Windows 7 computer turns off. Why does the computer turn off spontaneously?

It is extremely bad if the computer turns off by itself. Why does this happen and how to prevent it from turning off automatically.

There are many reasons for this problem, as well as configurations. This can happen from time to time, constantly immediately when you turn on Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, just like on XP or Vista.

After turning on, the computer may spontaneously begin to turn off immediately or after a while, for example, after a second, after 2 seconds, after 3 seconds, after 4 seconds, after 15 seconds, after a minute, after 5 minutes, after 10 minutes, after 20 minutes, after 30 minutes, every hour and even at a certain time or every 2 hours.

Of course, all these reasons will not be considered in more detail - many have common roots, so we will only analyze the main factors of how to make sure that the computer itself does not turn off endlessly when starting up or randomly during operation.

Games will also not be affected - there is already a post about this on this site - for those who need it.

If your computer starts to suddenly turn off (not when loading, but during operation), then the first reason is overheating. Let's start with it.

Periodic shutdown of the computer due to a significant increase in temperature

Problems may suddenly or periodically appear when the temperature inside rises.

Temperature sensors are installed on the PC, and when the temperature rises, in order not to aggravate the situation (so that the processor, video card, hard drive does not fail), they turn it off.

In such situations, different solutions may be applied depending on the case.

The temperature of the components is measured to obtain information on how to do this.

Cleaning the system unit (needs to be done about twice a year) - to obtain this information.

If these two points above do not help you get a lower temperature, then try adding another fan (cooler).

Regular computer shutdown due to virus infection

Even if you have a good anti-virus program installed that is regularly updated, there is never a 100 percent guarantee that a virus will not infiltrate your system.
Then even if the temperature is normal, problems may appear. What can be done? Try the recommendations below:
  • Scan.
  • Update your antivirus and run a scan.
  • Perform an online antivirus scan.
  • Do a malware analysis.
  • Check for spyware.

Computer keeps shutting down due to operating system errors

If the Windows operating system loses system files, your computer may suddenly start shutting down for no reason, although sometimes it displays an error that can be decrypted via the Internet.

In order to find out what is the reason, I propose two simple solutions.

First, at startup (immediately upon boot), press the F2 or Del key (there are other combinations) to enter the BIOS.

If you don’t hear any signals when you log in: squeaking, crackling, and so on, then most likely the reason is in the operating system.

You don't have to reinstall Windows - you can simply update it using its installation disk.

Secondly, this option is a little more complicated and at the same time simpler. Start your PC from the Live CD. Any Live CD can be downloaded for free on the Internet, and you can watch how to use it on YouTube.

If after a few minutes everything is fine, nothing goes out, then you can clearly know that the problem is in Windows itself.

Computer shuts down spontaneously due to a problem with hardware components

Hardware components may be damaged. How can you tell if this is causing the problem?

  • You have recently installed a driver. Remove it!
  • You have added a new component (video card, network card, etc.). Turn them off!
  • You were cleaning your computer and may have disconnected or broken the connection at this time. Make sure everything is in order!

On a computer, unlike a laptop, you can fix almost everything yourself. Everything in it is assembled in blocks that can be easily replaced yourself.

Other reasons why a computer turns off by itself

Regardless of whether the computer is new or old, it can sometimes start to turn off at night or at the same time.

If you have such a problem, then there are two reasons: in the power supply or at the same time, some process prescribed to start automatically is launched, as a result of which a conflict occurs.

Sometimes I get a question about whether there is a program to prevent the computer from turning off - no, there is no such program, there is only the opposite, to force it to turn off at a certain time.

These are all the main reasons why a computer, without any outside help, constantly or periodically turns off on its own at startup or during operation.

If none of the proposed solutions helped you, describe the problem in the comments - we will solve it together. NOTE: Do not disassemble your computer while it is still under warranty! Good luck.

Why does the computer turn off and how to find the reason

First of all, let's divide the problem into two completely different reasons. Does your computer turn off by itself almost immediately after turning it on or at a certain moment during the immediate loading of the operating system? If the shutdown occurs instantly, some component of the PC or laptop has probably failed, for example, a short circuit has occurred that damaged the power supply, motherboard or processor.

If the computer turns off while playing or loading the operating system, then this is also a hardware part, but it is easier to localize it, since it can be tested with special programs. Here we will consider the general approach - when the computer turns off periodically or almost immediately after pressing the power button.

There are several reasons why a computer turns off, so it is important to determine which reason is the most likely.

Computer turns off while playing

Many users are starting to blame the video card. But it is worth noting that in such a situation the video card should be considered after checking the other two components of the computer. Usually the symptoms if the computer turns off while playing and the video card is to blame are different. The PC does not turn off, but freezes or artifacts appear on the monitor.

The computer turns off due to problems with the power supply

If your computer periodically turns off while playing, then most likely the reason is the power supply. The shutdown probably occurs for two reasons. First: during a computer game, the load on the video card increases.

At the same time, the power supply, which is either not designed for such a peak load, or is simply of poor quality, cannot withstand. Therefore, the system unit reboots.

Check the power supply. If the computer takes some time to boot, this does not mean that the power supply in the computer is working normally. In my experience, the power supply is more likely to cause a shutdown than any other part of the system. Ideally, you need to replace the power supply to make sure it is 100% in working order.

Why else does the computer usually turn off?

Processor problems

Another reason when the computer turns off when starting a game is the processor. More precisely, its critical temperature. This is also due to an increase in load - during the game the demands on the processing power of the processor increase. Accordingly, the temperature also rises. If the cooling on the CPU socket is poor, then the protection is triggered and the computer suddenly turns off.

The symptoms described do not necessarily apply to computer games. If your computer turns off when watching a video or running “heavy” applications, then most likely this is also due to the increased load on the power supply or processor.

The computer turns on and then turns off immediately

This is perhaps more complicated. Along with the reasons described above, malfunctions with other system components may occur. If the computer turns off when you turn it on, then the reason may be the motherboard or RAM.

Problems with RAM

When diagnosing a breakdown, the advice is to start with something simple - with RAM. Symptoms of faulty memory are varied. These include system freezes, application and game lags, and even a banal computer reboot. As you can see, not everything is so simple.

But you should check the RAM first, since it is less expensive and time-consuming compared to the motherboard. Read more about how to check your RAM here below.

Problems with the motherboard

If everything is in order with the memory, and the computer turns off when loading, the advice is to pay attention to the motherboard. Testing a motherboard is not an easy task for an unprepared person. Now, let's describe some symptoms that will help determine that when you turn on the computer, it turns off precisely because of a malfunction of the motherboard.

The first reason is that the motherboard is generally already worn out. Accordingly, it most likely makes no sense to repair it due to the economic component. If the computer is not very outdated, then you can try to buy a replacement. If the PC can barely move its brain, then you should think about buying a new computer. In this case, nothing can be done - the failure of the motherboard hits the pockets of owners of outdated computers the hardest.

The second reason is microcracks in the soldering of the motherboard. There are two options here - such a defect can go away on its own, for a certain period of time, which rarely happens. Or you will have to buy a new motherboard.

The third reason when the computer turns off immediately after turning it on is the failure of the capacitors on the motherboard. This can also be treated by resoldering the capacitors with new ones. How to find out which capacitor is bad and which is not is described below.

Fourth reason. If your computer turns off when Windows boots, the chipset on the motherboard may be overheating. You can check with a multimeter. It is better not to check with your finger or tongue, as you can get burned.

The computer turns off and on for other reasons

In fact, there can be many reasons, and if you do not have the appropriate testing and equipment testing skills, then it may be better to call a specialist.

In addition to the problems described, the computer turns off spontaneously for the following reasons:

Faulty wiring
faulty extension cord or UPS
dust in the system unit (see photo)
voltage drops
low voltage in the network

All this should not be discounted, especially since checking these factors will not take much time. By the way, the reasons may also be software related. For example, if the computer turns off every 2 hours, then the computer may have viruses and needs to be removed.

Make sure the power supply switch is set correctly. This applies to old computers; modern power supplies do not suffer from this archaism. However, if the input voltage for the power supply is not correct (too low), the computer may not turn on. Most likely, the computer will not turn on at all or will constantly reboot if there is insufficient voltage in the network.

Check for possible causes of a short circuit inside the computer. This is very often the reason why the computer turns off, when the PC seems to start, but then immediately turns off. Of course, this is advice for those who have the necessary knowledge.

Check the power button on the front of the computer case. It often happens that the button gets stuck, and therefore the computer cannot turn on, constantly turning off.

Also, advice to try reinstalling all computer components:

Check all cables coming from the power supply
Reinstall memory modules
Plug the video card into a different slot, if possible.

Disconnect and reconnect your keyboard and mouse. Of course, it is unlikely that they are the cause of such a serious problem, but they should not be ruled out. Reinstall the processor if you suspect it is not cooling properly. The chance that the computer shuts down due to the processor is not the greatest, so this procedure should be performed after checking other components of the computer.

Try turning on the computer with only the essentials: processor, RAM and video card. If after this it works, then the problem is in the disabled equipment. If the computer still turns off, then you can return everything to its place and look for the reason further.

How to check why the computer turns off by itself

So, now let’s move on to checking the reason why the computer constantly turns off. The easiest way to check what exactly is wrong is to replace the part of the system that is suspected. But first, the advice is to clean your computer from dust.

To remove a processor from being a suspect, you need to replace the thermal paste and test it with special programs, for example, using the S&M program for testing the processor and RAM. It is best to check the processor temperature through the BIOS, in the corresponding section:

RAM can also be checked with the specialized program MemTest86, for checking memory in DOS. If during the verification process it finds critical errors, you should think about its serviceability.

The power supply can be checked using a multimeter. Naturally, this opportunity is available to a trained person. Warning - DO NOT GET INTO HIGH VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT UNLESS YOU HAVE THE APPROPRIATE SKILL

The motherboard is quite easy to check visually - for swollen capacitors. Of course, microcracks cannot be checked this way. But if it’s all about microcracks, then you can throw the board away with peace of mind, or try to carefully and efficiently vacuum it.

All this can be replaced with one check - eliminating the component that is under suspicion and replacing it with a 100% working one. True, this method is not available to everyone, but it is effective and relatively simple. This is especially true for the motherboard, the symptoms of a malfunction of which, when the computer turns off after turning on, can be so varied that you can go through half the system unit before you get to it

If you are faced with a problem such as an involuntary computer shutdown, then you need to know the reasons for what is happening, which will tell you what to do next in order to get rid of such sudden PC shutdowns. We would like to immediately note that both a computer and a laptop can turn off on their own, and most importantly, this does not always mean some serious problems with the hardware; perhaps it is simply the effect of a virus. But let's talk about everything in order.

6 reasons why your computer turns off on its own

  1. Virus. One of the most common causes is a virus that causes the computer to shut down on its own without your instructions. To do this, you should scan your entire PC for viruses.

  2. Overheating of computer components. Carry this out, as a layer of dust can cause overheating, and also pay attention to the coolers, they should all spin quickly.

  3. There is a fault in the power supply. Another common cause is a breakdown of the power supply; it can burn out due to voltage surges and excessive load from components.

  4. Malfunction in RAM. This type of malfunction is characterized by the fact that before turning off the computer begins to freeze and all functions slow down. To exclude RAM from the list of reasons for turning off the computer, we recommend inserting another one in its place, and also contacting specialists at a service center.

  5. Motherboard failure. Spontaneous shutdown of the PC will be caused either by a crack or chip on the motherboard, or by a burnt-out capacitor. In general, this happens due to impacts on the system unit or its fall, or because the motherboard has already “outlived its useful life.” Of course, we cannot rule out marriage, but it is quite rare. Again, you won’t be able to independently determine whether the motherboard is to blame for this without using special equipment.

  6. Poor contact. It is quite simple to identify and correct this breakdown - check the tightness of all cords, starting with the outlet, because there may be a problem with the surge protector. All plugs must be tightly inserted, both outside the system unit and inside it.

This is one of the most popular reasons why. To be more precise, the radiator sieves are covered with dust. Dust greatly interferes with the proper exchange of heat, resulting in overheating of the processor, which ultimately signals the computer to shut down. Very often this happens during a game, because at this time all components operate at maximum levels and, as a result, require cooling. It is necessary to remove the cooler, clean it and remove dust from the radiator grille.

The thermal paste between the heatsink and the processor has stopped functioning

Sometimes this reason lies in “outdated” thermal paste, which is located between the heatsink and the processor. Thermal paste is needed as a conductor of cold temperature and heat. This is easy to fix - you need to remove the cooler and radiator grille, and then apply a thin layer of paste to the processor.

Poor circulation inside the system unit

Air circulation will help avoid such overheating and shutdown. It is necessary to install several more coolers, and also change the coolers on the power supply and processor. You should also avoid keeping your computer in confined spaces, such as propping it up against a table, wall, or printer.

A large number of programs

This is another interesting reason why your computer may shut down - there are too many programs running. This especially affects older computers. You should qualitatively reduce the number of processes using the task manager, but you need to do this very carefully.

The power supply is malfunctioning

A faulty power supply is one of the most common reasons why a computer turns off inadvertently. Often power supplies become unusable due to poor quality, voltage fluctuations or a sudden shutdown of the PC. Power supplies require replacement every 3 years of operation. Among other things, dust can be the main cause of breakdown.

Problem with motherboard or RAM

Turning off the computer while using software or computer games may indicate that the RAM or motherboard has failed. In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to solve the problem yourself; it is better to turn to specialists.

Poor network connection

The computer may turn off due to a breakdown in the cable that connects the electrical network and the computer. There may also be a problem with the surge protector. It is important to check all wires using a special tool or with a simple replacement. It would also be a good idea to check the outlet just in case.


This is the last possible reason for your computer to shut down. Indeed, there are viruses that can spontaneously shut down a computer. Viruses should be removed using special programs - antiviruses.

Hello friends. What should I do if my computer turns off by itself? A PC or laptop should not randomly turn off for no reason. And if such a problem occurs, something is obviously wrong. Either the software part of the device or the hardware may be faulty. Below we will consider common reasons that can cause unauthorized shutdown of computer devices. At the end of the article I will tell you two very interesting cases on this topic.

Let's start with the reasons at the Windows level.

1. Task Scheduler

Be sure to check the Task Scheduler Library first

and delete tasks that may be associated with the computer shutting down. IN Carefully review all scheduler tasks.For example, in addition to the usual task that shuts down the PC, this can be done by a bat file launched by the scheduler, and so on.

2. Drivers

Windows is a universal operating system for a huge number of computer components. Their support is implemented through drivers, which may malfunction due to various programmers' mistakes when writing them, problems within Windows itself, or driver conflicts. Most often, such problems manifest themselves in the form of a blue screen of death (BSOD), but sometimes they can manifest themselves in the form of random shutdown of the computer without crashing to BSOD. Knowing or at least guessing which device driver is causing the problem, you can try. If the driver is installed from an EXE installer, it is preferable to obtain one. Without knowing the specific causative driver, you can try to reset the binding to the components using the standard Windows Sysprep utility.

3. Viruses

Viruses can cause random computer shutdowns, both their direct involvement and the consequences they cause in the form of the destruction of important system files. Here you need to destroy the viruses and carry out (you can even do this). As a last resort, reinstall Windows.

4. Third party programs

If your computer turns off on its own, it may be due to third-party programs running. The likelihood of one program conflicting with another causing this to happen is very low. Usually programs just crash, and serious ones like hypervisors get BSOD. But you can also come across the following picture: erroneously configured or forgotten schedulers inside programs such as media players or various kinds of organizers, working in the background, shut down the PC (the same Download Master can do this).

Naturally, believing that in this way they follow the user's instructions.

Testing your computer device in mode will help you identify third-party programs that are causing the problem. By the way, the task to turn off the computer at a certain time or under certain circumstances can also hang out in the standard Windows scheduler (this is written about at the beginning of the article).

  • Note: whether the reason for the random shutdown of the computer is software rather than hardware can be determined by testing its operation as part of launching from any build of a Live disk for system specialists. One of the best Live disks based on WinPE are AdminPE and .

What hardware reasons can cause the computer to turn off on its own?

5. Heavy loads on a weak computer

If resource-intensive tasks such as modern games or programs for working with 3D are launched on a weak PC or laptop, the device may not be able to withstand the load and either freeze for a long time, or go into BSOD, or randomly reboot or turn off. And this is regardless of overheating of the video card or processor, although, naturally, both factors can occur.

6. Overheating of components

One of the most common reasons why a computer turns off by itself is overheating of the processor, video card or hard drive. The protection of these components is triggered. Again, clinical manifestations may vary - both with and without BSOD. All components are required under load. If it reaches a critical threshold, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of overheating:

Check whether the PC case is sufficiently ventilated;

Clean the computer from dust, replace the thermal paste on the processor;

Increase the cooler speed, replace it or strengthen the cooling system;

Replace the hard drive (often overheating HDDs are not repaired due to the impracticality of repairs, since a used hard drive in good condition is cheaper than the services of a service center to restore an overheating one).

  • Note: some laptops, for example, certain HP models, are initially susceptible to overheating of the HDD due to the poor design of the device itself. For such laptops you can choose.

7. Power supply

Another fairly common reason why a computer turns off by itself is problems with the power supply. It may either be faulty or too weak to handle powerful user tasks such as running resource-intensive games. Only a specialized specialist can determine whether the power supply is faulty.

8. Power surges

A computer, more than consumer electronics, is sensitive to power surges, which, alas, is often found in settlements remote from cities. And power surges can lead to unauthorized shutdowns of computers, while other equipment in the house can continue to work. In such cases, it is necessary to take care of a surge protector or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

9. Incorrect overclocking

10. Other

Other reasons for random computer shutdown may include:

Swollen or leaking capacitors, cracks in the soldering of the motherboard;

The motherboard chipset is heating up (shutdown can occur right at the computer startup stage).

Without appropriate specialized knowledge, such issues, naturally, need to be resolved with the involvement of a service center specialist.

Promised Stories

They brought us a computer to the service center that turned off on its own (according to the client, it was always late in the evening). In search of a solution to the problem, we disassembled all of Windows piece by piece and found nothing criminal, except for five malicious programs, which we removed, after which, just in case, we restored the integrity of the system files. It was already late and we got ready to go home, deciding to leave the computer on. The system engineer worked for more than a day and we safely delivered it to the client. The next day the man came again and said that the computer turned off last night. My partner decided not to suffer anymore and reinstall Windows, but I was against it. Determined to find the reason and write an article, I took the computer home. My PC did not turn off for three whole days! And then a wonderful thought came to my mind. I called the client and asked what he usually does at the computer in the evening and he replied: “Nothing special, watching movies”! It turned out that our victim uses only two programs: a browser and the KMPlayer player, in the settings of which I found what I was looking for.

The second incident is also interesting, but I won’t describe it in full, I’ll tell you the essence. A client brought a PC, which at his home turned off several times during the day, but worked fine for us for a week. In the end, the problem turned out to be a faulty electrical power cable for the computer, which he did not bring with him. I made this assumption and asked the client to bring the cable. When testing the cable for an open circuit with a multimeter, my assumption was confirmed and all that remains is to replace it with a new one!