Contractor's personal account without registration. Personal account of a serviceman - Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

The Ministry of Defense on its official website has a unique service for all Russian military personnel. Here, every military man has the opportunity to enter the office using a personal code. Direct link to this service:

What is a military personnel’s personal account for and how to enter?

Anyone who serves in accordance with a contract agreement has access to the personal account of a military personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The login procedure is carried out through the following link. The service was created so that military personnel could familiarize themselves with the accrued allowances. Information on charges has been available since 2012.

Your personal account contains data not only on allowances according to the contract, but also on various additional payments. All receipts are decrypted - for example:

  • salary according to rank,
  • salary according to the job contract,
  • bonus for years of service,
  • regional coefficient, etc.

The service allows you to print out the necessary information on your current account in a convenient format.

How to enter a military personnel’s personal account without registering using a personal number

To log in you will need a military personal number. It is indicated on tokens and in contract service agreements. Knowing it, you should go to the website of the Ministry of Defense. It is located at the following link: You should immediately check the box next to the “Login without registration” field. In the “User Category” field, leave “Military Person” selected (the same service is also available for civil servants of the Russian Federation). Then enter your personal number and date of birth. To protect against bots, the site additionally requires you to enter numbers from the picture. All you have to do is click “Login” and information about the military will be provided.

Is it possible to enter a military personnel’s personal account without registering using a personal number?

Since the creation of this service, registration in it has not been mandatory to view information. However, it is still recommended to register. Thus, the military themselves will take care of the protection of data that can be accessed by unscrupulous Internet users. To register, you will need to enter a login with a created password instead of a personal number with your date of birth. In this case, the login coincides with the personal number.

Is it possible to enter a military personnel’s personal account without a password?

Today it is possible to log in without a password for unregistered users. However, if the registration procedure has been completed, but you have forgotten your password, you will need to recover it. To recover the password for a serviceman’s personal account, you need to spend 2-3 minutes. To do this, follow the following instructions:

  • Click “Forgot your password”;
  • Click "Next";
  • Enter your personal number (according to the contract) and the corresponding date of birth;
  • Rewrite characters from the picture;
  • Click next;
  • Read the letter from the support service of this service and follow the link provided in it;
  • Enter the new password twice;
  • Click "Change Password" and then continue.

Immediately after the procedure is completed, the login will be available to the user.

Military mortgage through a serviceman’s personal account

Information on mortgages can be found in your personal account on another website. The institution Rosvoeipoteka is responsible for the mortgage, and therefore information on the savings account is available at the following link: After registering and logging into their page, people serving under a contract agreement can generate queries about the status of the account, learning about the amount of money and the payment schedule.

How to order a personal income tax certificate 2 through a military personnel’s personal account

To obtain a 2-NDFL certificate, you can use the reference information of this online resource. After logging into your page, you can familiarize yourself with a comprehensive list of PFIs. There is also a sample application there. The Internet letter should be sent not only to the Ural Federal District of the Moscow Region, but also to the ERC email address. The certificate is prepared three days after registration of the application and, using the services of the Russian Post, is sent to the address indicated in the letter.

How to find out your salary through the personal account of a contract soldier

After logging in, you need to go to the section with the pay slip. On the left side you can select the month and year for which the user wants to receive salary information. Having selected them, you must click “Generate”. The total amount will appear on the screen with a breakdown - which part represents salaries by rank and contract, and which part are various allowances.

I have already talked about a new convenient service - . For those who have at least once communicated with the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense, I think there is no need to explain all its advantages. Many people don’t want to use it because they have to register to access the account. For some it is difficult, for others they are simply not lazy. But few people noticed that you can go to the Personal Account of a military man on Mil.Ru

So, we open the serviceman’s personal account - and see the authorization window. Please note that there is a checkbox “Login without registration”:

We put it on and see. Please note that the appearance of the window has changed slightly - instead of a login and password, the Personal Account asks you to indicate your number and date of birth. But everything is in order. First, in the “User Category” list, select the “Military” value:

Now pay attention to the “Serviceperson’s personal number” field - you need to enter your number in it. For those who don’t know, it is indicated on the personal badge:

I’m thinking about what you don’t need to indicate in the “Date of Birth” field :).

All that remains is to enter the verification code from the picture. This was done for security purposes to make it more difficult to select data for unauthorized entry into a serviceman’s personal account.

Click on the “Login” button.

As you can see, you can enter the personal account of a serviceman of the Russian Defense Ministry on even without registration. Now you can view your salary slip in the mode Online without contacting the ERC.

An employee today has the opportunity to use a convenient and official resource on the Internet, which will allow him to quickly view the following data: information on accrued wages, salary, social benefits. The user also has the opportunity to always be aware of deductions. We will tell you further about how the site works, how to register a serviceman’s personal account and how to restore contacts if they are deleted.

Serviceman's personal account on the official website - instructions

Login to your personal account is carried out through the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Naturally, first you need to register. You won't be able to log in without registering initially, because... a person must start a box.

So, there is a single settlement center that performs authorization services and maintains the corresponding military register. Those. the resource is used only from the main page of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and nothing else.

You can access your page for the first time only after the knowledge of the administrator, who will send you a unique password (you can change it later), which is what you should enter. If the user has forgotten his login or password, he can always get it again and enter it. Recovery is possible using a mobile phone, which is indicated for security or the answer to some security questions.

How to register?

Contracted service members view their duties not only as a civic duty, but also as a means of earning a living. In simple words, military service for a military man is considered a normal job, just like for a civilian. Naturally, every profession has its own nuances, and military activity is no exception. An example is that the financial component is represented not by wages, but by monetary allowance. Its size is set according to a certain grid, taking into account a number of factors. These factors include length of service, rank and other arguments for calculating bonuses.

For some time now, the human factor has ceased to influence the procedure for calculating monetary allowances. All calculations are performed by an electronic system operating automatically. The transition to the principle according to which the salaries of military personnel ceased to depend on the actions of the accounting staff has a number of positive trends.

  • Firstly, the risk of an error occurring when determining a serviceman’s earnings is reduced to almost zero.
  • Secondly, regardless of the position and rank of a military personnel, everyone can log into their personal account and find out by using their personal number all the data on transactions on their personal account. The ability to check your salary definitely affects family budget planning.

The specified program is available on the official resource of the Ministry At the moment it is working in test mode, but all provided functions are available to each registered user. Despite free access to personal information, the above methods of protection are quite sufficient to ensure that data about a serviceman is available only to him and some other competent persons.

The introduction of automatic calculation of allowances was carried out after massive complaints began to be received from military personnel about the discrepancy between salary calculations and practical payments.

The serviceman's personal number serves as an identifier.

The concept of a payslip in the URC

The work of the Unified Settlement Center (SSC) is organized on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, where all information regarding payments to military personnel is presented in the form of a pay slip. Its main advantage is the possibility of round-the-clock access. You can check not only the accuracy of accruals, but also the timeliness of their execution. The resource is considered free, which is very convenient, and if desired, the sheet can be sent for printing directly from the ERC page.

It is quite difficult to verbally describe the appearance of a payslip, since this is a functional program interface, but the content can be presented in the form of separate items.

  • Cash allowance for a certain period of time. To display information, you must use the interactive menu to specify the period of interest.
  • Accruals for the next vacation, if it was granted.
  • Payment of sick leave. In order for the data to be displayed correctly, in case of illness, a soldier is obliged to submit it to the unit headquarters on time.
  • The total amount accrued for the specified period. Please understand that income tax will be deducted from this amount. Other deductions, if any, will be decrypted without fail.
  • The amount to be paid is the so-called “clean money”. It is very convenient to navigate, because wages are presented minus taxes, and you do not need to calculate this indicator yourself.

The profile created during registration forms a personal account, the main purpose of which is to provide the user with a payslip. The information input field for selecting a time period conveniently allows you to set the desired interval. The soldier has the opportunity to view the amount of all payments made for a specified period.

Login to your personal account

Before you find out all the current information on personal payments, you need to identify the serviceman using his personal number.

Logging into the ERC system of the RF Armed Forces is implemented in two ways: without registration and logging into your personal account. To ensure full functionality, it is recommended to go through a simple registration procedure. In the form that opens, you will need to enter your date of birth, personal number in the specified format, and generate a password yourself that would be easy to remember and would allow you to log into the LC of the RF Armed Forces in the future.

At the next stage, you will have to confirm the password; this is a certain security measure against accidental key presses. A message will be sent to the specified email address indicating the steps to activate your profile. You must remember your login and password. Although the system provides the ability to recover a password, this procedure takes some time.

You can receive a serviceman's pay slip using his personal number without registration. Let us remember that the personal number in this case acts as an identifier. However, the developer is not responsible for data confidentiality, since anyone who has the necessary information can open the page. The ERC system is currently operating in test mode and it is possible that it will be modernized in the near future. The degree of information protection depends on the wishes of the users. If there are more reviews suggesting that the office be protected from unauthorized access, then most likely, entry without registration will be cancelled.

Regular use of the ERC system

The registration and password verification procedure is carried out once. In normal mode, work with the system begins by opening the page. Finding the “Personal Account” tab is not so easy. Due to the fact that the page is filled with various functional links, you will have to take a little time to navigate the first time.

On the right side you can find the treasured inscription. The link takes you to your account form. All data is processed and stored in accordance with Russian legislation. By entering a login and password, a serviceman can access the pay slip to find out all the necessary information. By specifying the month and year corresponding to the billing period, you can receive a statement with virtually no waiting.

A feedback form exists and is functioning. If you encounter certain problems when logging into your personal account, you can contact the developers directly. However, it should be remembered that if the calculated data does not correspond to the actual payment, all issues are resolved in the military unit where the citizen serves.

The introduction of citizens to electronic documentation is happening quite slowly. Elderly people are especially inert in this matter. Even if you manage to get them to sit at the computer, it’s quite difficult to get them to register. The developers will also take note of this fact, so rumors that entry without registration will be canceled have not yet been confirmed.

Saving data

The online mode was not entirely convenient if there was no way to save the received data. Inexperienced users are advised to create a separate directory where all received statements will be saved. You can request payslip data every month. More frequent requests will result in some statements being the same. If you log into your personal account less often, you may miss the mistake you made, and finding it later will be problematic.

As for unregistered users, they will face certain restrictions. The most annoying of them is the inability to receive a statement for an arbitrary period. It will only be available as of the current month. It is hardly worth describing the beauty of providing services using automated systems. It is enough just to remember the long waiting times for a pay slip when applying to a unit. Often such requests ended in refusal from the command, motivated by lack of time.

Negative reviews include complaints about various errors when logging into your personal account. All questions can be resolved by the support service, which is available both by phone and by email. But statistics show that citizens themselves become the cause of failures in the system, since they enter erroneous data during registration, which should be paid special attention to.

To check monetary allowances for military personnel and civilians, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has developed an Internet service “Personal Account”. Here you can get timely information about the accrual of funds, as well as order the issuance of the necessary documents and certificates.

The service is available only to registered users. The registration process is described later in this article.

The entrance to your personal account is located at Next, on the authorization page, you need to enter the login and password that you received when creating your account. Next, click on the “Login” button. After the system verifies the data, the account home page will open.

The main available services of a military personnel personal account:

  1. generating a payslip for the selected period
  2. saving the payslip on your computer in electronic form
  3. information about the latest accrual
  4. participation in surveys
  5. configure receipt of notifications by e-mail
  6. The payslip consists of the following information:
  7. components of wages that are due to a military man for the past time period;
  8. other financial accruals (vacation pay, sick leave, allowance for physical activity, etc.)
  9. amounts that are withheld from wages;
  10. the total amount that is supposed to be given to the military.

Please note that the payslip is generated 1 day in advance, which follows the day the money is received on the military’s bank card.

You can immediately print the payslip without downloading it.

Note! Previously, it was possible to enter your personal account without registering using a personal number, but now this function is not available. To receive a pay slip, military registration is required, regardless of rank.

The personal account is designed to make it more convenient for military personnel to track funds, as well as to combat corruption.

All transfers of allowances to contract soldiers are carried out through the Unified Settlement Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

If you need any document, for example, a 2-NDFL certificate, then you need to contact the Federal Federal District of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (financial support department) in your military district. You can find the address of the branch of your region on the official website of the Ministry of Defense at

To have full access to your financial funds, you must register. To do this, open the authorization page and click on the “Register” button. It is located to the right of the authorization window.

  • Select employee status (military or civil servant)
  • Enter the personal number of a military personnel, or SNILS number for a civil servant
  • Indicate date of birth
  • Create a password (must be at least 6 characters long and start with a letter)
  • Provide your email address (required to confirm registration on the portal)
  • Enter the verification code from the picture
  • Check all entered data
  • Press the “Register” button

Next, a link for activation in the system will be sent to the specified email address. Please note that the link is active for two hours after receipt. If you have not used the link during this time, you must register again. It is recommended to check your SPAM email folder; the email may have ended up there by mistake.

Note! In some cases, personal account registration fails. The most common reasons for errors in registering a serviceman’s personal account are: the date of birth or personal number of the serviceman is incorrectly indicated in the documents submitted to the Unified Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this case, you need to contact the commander of your military unit and ask to make changes.