - it’s just a matter of the number of employees. It even happens that the real number is reached from the first and only activation of the “anonymous” one! Don't believe me? But in vain. Dynamics in a cell, the behavior of other devices, weekdays/holidays can significantly simplify the work of security forces. While the “anonymous” mobile phone is working, everyone else can leave the cell except yours (well, the rest of the people took it and moved somewhere) or make outgoing calls, send SMS. Now is the time when everyone is not without a mobile phone for a minute. And this burns you: You cannot make outgoing calls from two phones at the same time. This means that while you are “working” from “anonymous”, everyone who calls on your cell will come out of suspicion and narrow the circle around you. In addition, Mr. Chance is not on your side: the special services have logs in which all the data is inside and out, but you have an ordinary life with all the unpredictability. Example: You are surfing “anonymously” on the Internet and then they call you on a real phone. You start talking and internet data traffic drops for a time that is statistically different from the time between average page loads. It's a matter of seconds to compare all calls in a cell for an exact match with a traffic failure - and your number is detected. It may be, of course, that you just went to the toilet, but it’s not difficult to check whether the required number has been “discovered”. What if they call you twice?

The criminal turned on the device, sent an SMS demanding a ransom, and turned it off. A day later I turned it on, called to discuss the terms of the buyout, turned it off. The third time I turned it on - I reported the meeting place and time, and turned it off. We studied the logs for three “switches on” - who was in the cell at that moment all three times. Four numbers remained from the second “reconciliation”, and one from the third.
Situation two: You use an “anonymous” mobile phone, but prudently turn off the real one in advance. Incredibly, you only made the task easier for the investigators. They will simply look at who disconnected—namely, they disconnected (the phone transmits a signal to the network about disconnection), and did not leave the network shortly before the “anonymous” appeared. We can safely say that there will be only a few of these in the cell, or even you alone. To clarify the data, you can compare who turned on after the “anonist” was turned off. And, also, to attack grannies and others. As you can see, turning off the real device when using the “left” one only worsens anonymity.

Situation three: You leave your real phone at home turned on, and you go to another cell, and only there you turn on the “anonymous” one. Do you think it's a cunning plan? But nothing. Three factors still give away your real device. Firstly, the same scheme is worked out as in the first situation, only this time not for one cell, but for several. First, one by one, then by neighboring ones, and so on until they come to compare the cell of the “anonymous” with the cell of the real one. Secondly and most importantly: your device is at home without its owner and cannot answer calls. Therefore, sooner or later there will be missing ones, which are also visible in the logs. You just need to compare on which device the anonymous ones were missed at all times. Do you think many of the subscribers constantly do not pick up the phone just at the time when you leave anonymous? Yes, no one except your real phone! In addition, this method helps well in general searches: investigators can very quickly call the numbers that remain after comparing cell logs. And if they don’t answer the phone, they become suspects. Thirdly, you cannot leave the real device anywhere - in different places every time. Most likely he is at your home. That is, in one place for each switching on. Based on this, you can build an additional sample for the filter: how many of the same devices were in the same cell. In general, all this will lead to a quick, albeit slightly less fast than in previous cases, access to a real number.

Situation four: You turn off your real phone at home, and go to another cell, and only there turn on the “anonymous” one. See situation #3 + situation #2

It turns out that the whole scheme works on the fact that several switches are made from one number. That is, if you leave the number only once and then throw away your SIM card and phone, it will be impossible to find?
This will only help if the “case” is yours for one time and there were no other similar cases and there will be no more. That is, in the reality of all the real “deeds”, it will not help. Changing numbers will not complicate the task of finding a real phone. For example, in the same example about blackmail: how changing the number will help - after all, calls are made to the same victim. Investigators will simply search not for one number for 3 inclusions, but for three inclusions of different numbers. Similar to the “shady dealings” on the Internet - numbers are easily united for a common “cause”. Let's say more - frequent changes of numbers only worsen security because... investigators will receive groups of numbers and can easily find out, for example, where the SIM cards are from. And catch you red-handed while purchasing new ones or contact the “seller” who will make a “robot” or delete the number from which you called him. Anonymity is not the absence of identifying data. This simply cannot happen in the modern world. Anonymity is a good imitation of an ordinary, but not a real personality.


We looked at how easy it is to “get” the security forces the real number of a suspect using his “anonymous” one. But what information about a real phone will give? Yes all. In addition to information about who the number is registered to, investigators will see who you called. Surely among them there are many who know you personally. They will see who topped up the account and how. Most likely, there are payments from a real card through an ATM or from a real WebMoney wallet, etc. That is, in fact, you have arrived.


A task force with a hand-held direction finder is dispatched to the area where the cell where the suspect’s phone is located is deployed. This is not a screen with a dot, as shown in films, but a simple radio receiver with an arrow that shows the signal strength and an antenna in the shape of the letter H, the letter Z, a tricky tube or a hyperbolic / parabolic dish (often several antennas are included for different operating conditions ). The base station has information on exactly what frequency the desired device is currently operating on. The operator tunes the receiver to this frequency, rotates the antenna around itself and looks at the arrow. Where the signal is strongest is where it goes. He enters the entrance, climbs the stairs and measures the signal. In this way he finds the desired floor, then an apartment and that’s it, the “anonymity” is over. In the cases we observed, the time from the entrance of the “gazelle” of the operators to the exit under the white handles was 25 minutes. Considering how many of them were spent on recommendations “open because we will open in any case”, fees and the conclusion of the suspect - you can estimate how long it took to find the right one among dozens of houses, hundreds of entrances and thousands of apartments.


Above, we discussed in detail that having a real personal mobile phone, we will never be anonymous, even from a newly purchased new phone and a SIM card just bought in the gate without registration. As we have already said, accessible anonymity is a good imitation of an ordinary, but not real, personality. And the absence of personality at all in our modern information realities is simply impossible. After all, here you are, an individual, sitting right here and reading this article. And downstairs there are LifeInternet counters and others.

Real hackers, whose freedom, and perhaps their lives, depend on anonymity, do not use mobile phones in everyday life. They don't use it at all. Only one-time calls, Skype, etc. And they don’t have an “everyday” life. Eternal darkness, nothingness. No friends, no relatives, no habits and “favorite” places. That's what anonymity is. But, in fact, there is a full-fledged other life on the Internet, other friends and other “places”. And, often, it will not only be no worse, but even better than in real life. So it's not all that sad. Just not like most people. However, this is no longer “anonymity”. You have a name, even if it’s a nickname, but they know you by it, you have Internet friends and places where you can be found on the Internet. You can even be “punished”, even without a trip to Siberia. Thus, it is easy to understand that not only anonymity is conditional, but also freedom, and “crime” and “laws” are not united, but relative to society. But “societies” are different.

Having learned a little about the methods of work of investigators, you can take measures to improve security in each specific case: for example, in situation No. 3, you can install an answering machine on a real phone or ask a friend to answer if they call. Register a real phone to a real grandmother in order to pass the “grandmother filter”. Try to combine situations randomly, leave your phone in different places, etc. This will somewhat complicate the work of investigators, but will also complicate your “dark activities.” Will it help at the “hour X”? Far from a fact.

So think carefully, my young friend with criminal inclinations, is the game worth the candle or, perhaps, after one or two successful cases, would it be better to buy an apartment, a car, some kind of white business and quit with the “dark side” forever?

Sometimes, when we are worried about a loved one, we need to know their location. We worry about our children and elderly relatives, and the employer wants to know where his employee is. Thanks to the availability of a cell phone, this is not difficult to do today.

Today everyone can determine where the owner of a cell phone is. Most operators offer an option - geolocation. It allows you to track the location of a subscriber up to several meters. There is no need for such services as GPS or GLONASS.

But, tracking a person by phone number can only occur if his device is within the coverage area of ​​the cellular network. If he is located where the cellular operator does not work or his phone is turned off, then only special services can track him.

There are several services that allow you to track the location where a cell phone is currently located (in most cases, its owner too). One of such services is - Mobile Monitoring. The service offered by this service is paid. At the time of writing, a month of using the service cost 400 rubles. A small amount for obtaining data about loved ones.

What is geolocation: how to find a person online by phone number?

Geolocation is the exact geographical location of an object. When using cellular communications, the subscriber's phone must periodically communicate with the base station. This is a feature of this communication technology. Therefore, its geolocation and even route can be easily tracked by analyzing such phone calls to the nearest stations.

At the same time, there is no need to activate the function of connecting the device with satellites. These modules may not be in the phone at all. But, thanks to cell towers, the subscriber can still be “calculated” and tracked.


As for the accuracy of such data, it depends on the type of cellular connection. In a city where the density of cellular stations is higher, the location of a subscriber can be determined down to the house number. Where cell towers are installed less frequently, the error in determining geolocation can reach several kilometers.

How to determine a person's location using a Beeline phone?

If the person you are looking for is a subscriber "Beeline", then it can be found using a special option of this operator. But, at the same time, the one who is looking for him must also be a subscriber "Beeline".

You can activate the “Locator” using the number:


With its help, you can not only find out the location of friends and family, but also find useful city facilities: hospitals, clinics, shops, car washes, etc. In addition, this option can be useful if you lose your mobile phone.

Service "Beeline.Locator" uses its base stations. At the same time, the user can receive data on the card (when using a smartphone) or via SMS notification.

The cost of the service is 3 rubles per day. The first week of use is free.

Locator service on Tele2

Service similar to option "Beeline.Locator" is also available in Tele2. It is called "Geosearch" and is available to subscribers of this operator on any tariff plan. Using this option, you can find out where the Tele2 subscriber is currently located. But, at the same time, the subscriber you want to monitor in this way must give you his permission to do this.

It is enough to obtain permission once. After which, you can create your requests, and the Tele2 server will send you the subscriber’s location in the form of an SMS message. Such a message will indicate the subscriber's approximate address and a link to the map. If you use a smartphone or tablet, then using this link you can open the map and see exactly where the person whose location you want to know is located.

Connecting the “Geosearch” option:


When the service becomes active you need to specify USSD request with the phone number of the owner you are looking for. will come to his phone SMS requesting permission for information about its location. If he allows it, you will receive a message on your phone telling you where the wanted Tele2 subscriber is.

The cost of Geosearch is 2 rubles.

Megafon - Radar service

In Megafon, a similar service is called “Radar”. Its essence is simple. The subscriber's location is tracked through a network of stations. For such a search, the network of all operators is involved, so it is very easy to track a person when the phone is turned on.

But, unlike other operators, Megafon has created a whole line of tariffs for subscriber detection:

  • "Radar Light". A lightweight version of this option. With its help, you can track the location of one subscriber once a day.
  • "Radar". Using this option, you can track up to five subscribers per day. Moreover, you can find out their location as many times as you like. Cost - 3 rubles.
  • "Radar +". The most expensive option option. Costs 7 rubles per day. With its help, you can determine the subscriber’s route and set a geofence, upon leaving which you will receive an SMS.

IMPORTANT: "Radar+" often ordered by parents to track their children. But, instead of paying 7 rubles daily, you can buy a special gadget for your child - a children's “smart” watch with a GPS receiver. With the help of such a watch you can contact your child and track his route.

To plug Megafon Radar you can through the page or using short commands. Read about them below.

Track the subscriber's location through the service Megafon Radar you can use a special application that can be downloaded from the operator’s website.

MTS - Locator service, child under supervision

The federal mobile operator MTS has two services in its arsenal that allow you to find a subscriber: "Locator" And "Child under supervision". You can use the first service only if the subscriber gives consent.

The service is activated in the subscriber’s personal account on the website Through a special application of this operator or SMS service. For the first two weeks, there is no subscription fee for using the service. Then the cost of the service is 100 rubles per month. The user has access to 100 requests per month. But no more than five requests per day.

Beeline supervised child service

In our turbulent times, it is necessary to provide protection to your children, even when for various reasons you are not nearby. This can be done using the “Child under supervision” service. Initially, this service could only be activated in Beeline. But, in November 2015, MTS and Megafon merged with Beeline and provide this service jointly.

Beeline. Locator

When using this service, a “Family” is created, into which you can combine the numbers of relatives and children. Relatives are united using short commands. In order to find out the child’s coordinates, you need to send a request WHERE ARE CHILDREN or WHERE is child_name.

Spying on a person via iPhone

For smartphones on the Android and iOS operating systems, there are several applications that can show the user’s location at a given time. For iPhone owners, such an application is “ Find My Friends". With its help, you can find out the exact location of your friends on the navigation map. This application uses technology GPS. To use this application, the person whose location you want to know must allow you to do so.

USSD request for subscriber location

USSD requests are short commands that subscribers send to the servers of cellular operators. With the help of such requests, you can quickly and automatically obtain the necessary information, activate or disable a particular service.

"Tele2 Geosearch"

  • To plug *119*01#
  • Disable *119*00#
  • Find subscriber *119*2*7xxxxxxxxxx#

Megafon Locator

  • *148*subscriber_number#

"Beeline Locator"

  • Find out the subscriber's location *566#

"MTS Locator"

  • The option is connected and managed via SMS

Finding a phone by GPS using an Android application

To protect yourself from the loss or theft of your phone, you need to install an application on it in advance that will transmit device location data via GPS. There are several apps of this kind that can show smartphone locations based on Google Map.

You can also use the built-in function Android Device Manager. If it is active, then you can find your smartphone through a special Google page. But. You need to understand that if your smartphone is stolen or you lose it, and the one who found it wants to keep it, he will definitely turn off this function and you will not be able to find your device with it.

Therefore, one of the best solutions would be to install the application Android Lost Free. After installation it will not be visible in the menu. This means it will be difficult to remove it.

In addition to setting an alarm and a data manager, this application can track calls, take pictures from the smartphone camera, and turn on or off WiFi And GPS. Another useful feature of the Android Lost Free application is a notification about a SIM card change.

How to determine a person's location using Viber?

Viber, a popular messenger in our country, can help determine the user’s location. At the same time, the location of the interlocutor will be visible only to the person with whom he communicates through this program.

To show your location to your interlocutor, you need to activate the geolocation function.

Click “Send location”

After activating this function, the interlocutor will see the coordinates of the current location on the map.

How to install a beacon on my husband's phone without his consent?

As with GPS phone tracking, there are special apps for keeping track of how your significant other spends their time when you're not around. One such program is VkurSe. With its help, you can read correspondence via SMS and popular instant messengers, listen to incoming and outgoing calls, know the location of the phone owner, etc. After installation, the application disguises itself as a system file and hides in the root folder of the device. Therefore it is difficult to detect.

IMPORTANT: But, before installing this application, think about whether you really want to know what your husband is doing in your absence? Is it worth ruining your marriage because of the information you might find out?

Is it legal to track a person by phone number without his consent?

Of course, you cannot follow a person without his consent. Therefore, the use of GPS trackers or special tracking software is prohibited. That is why all services of cellular operators of this kind require the mandatory approval of their use by the person whose location you want to know.

Video. How to Find a Person by Phone Number?