How to write in Slovak and capitalize letters. How to write a password in Latin letters and numbers: php regular expressions Cyrillic

Good day to everyone, my dear friends and readers of the blog site. It's probably happened to you that you were writing a word or sentence in Word, but suddenly you wanted to somehow highlight the text and make each letter in the text capitalize instead of lowercase. Or maybe vice versa? Have you written a text with Caps Lock held down and want to make all letters lowercase? So today I’ll show you how to make all letters capitalize in word and vice versa, in two ways at once.

Method No. 1

The easiest way, which will work in any version of Word, is to highlight the part of the text that you want to make completely capital, and then press the key combination SHIFT+F3. But what’s most interesting is that the case change occurs in two stages: first, only the first letters of each word become capitalized, and when pressed again, absolutely all letters become capitalized.

Method No. 2

The second method is even simpler than the first. You just need to select the fragment where you want to change the register, then go to the “Home” tab and click on the “Register” button. The screenshot below shows what it looks like. And here you are immediately given several options for the development of events. I won’t list them, everything should be clear.

Well, in general, if you decide to make all the characters in capitals, then do not forget to press the magic key before typing Caps Lock. Then you will no longer have to perform any manipulations with changing the register).

That's basically it. Now you know how to turn lowercase letters into capital letters, and I really hope that my article today helped you, so don’t forget to subscribe to updates on my blog articles. It will be interesting. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

The Latin alphabet was invented in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. e. Quite soon, this writing spread throughout the world and became the basis of most Romance, Germanic and other language groups. Latin writing is the basis for English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, Romanian, Lithuanian and many other languages, including the artificial language Esperanto. The only difference is that in different languages ​​the same letters of the base, Latin language, are called differently. And even if you don’t know this ancient language, you definitely won’t have any difficulties with how to write in Latin on the keyboard.

Words and phrases

The classical Latin alphabet consists of 26 letters, each of which is familiar to those who know at least a little English:

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

By the way, the sign W arose relatively recently, in the 11th century, in the writing of Germanic languages ​​(English, Dutch, Icelandic, etc.), therefore the letter W is sometimes not included in the Latin alphabet. Anyway, to write a Latin word in the text, just switch language layout from Russian to English. You can do it like this:

  • use a combination of “hot keys”;

To do this, you need to simultaneously press the Alt and Shift buttons (right or left). If you did everything correctly, the indicator in the lower or upper right corner of the screen should show a change from RU (RUS) to EN (ENG).

If this key combination does not work, try pressing Ctrl + Shift. By the way, you can change these parameters yourself (Language panel - Options - Switch keyboard).

If you are the proud owner of an Apple laptop, try the Command + Space or Option + Command + Space combinations.

  • click on the language layout indicator;

Left-click on this same RU (RUS) icon, in the menu that appears, select “English” (ENG) and put a tick in this line.

  • use the Punto Switcher program.

Thanks to this program, the keyboard layout automatically switches while typing. If the combination of letters turns out to be atypical for the language in which the characters are entered, the program switches the input language, erases what is printed and enters the correct word or text in the desired language. This way the user is not distracted by switching languages ​​and prints all the text in one layout without worrying about the quality of the letter.

By default, Punto Switcher offers a pair of English and Russian languages, but one of the latest versions for Mac OS Sierra (version 1.3.0) added Latin. However, the choice of the “Russian-Latin” pair is more likely justified if the required text is replete with Latin words and phrases.


Nowadays, Latin - or Roman - numerals are mostly used to display centuries, time on dials and ordinal numbers. Latin numbers are displayed in combinations of seven characters:

  • I - 1;
  • V-5;
  • X- 10;
  • L- 50;
  • C - 100;
  • D - 500;
  • M - 1000.

For example, the number 4 is designated as IV, and the number 300 is designated as CCC. If you find it difficult to convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals, use a number converter - you can easily find it on the Internet. There are several ways to enter Roman numerals into text.

Method No. 1. Letters

  1. Switch to English (see above how to do this);
  2. Press the CapsLock key so that all numbers are typed in capital letters;
  3. Enter the required letters and numbers.

Method No. 2. ASCII codes

  1. Activate the Num Lock mode (a separate key in the numeric keypad of the keyboard or a key combination Fn + F11, Fn + F8 or others for other keyboards);
  2. While holding down the ALT button, type one or more of the combinations below on the secondary keyboard (right on the keyboard or letter keys with small numbers on the main keyboard).

Method number 3. Word Features

Method No. 4. Large numbers

Sometimes users need to write a number greater than 1000 in Roman numerals. In order not to complicate the perception of the number with a long row of characters, you can use the generally accepted icon in the form of an underscore. The number or numbers that have this underscore are automatically multiplied by 1000.

To display an overline above a letter, you can do the following:

Method No. 5. Lists

If you need to insert a list into the text using Roman numerals, then use the sequence “Home - Paragraph - Numbering” and select the required option in the list that opens.

They once gave me a text typed in capital letters. It had to be turned into a normal form: the first letter of the sentence is capitalized, then all the letters are small. Manually sorting through is not an option. Firstly, the text is very long. Secondly, errors will probably appear. Changing the register is not difficult at all. This can be done in any modern text editor. I’ll show you using LibreOffice and current versions of Word as an example.

If you are running the latest versions LibreOffice: Writer, Calc, then select the text in the letters of which you need to change the case, then go to the menu “Format > Text”. There are five options for changing the case:
1) CAPITAL (all letters will turn into capital letters).
2) lowercase letters (all text will become lowercase).
3) As in sentences (the first letter after the period and at the beginning of the text will become capitalized).
4) Every Word Is Capitalized (each word will start with a capital letter).
5) SWITCH CASE (capitals will become lowercase and vice versa).
Using the Shift+F3 hotkeys, you can change the case in a circle.

If you are using Microsoft Word, you need to click on the Change Case (Aa) icon on the Home tab in the Font group. The keyboard shortcut Shift+F3 also works here. This is implemented in a similar way in Excel and PowerPoint.

You forgot about pressing CapsLock and typed an entire paragraph in capital letters. Is it really necessary to wash everything and refill it? Don't worry. This problem is easier to solve.

As you already understood, letters can be typed in high case, when all capitals (large) and in lower case (when small). Changing the case is very simple and does not require typing the entire text again.

To do this, just press Shift+F3 at the same time.

Changing the case of letters in Word 2007

Select the fragment in which you need to replace capital letters with lowercase ones, and press the Shift+F3 hotkeys (simultaneously the Shift key and the F3 key).

All letters became lowercase. But the trouble is - and those that are at the beginning of the sentence too.
Let's try to press the magic keys again. Now we have the result we need.

Well, to complete the experiment, you can click on them again and see that all the letters will become capital letters again. These are such useful hotkeys!

How to do this in Word 2003

Yes, exactly the same. The Shift+F3 hotkeys work great in this version of the program.
Conquer Word and see you again!

Many of us, when typing text in Word, do not think about subsequent formatting. What if you suddenly need to convert lowercase letters to uppercase or vice versa for an entire paragraph? Well, don’t type this text again. I would like to offer an easy way to make all letters capital or small in Word.

To change the case of letters in a Word document, select the text you want to change. Next go to the tab home, if it is not active and press the button Register.

In this case, select the desired type of letter case change from the drop-down menu:

  • As in sentences. The lowercase letter of the first word in the sentence will become capitalized.
  • all lower case. Converts every letter in the text to lowercase.
  • ALL CAPITAL. Converts every letter in the text to uppercase.
  • Start with Capitals. The first letter of each word will be capitalized
  • CHANGE CASE. Converts the first letter of each word to lowercase and capitalizes the remaining letters.

For example, if you forgot to turn off the key Caps Lock and without looking you typed a couple of sentences, then you will get something like:

Select the text and select the first option As in sentences. The letters will be in the correct case.

You can use the keyboard to convert capital letters to lowercase letters. To do this, select the text and click Alt + I to activate the tab home. Then click Alt+7, and then select the desired option using the cursor keys Up And Down or keys P(As in sentences) E(all lower case), IN(ALL CAPITAL), N(Start with Capitals), M(CHANGE CASE).

This is how easy it is to change the case of letters in Word and make the letters small or large.

By the way, the keyboard shortcut Shift + F3 allows you to select any register mode except the last one - CHANGE CASE, if you press this combination several times in turn.