Scheme of communication between all YouTube bloggers. Best for Blogger

Famous You Tube bloggers today are some of the most popular people on the Internet. Their earnings are legendary. As reported by Bloomberg, many schoolchildren from 6 to 17 years old dream of becoming a blogger in the future. For example, in Britain every third child wants to become a blogger.

    • Blogger is profitable: 5 reasons to start your own blog
    • How much can you earn from a video blog?
    • How to make money on video blogs: 5 steps to success
    • How to monetize a blog: 3 ways to make money on YouTube
    • All the secrets of a popular blog

In Russia, video bloggers have also become idols for both children and older people. Vlogging becomes not only an exciting hobby and an opportunity to earn extra money, but can also turn into the main source of income.

Blogger is profitable: 5 reasons to start your own blog

When J. Barger and D. Hall started their weblog several years ago, no one suspected that blogging would become one of the most prestigious and popular types of business with minimal investment (if you were lucky). The share of luck and the quality of the content you offer is almost on the same level with the mega activity of SMM. So, if you are a creative person and are ready to learn a lot and move forward, then a blog is what you need. With a blog you can:

  1. Form public opinion.
    The blogosphere is a platform where you can influence people’s opinions and preferences. News flashing on popular blogs is immediately picked up by the entire Internet.
  2. Inform people and expand their horizons.
    Any blogger shares his experience with viewers and provides additional information.
  3. Create.
    Even the simplest blog requires a lot of effort and creativity. The viewer should be interested in what you do.
  4. Blog from almost anywhere on the planet.
    You will not be tied to any city. You can blog from any country and any place, any computer and even from a smartphone.
  5. Get by with minimal investment.
    Blogging is one of those types of business that does not require large financial costs, and therefore is accessible even to children.

How much can you earn from a video blog?

Many people think that only famous politicians or show business stars can have millions of subscribers. In reality, only 3% of bloggers earn big (very big) money. But, by the way, many of them were completely unknown when they decided to start their blog. Moreover, even young parents who simply show off their baby’s tricks or let’s play can earn millions. For example, the parents of a six-year-old boy, Ryan, who created the Ryan ToysReview channel, received an income of $11 million last year.

Although for many bloggers $500 would be a good amount. It is important to understand that investing time in a channel should pay off, unless it is your hobby. A striking example of this is “World of My Tanks” and similar channels that can be created by an amateur. They are not aimed at direct monetization, but attract a lot of attention from thematically interested viewers.

How to make money on video blogs: 5 steps to success

The blogosphere today is developing very quickly, and even schoolchildren have their own blogs. However, not everyone succeeds in becoming a popular and sought-after blogger with millions of views. It would seem that becoming a blogger is as easy as shelling pears: you look at the request - how to open your own channel on YouTube, you find out that you need to regularly make interesting videos and start working. But in fact, to achieve success you need to be able to:

  • set a goal and work towards it;
  • plan your time wisely;
  • overcome difficulties and solve problems immediately after they arise, without postponing “for later”;
  • pay attention to subscribers and useful people;
  • be able to act “here and now.”

If you are ready for this, let's look at how you can start a blog and what is needed for this.

Choosing a Niche

Blog design and content

It is very important to design your blog correctly, since attracting users depends on it. Particular attention should be paid to the title and preview. The header title must contain a key phrase that will help promote your video. The preview (description) will also contain the same phrase. This is a condition for promotion.

Where to look for key phrases for the header, description and tags? To do this, you can use Google AdWords, where you can find keyword ideas and work with them.

There are other services. First of all, those that serve to view keywords from other bloggers will help. The easiest option is to go to the video of your topic via Google and click on “page source code”. A tab will appear in which you need to press “Ctrl+F” and then enter the word “keyword”s. After that, you will see the desired keywords.

You can also use such services as, for example: SpyWords,,,, But one of the main conditions for promotion is blog content. It is necessary to constantly update high-quality videos and actively interact with the audience. If your goal is to make money, subscribers will quickly understand this and leave your channel.

In addition to search engine optimization, you need to invest some time in the design of the video blog. Look at the starter how to make an intro for your channel. A high-quality screensaver will make you remember, which is important for any blogging.

Channel promotion

Unfortunately, the affiliate program on YouTube only works on popular channels with over 1000 subscribers and X thousands of hours of views (time may change). Moreover, the requirements for content quality (watching time) have become more stringent this year. It is now possible to quickly get promoted mainly through viral content or advertising.

  • use the “subscribe to channel” button;
  • leave links to videos on forums and social networks;
  • include the maximum number of keywords in the description;
  • add more videos;
  • create viral videos;
  • keep up to date with the latest information and news;
  • attract viewers from other countries.

Communication with subscribers

It is important to establish feedback with subscribers and viewers. A blogger needs to love his audience, and then the audience is likely to respond in kind. At the initial stage, you can ask them to simply like the video. But this is not enough. You need to answer questions, ask about their interests, etc. Your viewers are the key to your future popularity.

Working on the popularity of the channel

In order for a channel to become popular, you need to find an interesting idea for a video or present it in an interesting form, different from competitors’ videos. It is equally important not to be afraid to talk about yourself, how you perceive the world, you can even leave your contacts, which will inspire the trust of users. And be sure to make interesting, high-quality videos as often as possible. This is the key to your future success.

Blogging, like any job, requires a lot of effort, time and money. Be prepared to only invest in your blog for the first year. And you can also acquire not only enthusiastic subscribers, but also haters who are ready to throw mud at your blog. And you will need to study and study again to make your blog really interesting and attract network users.

How to monetize a blog: 3 ways to make money on YouTube

There are several ways to monetize a channel, but we will focus on the most basic ones.

  1. Affiliates. To do this, you need to find affiliate programs that have offers close to the topic of your blog. Some affiliate programs also provide assistance in blog promotion and a free media library, so cooperation will be mutually beneficial. It’s better to start with the VSP Group affiliate program, which is a YouTube certification partner and opens up all the possibilities of a premium YouTube account.
  2. Direct advertising. If the channel is popular, advertisers will come to you. But if there is no popularity yet, you can try to reach them.
    You can also use advertisements from famous YouTubers. Another opportunity for promotion is to buy a pre-roll or post-roll, which is a short video of 20-30 seconds, likes, comments. Adding to playlists, screensavers.
  3. Google Adsense. The company's official contextual advertising service, which gives more than 60% of its income to bloggers or webmasters. You need to register your adsense and connect it to the channel. After approval, videos with advertising will begin to be shown on your channel. For payments, you can open a dollar account and receive transfers to it. Although there is a commission here.

All the secrets of a popular blog

Irene Vladi, a famous beauty blogger with about 160 thousand subscribers and 15,000,000 views, started blogging in an attempt to overcome her fear of the camera. Today she is not only a famous blogger, but also the author of the television project “BlogShow Irene Vladi”

So what does it take to be popular? We offer you advice from Irene Vladi

Irene thinks that it is necessary to attract the viewer with interesting content. If she herself were not truly interested in makeup, cosmetics, cooking and other feminine tricks, she would not have had so many subscribers. Success, Irene believes, can only be achieved in a business that you are good at and that you like. You need to put a lot of work into it. Any content is good if it carries development.

Modern viewers need relevant and high-quality content. It’s no longer uncommon to need to create almost television-quality videos. And we have to take this into account.

Irene advises a novice blogger that if you want to become popular, you need to follow the wave of trends.

Most viewers of your channel are interested in your view of events, new products, and indeed everything related to the topic you have chosen. If you respect YouTube trends, YouTube respects you. It’s worth remembering the many seemingly similar videos from top, and not only, bloggers. Each of them shows their opinion, receiving views and likes in return. Since YouTube has its own laws, you need to work according to them.

If you have chosen a clothing direction for yourself, then you need to focus on this topic, telling viewers about new products, hype, and trends. Not necessarily before everyone else, your opinion may appear later, the main thing is that it is yours.

Irene believes that those who are too vulnerable and take all the reviews about their blog to heart have nothing to do in the blogosphere. Haters and trolls are part of social networks. For every 1000 of your subscribers, there will definitely be 10 people who will not like even the best review, and guess who will make a stronger statement. These 10 people or 100 of your fans? You need to get used to unfounded or justified negativity. You may not answer, not pay attention, or, on the contrary, waste your nerves in an argument with them. Remember, this is your opinion and others may not like it. People who throw mud at you have one goal - to defuse the negativity at someone else's expense. Sometimes it is better to delete a blatantly dirty comment and block the commenter than to argue with them.

Irene does not think about competition, although it is not easy to withstand. But she says that the main thing is to keep up with the times and be able to adapt to changes in time.

We can add from ourselves that talent and charisma are wonderful, but patience and work are needed, without which it is impossible to promote the channel. You need inspiration and motivation, you need to think that the next video will definitely work, even if the last one was a complete fiasco. More positivity and self-confidence - and you will succeed.

screenshot from YouTube

YouTube is no longer just entertainment for schoolchildren, but a real political tool: in recent months, even oppositionist Alexei Navalny and oligarch Alisher Usmanov have become video bloggers. At the same time, it is not they who are gaining millions of views, but young people playing video games, performing stand up and making videos on how to apply cosmetics correctly. The first place in the top 100 of Russian YouTube is occupied by “EeOneGuy” (Ivangai) - the channel of 21-year-old video blogger Ivan Rudsky, who has already collected more than 11.6 million subscribers with videos about his life and earned money to move to Los Angeles! For those who don’t scour YouTube, we have prepared a selection of 11 video bloggers whose names it’s shameful not to know today.

If you don't understand any words, there is a dictionary at the end.


Who it: Ivan Rudskoy is a Ukrainian and Russian let's player and video blogger. Now lives in Los Angeles.

He makes lifestyle blogs: he sings in videos, plays computer games, does something for a bet, answers questions from subscribers, records parodies. According to media reports, the main audience of the channel is teenage girls.

Ivan Rudsky's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: 11.6 million people.

What he became famous for: played Minecraft, reviewed games, recorded the track “The Nerd’s Song.”

Most popular video: #Do it your way— 30.5 million views.

Political position: in April 2017, accused Ivangay of actively posting “anti-Russian pictures” on social networks three years ago, and subsequently erased the entries.

In August 2016, he surpassed Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the number of subscribers on VKontakte, commenting on this event with the post: “There is no second place, but you are hanging in there. All the best to you, good mood and health.”

Quote:“Hayu-hai, Ivangai is with you!”

Max +100500

Who it: Maxim Golopolosov is a 27-year-old video blogger, author and host of the show “+100500”, which airs on the AdamThomasMoran channel.

Max Golopolosov's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers:“AdamThomasMoran” - 8.2 million people, fifth place in the top YouTube among Russian-language channels. Max also has a personal channel "MoranDays"(1.1 million subscribers), where he mainly talks about travel.

What he became famous for: Max is a real “dinosaur” of YouTube. He was one of the first in Russia to start making video reviews. For many years now (since 2010), once a week Max has been making collections of the funniest, most ridiculous and interesting videos. His show is the Russian version of Ray William Johnson's show “Equals Three” (“=3”). Just a few months after the first release, Max gained popularity.

Main features: The show is filmed against a leopard print backdrop. This, the only thing that Max and his friends came across when creating the first videos, eventually became the signature feature of the program.

Max shows different videos and then peppers them with his ironic comments. There is a lot of swearing in the releases.

Most popular video: Episodes of the show consistently receive millions of views. The most popular of them called “Loch!..! (person of non-traditional sexual orientation)" released 6 years ago, to date it has been watched by more than 12 million people. The issue included, in particular, a funny interview that gave rise to several memes, including: “Bom-bom, got it, no?”, “No, well, you’re an Indian.”

Political position: Max noted that he tries to stay away from politics. At the same time, the show contains videos on political topics. For example, in one of them, Max ridiculed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who found it difficult to give an interview and answer a simple question.

Kate Clapp

Who is she: Katya Klap (in the world Ekaterina Trofimova, 24 years old) is the “grandmother” of Russian YouTube. Your first channel "FoggyDisaster" started it back in 2008. On it, Katya posts comedy sketches, musical parodies of show business stars, reviews of films and books.

She launched her second YouTube channel, TheKateClapp, in 2010. Here Klap shares videos with his subscribers about travel, everyday life, cosmetics, food, cats and “girl problems” (how to deal with acne and build love with a guy), and also answers questions.

Katya Klap's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: the FoggyDisaster channel has 1.6 million subscribers, and the TheKateClapp channel has more than 5.5 million.

What she became famous for: Um, it's hard to say. She says that Jesus himself motivates her to make videos.

Most of all, Katya’s subscribers love her sketch show “Challenge Accepted.” The essence of the show is that Clap fulfills the requests of his subscribers (sometimes very strange). For example, Katya Klap can eat a few hot peppers or a couple of lemons in front of the camera, apply makeup without a mirror, or wrap herself in a carpet.

Main features: Clap's videos always have a lot of pink, glitter, toys, cute girly trinkets and just tons of cosmetics (pink eye shadow, pink blush, pink lipstick).

Most popular video: Katya Klap's most popular video is about how she gets ready in the morning: waking up, eating breakfast, putting on makeup. That's all. The video “My Morning” has already been watched by 8.1 million people.

Quote:“Stay positive and creative, all the best to you!”

Sasha Spielberg

Who is she: Sasha Spielberg (Alexandra Balkovskaya, 20 years old) - video blogger, singer, gamer. Spielberg started her YouTube channel in May 2010, when she was only 13 years old. She shot her first videos in English - these were video greetings for her friends from Cyprus.

According to unconfirmed information, Sasha Spielberg’s father is Alexander Balkovsky, co-owner of the Z-Agency studio (a division of Timur Bekmambetov’s film company Bazelevs, which deals with advertising and promotion on social networks and YouTube). On Russian YouTube, there is an opinion that Sasha Spielberg is not a “blogger of the people,” but simply a successfully completed social project of her father, whose business is affiliated with the authorities. Hardcore YouTubers are sure that Spielberg’s subscribers are screwed, because many of her videos receive more dislikes than likes.

Now Sasha Spielberg films and uploads videos on her channel about how she spends hours playing The Sims, discusses where she gets so many strange cosmetics from, shares her dreams, and also publishes her videos.

Speaking of dreams: two months ago Sasha posted one of the most talked about videos - bathing in a bathtub with chips. In the video, Spielberg admits that it was her dream to bathe in her favorite chips.

Sasha Spielberg's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: 4.9 million people.

What she became famous for: Sasha Spielberg began to be recognized not only by teenage girls after the video blogger began dating politicians and spoke in the State Duma.

Political position: In March, Sasha Spielberg took part in a meeting of YouTubers dedicated to the issues of popularizing education and culture among young people. The meeting was organized by Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky. With him in April, Sasha Spielberg wrote a mi-mi-mi-blog, where she asked the minister about her first kiss and, at the same time, actively supported the projects of the Ministry of Culture.

On May 22, Sasha Spielberg made a triumphant speech from the State Duma rostrum. Many bloggers on YouTube, journalists and ordinary viewers criticized the girl and even accused her of hypocrisy. Thus, Sasha Spielberg stated that she has been “transparent since she was 13 years old” and actively communicates with her subscribers, which is what she recommended to the people’s representatives. It’s just that on Sasha Spielberg’s YouTube channel all comments are closed, as well as on her other social networks.

Most popular video: video in a duet with the famous DJ Leonid Rudenko “Melt the Ice”. The clip was watched by 11.9 million people.

Quote:“I’m not a supporter of extremes... rallies over the fact that someone is wearing yellow sneakers” (about Alexei Navalny’s FBK investigative film “He’s Not Dimon to You”).

Nikolay Sobolev

Who it: 23-year-old Nikolai Sobolev is one of the authors and founders of the prank project “Rakamakafo Pranks”, as well as the host of the channel “SOBOLEV” (“Life YouTube”).

Ivangay (in one of the last videos Nikolai Sobolev stated that Ivangay is a drug addict. However, in the next video Sobolev said that he was wrong and apologized to the gamer).

Most popular video: on the channel “Rakamakafo” - video "Fight with a girl"(11 million views). In the author’s blog “SOBOLEV” there is a video about “Blue Whales” (9 million).

Main features: Nikolai Sobolev is an intelligent, handsome YouTube guy who records all his videos against a brick wall in fashionable jackets and with perfect hair.

Quote:“My secret is that I simply have an unbreakable belief in myself, and no one has ever been able to prove to me that I can’t do something. I am Nikolai Sobolev. And I can do anything!”

Yury Khovansky

Who it: 27-year-old video blogger, the first stand-up comedian on the RuNet, one of the judges of Versus Battle, an aspiring rapper.

Yuri Khovansky's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: 2.8 million people.

What he became famous for: Initially, his stand-up show “Russian Stand-up” was not very popular, but with the support of video blogger Ilya Maddison and thanks to a huge number of conflicts, Khovansky gradually acquired an audience of millions.

Khovansky is one of the most scandalous bloggers on the Runet. He publicly insulted Viktor Tsoi and Pot. In 2014, after a spat on Twitter, he called out Black Star Inc label member Christina Si on Versus. Instead of a battle, the girl recorded a video “Yurik”, which received almost 5.8 million views, with the message “You went against the Armenians in vain.” Later, Khovansky said that Christina “set” the “Armenian mafia” on him - two guys beat him in the front door.

In addition to the scandal with Christina Si, Khovansky has a protracted conflict with Noize MC. The performer did not react to this for a long time, but during Versus Main Event 2, which took place on the roof of a high-rise building in St. Petersburg, Noize approached and hit the comedian in the face. Khovansky tried to answer, but they were quickly separated. This did not stop Yura; he continues to dedicate video clips to Noize MC.

Khovansky has a serious conflict with video blogger Dmitry Larin. After a series of mutual insults, the climax of their showdown was battle lisping Khovansky with burry Larin at the Versus site. The video unexpectedly became the second most popular during the entire existence of the project (currently the number of video views is 31.3 million). Khovansky emerged victorious from the fight: all three judges gave him the championship.

Main features: Khovansky is a well-known lover of beer and alcohol in general (he drinks in almost all videos, he even hosts a show about cocktails, Russian Drink Time).

Most popular video: the release of Versus appeared on the Internet in March 2016, and already in October Khovansky imagined himself to be a real rapper and, in the wake of the hype, recorded a video "Dad is in the building" with 27.8 million views. This is currently the most popular video on his channel.

In November, Yura made a diss track against Noize MC "Noise"(almost 14.2 million more views). This caused a negative reaction from the popular rapper Oxxxymiron: who had previously been on friendly terms with Khovansky, Miron wrote on Twitter that Yura “played too much” and “a blogger, in principle, cannot present anything to a creator (even a weak one) on his own field.” Yura also benefited from this situation - he shot an ironic video "Forgive me, Oksimiron"- almost 25.9 million views.

Two more of Khovansky’s videos have about 14 million views. This is a parody of the song “The Ice Is Melting” - “And Khovansky drinks beer” and a joint video with Dmitry Malikov “Ask Your Mom”.

Political position: Khovansky noted that one cannot be apolitical to everything that happens, while it is very difficult for a creative person to speak out without being accused of “excessive opposition or, on the contrary, Putinism.” “I don’t understand how people have so much time to look for political subtext in any nonsense,” said the video blogger.

At the same time, he has a comic song about Putin with the words “Putin is the start of censorship on the Internet, Putin is the best thing on the planet.”

In June 2014, Khovansky was the author of a petition to the Ministry of Health demanding that State Duma deputy Elena Mizulina be checked for mental health because of her “absurd bills,” including statements from the cycle “to ban absolutely everything on the Internet.” In a short time, the petition received more than 116 thousand signatures.

Quote:"I'll be a gangster!"

Eldar Dzharakhov

Who it: 22-year-old video blogger, musician.

Dzharakhov publishes lifestyle blogs, records sketches, shoots video clips as part of the “Successful Group” and the “Click-Clack” team with Ilyich (Little big). A month ago I participated in Versus BPM with another video blogger - Dmitry Larin (the third most popular battle in the history of Versus - 19.3 million views). The victory was not awarded to anyone (but, in our humble opinion, Dzharakhov won - Larin constantly forgot the words, missed the beats and eventually gave birth to a new meme about 2015).

Eldar Dzharakhov's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: about 1.8 million people (another 2.2 million people are channel subscribers "Successful group", which included Dzharakhov and his friend Alexander Smirnov - Sasha Tilex).

What he became famous for: The first success came to Dzharakhov and Tileks in 2012, when they recorded the anthem of the popular public “MDK” (more than 6 million views on YouTube) and the community began to support young performers.

Political position: on Twitter in March, Dzharakhov advised subscribers to show their parents “a film about Dimon” if they had not already seen it. He called Navalny’s election campaign... (awesome), noting that it was “interesting to watch.” He expressed surprise that the media were silent about the rallies that took place in the country on March 26.

Eldar Dzharakhov was associated with the reason for the removal of the video “Hitler 1945/Navalny 2018 - We can repeat it!” from YouTube. His representative denied Eldar’s connection with the creation and deletion of the video.

Druzhko Show

Who it: 48-year-old Sergei Druzhko made a bomb comeback. Do you remember his imperishable program on TNT “Inexplicable, but true”, where Druzhko with a poker face talked about UFOs and the humanoid Alyoshenka? In April 2017, Sergey Druzhko became the host on the YouTube channel Druzhko Show (the production of which is indirectly supported by Life). In the show, Druzhko actually parodies himself. He speaks deliberately seriously about frivolous and sometimes stupid trends on the Internet. Sergei Druzhko is looking for mysticism and universal conspiracy everywhere and closely monitors fluctuations on the memes exchange.

Sergei Druzhko's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: In just one month of existence, more than 2.5 million people have subscribed to this channel! Bloggers from Russian YouTube have been gathering such an audience for years.

Main features: charisma! And some mystical music in the background.

Most popular video: the first episode of the Druzhko Show - 13.4 million people.

Quotes (turned memes):“Easy”, “Sergey Druzhko is with you. Let's hype a little?", "Strong statement. Of course, I won’t check it.”


Who it: Dmitry Larin (according to some sources, Utkin) is a video blogger, author of the show “Larin Against”, the video chat “Night on Earth”, “What to Read”, “Larin Walks” and others.

screenshot from YouTube

Number of subscribers: just over 2 million people.

What he became famous for: criticism of other video bloggers. His first surge in popularity came from a video about Andrei Nefedov.

Larin gained real fame after a conflict with video blogger Yuri Khovansky. Larin also competed against Eldar Dzharakhov (with Khovansky and Dzharakhov there were Versus battles with millions of views) and Nikolai Sobolev (the latter even recorded a video challenging Larin to a battle, but Dmitry refused).

Main features: burr, the image of an intellectual, bile and cynicism, classic suits.

Most popular video:#LARINPOTIV - Yuri Khovansky's video challenge on Versus, received more than 19 million views.

Political position: called the cult of Victory in the Great Patriotic War “terrible.” He stated that he supported the accusations in the situation with the case of blogger Ruslan Sokolovsky. “The law is the law, whatever it may be,” noted Larin.

At the end of May 2017, in one of his streams he refused to talk about the authorities and Alexei Navalny. “I don’t care about politics,” Larin said. He does not consider it right to “instill a subjective opinion regarding such large-scale processes,” since many people listen to him.

Quote:“I despise you, scum.”

Khach's Diary

Who it: 31-year-old Amiran Sardarov is, according to some sources, a Yazidi Kurd by nationality. He is very proud of his origins. Sardarov does not have a school certificate - he completed only three grades of primary school.

In June 2015, he created a channel where he began to tell subscribers in a diary format about his life together with his best friends T-Killah (singer Alexander Tarasov) and Oleg Miami.

Sardarov, Tarasov and Miami film their dialogues, reviews of new sports cars, interviews with successful businessmen and media managers. In the “Diary of a Vacationer” section, Tarasov and Miami talk about travel. At the same time, Sardarov has not been able to obtain Russian citizenship for several years and has never been abroad.

Amiran Sardarov often holds charity events, helps children with incurable diseases, gives them gifts, organizes holidays, concerts or races for them in evening Moscow.

Amiran Sardarov's VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: 2 million people.

Main features: Amiran Sardarov wears exclusively black and white T-shirts of the same model, drives a blue BMW i8, dates only girls of model appearance, and denies love.

Amiran Sardarov's laughter is like the cry of a wounded seagull. It's so funny that the blogger created another channel in 2015 "Chaika Warehouse", where he uploads backstage from video filming for the main channel.

Amiran Sardarov launched a flash mob #daihachu some time ago, attracting famous people to interviews. The founder of the media holding NewsMedia (Life) Aram Gabrelyanov and the head of Tinkoff Bank Oleg Tinkov have already given the idea.

Most popular video: Amiran and T-Killah’s video “It’s normal” - 17.5 million views.


Who it: Evgeny Bazhenov is a 26-year-old video blogger, film critic, and stand-up comedian. He created the YouTube channel in 2011. Bazhenov shows reviews of domestic and (much less often) foreign films. The tone of all BadComedian reviews is critical. Most often, the blogger unleashes a barrage of criticism on comedies directed by Zhora Kryzhovnikov and films starring actor and bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky.

It’s safe to say that BadComedian is now the main film critic of Russian YouTube.

Evgeniy Bazhenov’s VKontakte page

Number of subscribers: 1.9 million people.

What he became famous for: openly speaks his opinion about Russian films. Not everyone liked such frankness. Thus, actor-bodybuilder Alexander Nevsky called BadComedian a hater, and Mikhail Galustyan said that Bazhenov’s criticism is “unconstructive.” True, there are those who liked BadComedian’s criticism - rapper Basta and singer Alexei Vorobyov.

Main features: BadComedian takes a very detailed approach to the study of all films. In his own words, he watches each film at least three times to notice all the details.

Most popular video: BadComedian's review of the film "Hack the Bloggers" - more than 5.7 million views.

Ruslan Sokolovsky

Another popular blogger of recent times has become Ruslan Sokolovsky. He was not among the top ten popular bloggers (he currently has 384 thousand subscribers on his personal channel), but after his arrest and criminal prosecution he became one of the most famous video bloggers in the country.

Now Ruslan Sokolovsky publishes videos on the channel. The first episode of the new blog was viewed by 1.3 million people.

Don’t forget to watch the next episode of “Sokolovsky on the site” today at 19.00 Moscow time.


Video blogger- a person who shoots a video and posts it on the Internet.

Let's play is a trend in the video game world where players post and comment on their gameplay.

Minecraft- computer game.

Stand up is a genre of comedy in which one comedian performs in front of an audience, usually speaking directly to the audience.

Versus Battle- Russian Internet show in the genre of rap battles.

Versus BPM— format of fights on musical beats and without judges.

Runet- some Internet sites with main content in Russian.

Battle- competition in any creative direction.

Hate, hate, hater- hatred, hate, hater.

Diss is a track whose purpose is to show disrespect to someone.

Public- an abbreviated name for the term “public page”.

MDK is one of the popular humorous communities on the VKontakte social network, with more than 8 million subscribers.

Stream— live broadcast on YouTube and other video hosting sites.

Hype, hype- hype; one who strives in every way to create a stir around himself.

Backstage- what is left behind the scenes.

Comeback- return.

Pokerface- a stone face that does not express emotions.

Memes, memes- pictures or phrases that ironically or sarcasticly describe a situation.

YouTube stars are often accused of living luxurious lives and making money from advertising. On Wednesday, May 10, this was compounded by accusations that Russian authorities control popular YouTube channels through media holdings. The author of the investigation drew a detailed diagram and showed who receives money from pro-Kremlin structures and for what. I figured out why this is not so and why bloggers actually contact TV producers.

Attention! All arguments are charged for persuasiveness with quotes.

Probably, it was this legendary phrase that inspired the creator of the blog, Vasily Zubarev, when he compiled a diagram of connections in Russian YouTube and tried to find out “who is launching new hype shows and why.” Zubarev, who moved from Moscow to Lithuania more than two years ago, decided to prove to subscribers that the most popular platform for video bloggers “is beginning to be actively flooded with propaganda,” and connected arrows between Moscow and St. Petersburg YouTube stars in an attempt to find their connections with the Kremlin.

The author of the diagram warned that he does not pretend to break the covers and make loud conclusions, but many perceived the infographics in exactly this way. Some publications submitted material in the style of “The scheme has been revealed...”, others tried to discuss it with the bloggers mentioned by Zubarev.

In fact, the diagram can be viewed more as a rough sketch of the blogger clans that have developed in Russian YouTube. Most video hosting stars do not work with the affiliate program directly, but use the services of agencies. Their representatives provide technical support and content promotion, and bloggers from the same “partnership” often attend the same events and shoot joint videos.

Zubarev decided to build on the “Druzhko Show” - a new channel on YouTube, where three episodes of the program with the meme host Sergei Druzhko have already been released. He is loved for his unique set of phrases for all occasions from the program “Inexplicable, but true.” It seems that almost every blogger who inserts various fragments into their videos has at least once used the charismatic Druzhko.

According to the author of the schemes, “Druzhko Show” is filmed in the studio of the online publication Life. He also mentions that the show’s columns feature two so-called special correspondents - Kirill Lavrukhin and Lev Shaginyan. The latter, judging by his Instagram, previously worked as a correspondent for Life, and the first is involved in the creation rollers for the project "Raisin".

According to the head of the News Media holding (which owns Life) Aram Gabrelyanov, the native advertising agency Izyum is a project of the former deputy editor-in-chief of Life Darina Yevtushenko. He called himself only an investor, ready to invest up to three million dollars in the project.

Nevertheless, the connections between Druzhko and Life seemed sufficient to the blogger to draw an arrow from the project straight to the Kremlin. He argued this by saying that Life is a “pro-Kremlin publication.”

Another fictitious “proof” of the Kremlin’s hand was the unreliable fact that the production of “Druzhko Show” is allegedly connected with the TNT television channel. From 2005 to 2008, the channel aired the program “Inexplicable, but Fact,” dedicated to investigations of various mystical phenomena. In 2016, VKontakte users suddenly remembered her: the public page “Sergei Druzhko for all occasions” gained thousands of subscribers in a few days, and then it was suddenly blocked.

It turned out that the TNT4 channel, which was just re-broadcasting Druzhko’s program, did not like the use of excerpts of the show several seconds long. Representatives of the TV channel tried to “make friends” with the public, but nothing came of it, and the community is still blocked “at the request of TNT-Teleset JSC.” Perhaps this is why the Friendly Show does not use excerpts from old episodes with the host.

From TNT the arrow points to another popular show - Big Russian Boss Show, hosted by rappers Big Russian Boss and Young Pimp. Despite the fact that the young people are hiding behind bushy beards and masks with the logo, their true identities have long been revealed on the Internet, and their popularity came long before their high-profile appearance on YouTube.

Zubarev painstakingly compares the studios in which the Big Russian Boss Show and the morning program on TNT called “This is Morning” are filmed and comes to the conclusion that they are identical. The blogger tried to explain the “Kremlin trace” by saying that the TV channel belongs to.

The Big Russian Boss Show team does not hide the fact that the project is being made by Comedy Club Production employees (in 2015, Gazprom Media acquired a stake in the company through the TNT channel - 75 percent minus one share). For example, in one of the videos, the author of the channel “Slumdog Millionaire” Timur Dzhankezov, when visiting the office of the Comedy Club, twice shows the audience a door with a Big Russian Boss Show sign.

The former screenwriter of Comedy Club Production also says that members of the TNT team are working on the show. According to him, television people are also involved in Druzhko’s show. It’s easy to find Boss’s scriptwriters online: for example, in his resume, published in the public domain, he openly writes about his involvement in both the BRB show and the Comedy Club projects.

Zubarev, in turn, refers to the following “fact”: The Boss came to one of the Comedy Club television episodes as a guest, which means he has a connection with the TNT team. The blogger also claims that the Yoola network is behind the creation of the Big Russian Boss Show, but there is no information about this on the affiliate program’s website.

The scheme also mentions another partner of the Yoola network - the editor-in-chief of the publication and the host of the author’s YouTube show “vDud”. Zubarev also considers him pro-Kremlin - they say that Dud previously hosted programs on the federal channels Match TV and “Russia 2”, and already in “vDud” he invited the rapper L’One and the author of the blog “Khach’s Diary” Amiran Sardarov. Such guests, according to the creator of the “propagandist scheme,” can also be considered “pro-Kremlin,” since they are associated with the BlackStar production center and the rapper, who performed the track “My best friend is President Putin.”

The author of the investigation also recalled the past merits of the “Thank You, Eva” studio, which once, in addition to supporting the best Runet bloggers in the person of Ilya Maddison, and the creative association “I Like” (now the “BREAD” group), became famous for appearing in correspondence of the former press secretary of Nashi posted online. After this, bloggers began to be considered “pro-Kremlin,” especially since the creator of the studio did not deny the presence of certain powerful customers.

Degtyarev also created the My Duck’s Vision studio, which quickly gained popularity thanks to numerous absurd parodies of propaganda videos. The video creators have developed their own style with a lot of effects and complex graphics.

With Adolf Hitler, despite the fact that Degtyarev published information on his VKontakte page about the removal of the video, citing a fragment about the studio’s non-involvement in its creation. For some reason, no one remembered the imitators of My Duck’s Vision or the same Zhurov that flooded YouTube.

To bookmarks

The owner of the qaazqaaz advertising service for bloggers, Denis Shayakhmetov, wrote a column for the site about how the advertising market for Russian-speaking YouTube bloggers works, why a potential advertising contact costs less than a penny, and where to find most bloggers.

Why are there so many bloggers in Moscow?

According to statistics, the majority of Russian-speaking YouTube bloggers live in Moscow. In St. Petersburg there are about half as many of them. And in Kyiv, compared to Moscow, there are four times fewer bloggers. If we compare it with population data, it turns out that the dependence of the number of bloggers on the city’s population is linear. This means that in order to become a blogger, you do not have to live in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Residents of different cities have equal chances of becoming a blogger.

Half of all YouTube bloggers classify their channels as either entertainment or computer games. You can rarely find channels dedicated to pets.

One commercial or several

The more subscribers a channel has, the more video views it has. The correlation coefficient of these values ​​is 0.84. With some assumptions in the analysis, it can be argued that Pareto’s law is fulfilled - 20% of bloggers reach 80% of the audience. At the same time, equal audience coverage can be achieved with one placement from a top blogger or several placements from less popular ones. By placing advertisements with several bloggers, you can diversify the risks of not reaching your audience.

What reflects audience activity more: likes or comments?

Audience activity is more often expressed in likes than in comments. It's easier to like. On average, there are 8.6 likes per comment (excluding dislikes). Likes and comments equally reflect audience activity.

The correlation coefficient between the number of likes (minus dislikes) and the number of comments is 0.81. In other words, the hotter the discussion in the comments, the more likes the video will get. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule: channel Sergei Simonov has more than half a million subscribers, his videos receive tens of thousands of views, while the last ten videos received many times more dislikes than likes.

Hereinafter, we will provide statistical data for channels with more than 10 thousand subscribers. By doing this, we cut off from the analysis less than 15% of all initial data taken from the qaazqaaz service. We do this deliberately in order to clear the data from “statistical outliers” that are typical for young channels that are just gaining an audience.

It is logical to assume that a channel with 10 thousand subscribers is already in some sense professional and knows how to produce videos with some consistent quality. And this is important for advertisers. For convenience, we will call bloggers with more than 10 thousand subscribers “successful”.

Is it easy for a blogger to get a like or comment?

For some bloggers, it takes hundreds of views to get one comment or like from the audience. And some people get more than ten likes and comments for every hundred views. An interesting example is the channel “ Blue tractor" His last ten videos averaged ten million views. At the same time, the channel is for children - cartoons are published on it. With such a number of views, the channel has just under 300 thousand subscribers. And there are almost no likes or comments. For one like or comment there are more than 1,500 views.

There are also counter examples. Channels like Skill Man , Shulya , « Ermak Auto"receive cherished likes or comments from every 5-7 views. On average, every second successful blogger receives one like or comment from no more than 21 video views. And 80% of successful bloggers will need no more than 35 views to get one like or comment.

What are bloggers' favorite advertising formats?

Most often, bloggers are ready to post pre-rolls or post-rolls. They are comfortable with this format. There is no need to think about how to logically integrate advertising into the plot of the video. And there is less negativity from the audience. Advertising at the beginning and end of the video is already expected by the audience. Next in popularity among bloggers are exclusive videos. They are more difficult to remove and cost more.

The reason for the less popularity of exclusive videos is that not all bloggers, due to the specifics of the channel, can afford to shoot a separate advertising video.

Preparing a video is difficult, and trying to “hide” advertising often causes dissatisfaction with the audience. Therefore, prices for integration for some bloggers will not differ from exclusive videos.

Is it expensive to advertise with bloggers?

The more views the last ten videos have, the more expensive the blogger’s advertising. For exclusive videos and pre-rolls, the correlation between the average number of views for the last ten videos and the cost of advertising is 0.78.

Here, for each blogger, we will predict the number of views for the next released video based on the average of the last ten videos. The method is not ideal, but we consider it sufficient for a general understanding of the market of successful bloggers.

The correlation between advertising costs and potential ad views generally suggests that prices in the market are stable. There are not many very expensive offers on the market. Among those posted on the qaazqaaz service, every second offer for shooting an exclusive video is cheaper than ten thousand rubles, and 80% of all offers are cheaper than 45 thousand rubles.

The situation is similar with pre-rolls or post-rolls. Almost half of the offers are cheaper than two thousand rubles, and 80% of all offered pre-rolls are cheaper than 20 thousand rubles. The cost of posting pre-rolls is on average three times cheaper than shooting an exclusive video. Of course, there are offers on the market worth half a million rubles or more for one exclusive video. But these are isolated and well-known cases.

Pre-rolls and post-rolls are usually three times cheaper than exclusive videos

Less than one penny for one full advertising contact

It is much more interesting to evaluate bloggers not by the absolute cost of advertising, but in terms of 1 potential advertising view by the audience.

Where to look for bloggers

It’s easy to find one or two bloggers on your own. The contacts of the blogger or agent are usually indicated in the YouTube channel description. It is much more convenient to look for bloggers on exchanges. Exchanges can be useful if for some reason you do not trust the blogger. You will have to pay for access to the blogger database and guarantees of successful advertising placement. At the time of writing this article, Vlogster’s minimum tariff, according to the offer, was 1,500 rubles for one month of access to the blogger database (the service’s commission is not disclosed in the offer), while the search reflects just over 700 bloggers.

In Prolog. yt the commission indicated in your personal account is 15%, and the search displays just over 950 accounts. You need to understand that the classic exchange policy (first advertising, then payment) is not very suitable for successful and top bloggers who prefer to work only on prepayment. Therefore, many exchanges essentially provide agency services, without directly connecting the advertiser and the blogger. Top bloggers work only through agents and agencies.

You can simply search for bloggers through services that provide statistics. For example, LiveDune or whatstat will be useful. For an approximate estimate of the cost of advertising from above, we can assume that one exclusive view with a probability of 80% will cost less than 1 ruble and with a probability of 50% less than 40 kopecks.

Instead of a conclusion.

The advertising market for YouTube bloggers is quite young, but the prices on it have already become established. The presence of offers cheaper than one kopeck for an advertising pre-roll view indicates that the market is clearly not spoiled by advertisers (here we can recall some requests in Yandex. Direct, the cost of which exceeds a thousand rubles).

Filming exclusive videos from bloggers, for example, in the format of a full product review, in addition to the advertising itself, also provides professionally filmed material that can be successfully used further in your marketing activities (famous faces will be well recognized, for example, on large screens inside exhibition halls or at points of sale).

Don’t forget that modern technologies, in addition to selecting bloggers based on cost, help you choose a channel with the most suitable audience for you. Thus, the advertiser can guarantee effective spending on advertising. But this is a topic for a separate article.

Source of statistical data in the article: qaazqaaz service, Rosstat.

Good day, dear blog readers.
In this article I want to tell you how to make a backup copy of a blog template on (e), the so-called Blog Backup.
I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that this article will talk about reserving a blog template. Its appearance, design if you like. And not the content itself, that is, articles/content. This will be discussed in another article -.

Why Backup a Template?

I’ll give you this example - you decided to insert . Or you will need advertising for this in order to make those very unique changes that will allow you to realize your plans. But during the implementation of the necessary gadget, one or more mistakes were made that led to a completely unexpected result. The appearance of the blog has changed for the worse. And then questions pop into your head: what to do, what to do, how to restore, ... etc.!? After which attempts begin to restore the blog to its previous state. This can take a few minutes or many hours. And a huge number of nerve cells were wasted. I know this not from hearsay, but from my own experience I went through it. Since it is stable, I constantly make changes to Blogger templates. And if there was a saved backup copy of the blog template, restoration would take a matter of minutes, with just a few mouse clicks everything would return to its previous state. And you can safely try again to install the desired gadget, taking into account the mistakes made in the previous attempt.

From the above example, the conclusion suggests itself - a backup copy of the template should definitely be made for any manipulations with the template. So to speak - just in case of fire.