The best sense for cs go. Sensing settings in CS:GO

But before moving on to the direct method of finding your sense, I would like to tell you about the things that are simply necessary in order for the setup process, and subsequently the game itself, to be as effective as possible. To make it convenient for you, I have broken everything down point by point. So, let's begin!


So, the first thing we need is a mouse. There are a lot of mice from different manufacturers on the gaming and computer equipment market. The minimum we need is a mouse that will fit comfortably in the hand and not cause discomfort. There’s simply no point in looking for the perfect sensor in a cheap mouse with a primitive sensor. But you shouldn’t buy expensive mice either. The ideal options, depending on your financial capabilities, would be mice in the mid-price range.

Such as:

  • Steelseries Rival
  • Razer DeathAdder
  • Zowie FK1

And others like them


A good mouse needs a good carpet. There is no point in buying a good, expensive mouse if you will crawl around on the table with it. Of course, some tables can interact normally with modern mice, but the effect will only be on specialized mouse pads. There are a huge number of carpets, as well as mice. There are different types of carpets: sewn, woven, plastic. You must choose the rug that you like. For us, the material from which the carpet is made is not so important. Its size is important to us. The carpet should under no circumstances restrict movement, so we take the largest one. The established carpet sizes, suitable for almost all players, are 300-400mm carpets.

Such as:

  • SteelSeries QcK
  • Razer Goliathus
  • ZOWIE 5J


You will need: a piece of paper, a pen, a calculator. Or a text file and a computer calculator, this is even more convenient, since the numbers will be quite long and it is much easier to work with them simply by copying and pasting as you go. Also important is maximum concentration, a serious approach and that nothing distracts you. The process can take up to two hours.

Technical side

Now very briefly about the mat part:
The first thing you should understand: DPI/CPI/PPI are all the same, this is the number of steps that the mouse takes per 1 inch. In the future, I will use the abbreviation DPI, simply because it is the most popular and understandable.

In-game sensitivity

Ingame sensitivity is the in-game sensitivity of the mouse. If DPI is a hardware characteristic, then ingame sensitivity and windows sensitivity are software characteristics that are superimposed on top of DPI. In order not to complicate all subsequent calculations, you must enable Raw input in the game settings. Thus, we exclude windows sensitivity from the sensor signal processing process, and we only have two parameters left - DPI and ingame sensitivity. In addition, be sure to turn off all possible accelerations, corner smoothing and other “auxiliary functions” in quotes, both in the CS:GO client itself and in the settings of Windows and mouse drivers.

Selecting DPI CS:GO

From this moment, when we have eliminated everything unnecessary, there are two parameters left to configure - DPI and Ingame sensitivity. Let's start with DPI. Frequently asked question: how to choose it? It all depends on the mouse, or rather on the sensor, each of which has its own ideal range of operation. Within which the best performance and maximum speed are achieved, without interpolation. In modern mice, you can safely select any value from 400 to 1000 DPI. If we set it higher or lower, then there is a chance of running into negative acceleration, which we obviously don’t want. To make it easier to navigate within sensitivity and DPI, there is a value called eDPI, which can be calculated simply by multiplying DPI by Ingame Sensitivity.

where you can view statistics, configs, devices and a bunch of other interesting information about current pro players. There is also an eDPI column, by which you can determine the conditional limits of the maximum and minimum, in which your final sense, ideally, should be located. Of course, all people are different and there are some who stand out from the general mass, but I still come from the majority. In general, a good site, I'll leave the link in the description. Since I will be going through the process of finding the senses with you, I chose DPI 400. You can choose any other value from 400 to 1000.

Search for starting sense

We have figured out everything except the most important thing - ingame sensibility. There are many methods for finding the ideal sensation, they all have pros and cons, and none guarantees success 100%. I chose in my opinion the most adequate one. The so-called progressive sensitivity technique. It is based on short tests and simple mathematical calculations. Let's go!

  • We launch the map de_Inferno in the game mode with bots
  • Join the Terrorist team
  • We enter the command mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1 in the console so that the next round does not start after the time has expired.

The first thing we need to do is find the starting sense at our DPI. We go into the house, stand opposite the partition, place the mouse at the edge of the rug, on the right or left (depending on whether you are left-handed or right-handed) and slowly move it in the opposite direction, right up to the end of the rug:

At the same time, adjusting the sense through the console so that by moving the mouse from edge to edge of the carpet, you make a U-turn and stop at the starting point. That is, a 360° turn. At my chosen DPI of 400 on the Razer Goliathus Control carpet, the starting sensitivity turned out to be 3.8.

First stage of screening

Whenever you move around the respawn, try to keep your sights on the head of the column as shown in the picture below. The most important thing is to take your time! To determine the value estimate, it is recommended to allocate about three to five minutes so that you can clearly determine which sense to cross out.

After assessing Low, we change Sensu to High, in my case it is 5.7, and in the same exact way, over the course of three to five minutes, we evaluate our comfort level. At the end, we cross out the value that we liked less. In my case, High turned out to be too fast, Low liked it better, so I cross out 5.7, leaving 1.9:

Now 1.9 becomes the Mid value, which I also divide by 2 to get the new Low and multiply by 1.5 to get the new High:

I evaluate each value received, crossing out the most uncomfortable. Lowe's 0.95 was too slow for me, so I cross it out, moving 1.9 and 2.85 to the second tuning step:

Second stage of screening

In the second stage of adjustment, the 1.9 sense is transferred to the Low position. Now Mid is the arithmetic mean of Low and High. That is (1.9 + 2.85) : 2 = 2.375

Having received the values, we return to the original testing of the Low and High senses at the top of the column. Again devoting at least 3-5 minutes to each value:

I liked 1.9 better, so I'm crossing out 2.85. Now I move Mid to High, again calculate the arithmetic mean and get a new value for Mid:

Then, like all the times before, I alternately test low and high, eventually crossing out the one I liked less. I liked 2,375 less, so I cross it out and repeat the cycle. I hope you understand the principle, now I repeat the operation until I understand that there is no difference between Low and High:

Final stage

These are the two meanings between which I no longer feel the difference.
I add it up for the last time and divide it by two and we get our Ideal Sensa!

The topic of setting up senses in cs go can be called eternal. In this article I will tell you how you can find your ideal sensu once and for all.

Before we get into how to find your sense, I'd like to talk about a few things that will help you be as productive as possible. The first such thing is a mouse. There are hundreds of different mice on the market now. The minimum required is a comfortable mouse with the ability to change dpi. There is no point in spending money on a mega expensive mouse - take a mouse in the middle price range that you like.

The second thing is a good rug. There's no point in buying an expensive mouse and playing on a bare desk. Of course, some manage to play this way, but you will be able to achieve maximum efficiency on the mat. There are also a lot of mouse pads, so at first it is not clear how to choose one.

The material of the rug is not that important. You can take the cloth. Its size is much more important - it should be large so that you are not constrained in your movements.

Setting up the perfect sensor

Now let's talk about the technical side of the issue. A parameter such as dpi is important here. I won’t explain it scientifically, I’ll put it simply. Essentially, dpi is the speed of the mouse. When it decreases/increases, the mouse becomes either faster or slower.

Mouse sensitivity is a parameter that affects the number of mouse revolutions required for the player model to make a 360-degree turn. Those. how many times will we have to move the mouse so that our player can eventually turn around completely?

Next there is such a moment. Have you noticed that if you come to a friend’s house, with the same sensor and dpi settings, the mouse speed is still different? The reason may be that it is also affected by windows settings if they are not disabled. Therefore, before setting up the sensor, you need to go to the cs go settings and turn off raw input. You should also disable mouse acceleration if it is enabled.

How to pick up Sensu in cs go

Each player decides for himself what sense to bet. There is no perfect sensor that will suit everyone. Some resort to some kind of mathematical formulas, but we will not go into such jungle.

I heard this advice from the canopy - stand up straight and start spinning 360 degrees. Move the mouse from the left edge of the mat to the right. The player needs to turn 180 degrees. Those. select the sensor and dpi so that the player model makes exactly a semicircle. And then you can play with the sensation until it becomes comfortable for you. Personally, I chose it this way.

How to install Sensu in cs go

To install the sense you need, just open the console and enter the command:

If you need to put a value below 1, then write 0.9, 0.5, etc. Dpi is adjusted directly on the mouse (usually the buttons next to the wheel).

Greetings friends! In this article I will tell you how to set up sensor in CS:GO. The article will only talk about software settings for the mouse on a PC and in the game itself; at the moment I will not touch on topics about choosing a mouse.

So, there are two places where you can adjust the sensitivity for CS:GO. The first is on the computer itself, and the second in CS:GO. You need to start setting up from a PC.

Setting up Sensa on PC

We go to the toolbar and look for the inscription and mouse icon (any version of Windows has this setting). Click on it and go to the “Pointer Options” tab

Here we need:

1. Set the speed of the mouse movement. There may be a lot of advice on this matter, but it is still most convenient to set the value that will be more convenient for you when working in the Windows environment.

2. Uncheck the box for increasing the accuracy of pointer placement, or as it is also called mouse acceleration. In the settings you can configure various mouse settings, including double-click speed.

This method is suitable for a simple mouse with regular drivers. If you have a mouse with its own drivers (for example, Razer), then they have their own software for setting up the mouse.

Sensing settings in CS:GO

The easiest way is to go to settings - keyboard/mouse and change the value to the desired one. If you choose the meaning for yourself, then this is not an easy task. Change the values ​​and try which one is more convenient for you.

Here we also need to disable mouse acceleration.
There are also several console commands for setting up CS:GO sensors, which will help with mouse settings

This is your sense in the game, it changes to the desired value.

Teams will ignore the settings configured on the PC and will only take into account settings inside CS:GO

Removes mouse acceleration
And a short video on setting up CS:GO from Zeus:

That's all, if you still have any questions, ask in the comments. Thank you for your attention! Good game!

To improve the level of your game you need not only to have, but also to properly configure your mouse for sure victory. But how to adjust mouse sensitivity in CS:GO? We offer the optimal solution to this issue. Just read the article and set the necessary settings.

Mouse sensitivity settings

eDPI(effective Dots Per Inch, translated as “real sense”) is the DPI of the mouse combined with sensitivity in the game. Finding out the eDPI value is quite easy. You should multiply your mouse's DPI by its sensitivity.

Let's say you have 500 DPI on your mouse, and in the game the sensitivity is set to 2. Multiply 500 by 2, we get 1000. This number is your real “sense” (eDPI). For normal gaming, the eDPI value should be set between 1000 and 1600.

DPI(Dots Per Inch) – determines the sensitivity of mouse movement. For example, a mouse has 400 dpi, then it will pass 400 pixels for every 2.52 cm. If you are using a non-widescreen resolution, then the DPI should be 400 or 800 so that the mouse does not lose some pixels. If you use a widescreen and high resolution monitor, then the DPI value should reach 1600.

Sensitive– mouse sensitivity in game. Individual parameter. Each player selects the value for himself using the console command:

Sensetivity "number"

Indicate acceptable sensitivity experimentally. Keep in mind that your eDPI should not exceed 1600.

Zoom Sensitivity– adapts mouse sensitivity at the moment when the zoom (sight) in a sniper rifle is activated. To configure this option, use the console command:

Zoom_sensitivity_ratio "number"

Select this parameter at your discretion. Most “pro-players” leave the standard value:

Zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1

Hertz mouse, mouse acceleration and direct connection

Mouse Hz– Mouse polling frequency sets how often the mouse will send data about itself to the PC.

Mice have different meanings. For example, 125 Hz will update the transmitted data every 8 ms, 500 HZ every 2 ms and 1000 Hz every millisecond. The difference between 125 and 500 is quite significant. There is almost no difference between 500 and 1000, considering that some mice have problems at 1000 Hz, because of this, “pro players” prefer to play at 500 hertz (Hz). This option can be changed in your mouse's firmware or driver.

Mouse acceleration

We recommend turning off this option. Because when this option is enabled, you will not be able to stably control the mouse at the same level. The more you move the mouse to either side of the mat, the faster the mouse cursor will move.

Direct connection

We recommend turning this setting on. When direct connection is activated, it will ignore settings from the mouse drivers or OS and use only the factory mouse settings, hardwired at the hardware level, which are used by default.

Write information on supplementing the article and questions in the comments.

Mouse settings- the first thing you should think about when playing absolutely any shooter. Constantly move aim, and aiming at the enemy model is very important. And the faster the player points the weapon at the enemy, the sooner he will be able to shoot. That is why correctly selected sensitivity is the most important factor in shooting.

Adjust mouse sensitivity for CS:GO can be done in two ways:

In the game itself;
. In the windows control panel menu.

Adjusting sensitivity within the game is extremely easy. Just go to the settings, the keyboard and mouse field, and the sensitivity field.

By pulling the slider, you can increase or reduce sensation. You can customize your mouse in CS:GO down to hundredths. This allows adjust speed to the slightest hesitation.

Setting up a mouse in Windows- a more clumsy process. Instead of a range of 1-20, which is broken down to hundredths, the user is presented with a range of 1-11 in increments of 1.
The main thing to do when setting up a mouse this way is: disable acceleration. This function allows, at some points, to increase the speed of mouse movement on the screen during large turns.

Of course, this is not necessary for professionals who have spent hundreds of hours fully studying the movements of their mouse in a given situation at the level of muscle memory.

Where to go? Start-Control Panel-Mouse-Pointer Options. The speed is set there. Also, do not uncheck the “Enable increased pointer precision” checkbox. This function also allows you to better aim and hit not only icons, but also opponents in games.

How to choose mouse sensitivity

Now about which sensor is better to choose. Technical mouse settings- the least of the troubles. Professionals recommend choosing a mouse sensitivity that, when moving from one edge of the mat to the other, allows the model to turn completely.

So, for large tables with a lot of free space, the sensitivity should be small, and the player’s hand should literally fly all over the table. If the mat is small, you need to take a higher sensitivity.

But this is a bit of a formulaic approach. It is also worth considering that snipers are much better off high mouse sensitivity, because they have to flick a lot (sharply move the sight to a quarter/half of the screen). For those who prefer to hit the enemy, a large sense will allow you to better control your spray. And those who try to shoot with tapping or short bursts, on the contrary, will need a little sensitivity to aim the head.

But almost all professional players prefer low sensitivity. Rarely does anyone have it more than 3.0, and most generally prefer 1.20-1.50.

This is due to the fact that such sensitivity allows you to select the aiming location with great accuracy. And coupled with a small scope, this gives simply stunning results.

Sense selection- everyone's personal business. You need to decide, play for a few days in order to understand which sensitivity is most suitable.

A few words about acceleration

Mouse acceleration- a kind of acceleration in critical situations. When the user tries to suddenly move the mouse over a long distance, the system automatically adjusts and increases the speed of the cursor. This is convenient for inexperienced users who have no idea which side to approach the computer from. But for a seasoned gamer, especially in CS, acceleration is death.

Let's consider an example - they suddenly start shooting at you from the left side. You instinctively begin to turn and are almost aiming at the model when the caring acceleration system speeds up your turn to almost 360 degrees, causing you to die. Not the brightest prospect, is it?

That is why acceleration needs to be removed initially. You can do this in the following way: Settings - Keyboard and mouse - mouse acceleration option - off. Acceleration is disabled.

How to get used to a new sensation

Any player who has at least once changed the sensitivity of his mouse imagines that he then has to get used to the new shooting style for several hours, or even days. But is it possible to somehow improve and speed up the adaptation process?

Going to public, deathmatch or competitive mode is stupid, because you will show much worse results than usual. Fortunately, there is a map training_aim_csgo, which is ideal for this. On it you can get used to your sense literally in 20-30 minutes.

A little about devices

Change mouse speed- one of the options for optimizing your gaming device. But you can't do anything about a bad mouse that feels awkward in your hand. Also, you always need a mat, but not one made of latex - the device literally slides on it. There are no special tips or suggestions when choosing a mouse - just choose the one that will suit you fits perfectly in your hand.

Some say that devices don't solve the problem. And these people are right. But you can get a slight advantage because of a comfortable mouse.
Mouse settings- an extremely important, but not complicated process. It is enough to decide on your playing style, and then you will understand what sensitivity is needed for this. You play with AVP, flick and often turn around - make the most of it.

If you prefer long distances and aiming at the head with an assault rifle, reduce it all the way. Everything is simple, logical and understandable.