Account confirmation by mail. Identity confirmation for public services

In December 2019, it will be nine years since the government services website, created to facilitate the interaction of citizens with various federal bodies, has been successfully operating in Russia.

There is no need to knock on the thresholds of institutions, stand in queues and submit documents at the “window”; you just need to log on to the website and fill out the necessary paperwork or pay a fee.

To use the full range of services provided by departments, complete the account verification process. It is carried out once, and subsequently the citizen uses all services of the State Services whenever he wants.

Types of accounts and their capabilities

There is nothing difficult about registering. There are three types of user records:

  1. Simplified - to activate, go through the registration process, you must enter your full name, cell number and email account address. An SMS with a code will be sent to the declared phone number, upon entering which you will register on the website. This type of record allows you to work with reference information and a narrow type of service.
  2. Standard – to activate, you need to fill out the account of the registered user. You must provide information from SNILS and data from your passport. After control by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a message about the results will be sent to your electronic mail account. The list of available services is increasing; it is already possible to register a trademark, but it will be impossible to submit a replacement license or an application for exams at the traffic police.
  3. A confirmed entry is an extended access to all electronic government services; to activate, you need to confirm your identity. This is done using a method of your choice: come to a convenient Service Center, pick up a confirmation code at the post office, apply a personal electronic digital signature.

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Formation of a profile

To use the portal functions in action, you must generate your entry on the State Services website. Citizens of Russia and foreign residents can register. You can register on the site in the Service Center, then a confirmed profile will be created immediately. If you want to do everything yourself, it won't be too difficult.

In the usual search engine that you usually use on the Internet, type the name of the site; as a rule, it is first in the list of results. Click the link and you will be taken to the main page of the portal.

On the right side of the window that opens there is a tab “Login to State Services”, select register, the registration form will open. Enter your first name, last name, cell phone number, email address and wait for an SMS with a digital confirmation code. Authorization will take a few minutes. You don't have to specify your email.

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Next, you should enter SNILS and passport data in your user profile. Please check the stated information carefully. It will be sent for control to the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The procedure usually takes a few minutes, but can last up to five days. If the materials do not pass the test after the specified time, contact technical support. If necessary, check the validity of passport information on the website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Once agencies have verified the authenticity of the information, a standard account becomes available.

To access your personal account, use your ID (login) and password. Create the latter yourself or select using a system that will randomly give out an alphanumeric combination. A cell phone number, email account address, or insurance certificate information is used as an identifier (login). The password uses at least eight characters; in addition to letters, there must be numbers and punctuation marks. In the future, you can update it in your Personal Account in the “Security” section by selecting the “Change Password” tab. The next step is to create a verified account.

User identity verification

The higher the legal significance of the service provided, the more complete information must be provided. Everything is done to ensure that the service is requested by a specific person and to ensure the security of individuals’ data. This can be done in several ways: contact the MFC, use the services of the Russian Post, purchase an electronic digital signature, or come to a Rostelecom branch.

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Multifunctional Center

Institutions providing government, municipal and other types of services, or the MFC provide assistance in confirming identity. Branches are located in all major settlements.

When applying please provide:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • login from your account on the Gosuluga website.

Confirming your identity for public services through the MFC is a simple and quick procedure. Contact a convenient branch, the address of which can be found on the official website, and pay attention to the work schedule and reception hours there. To provide the service, you need to fill out an application, which you can download for free on the website in advance or fill out directly upon your visit. It indicates your passport details and the service you want to receive.

The specialist checks the existence of a standard account with the declared login, and checks the information from the questionnaire on the website with valid data.

If everything is in order, then after a few minutes a notification about account confirmation will be sent to your cell phone number. The service is provided free of charge, without reference to place of residence or registration. You can contact the center in person or through a representative; in the latter case, you must have a notarized power of attorney.

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Post office

When specifying this method, the identity verification code will be sent by registered mail to the stated address. In order to select a service, you need to confirm your identity in your account in the “My Data” tab using a letter with a tracking number. The formation of a postal item takes two to three days, not counting holidays and weekends. Within a few weeks, a notification will be delivered to the mailbox about the receipt of a letter at the department to which the addressee belongs. Shipments are tracked on the Russian Post website.

To receive it, you must come in person and provide your passport.

If after five days the addressee has not appeared, he is sent a second notice against signature. The letter is stored at the post office for one month; next time you can request confirmation no earlier than thirty days later. The storage period may be extended upon written application of the addressee or his representative. To activate a digital code, you need to enter it in your Personal Account on the personal data page. There are post offices in all even remote and small settlements, and for their residents this is the best way.

How to use your personal account on the State Services portal

Electronic signature

Among ordinary citizens, having an electronic signature is still a rare occurrence. But process automation does not stand still; obtaining electronic signatures will soon no longer be a rarity. The presence of this type of gadget is an opportunity to use another method by which an account is verified.

To confirm your identity using a personal electronic signature, you must have:

  1. A token or smart card is a so-called medium with an electronic signature of the owner. They are implemented in an accredited institution. Find out the cost directly at the point of issue. The register of centers can be found on the portal of the authorized federal body in the field of using electronic signatures.
  2. Install a special program on your computer - a cryptoprovider. This is an independent module through which cryptographic operations are carried out. Without it, it will be impossible to sign anything using an electronic signature.
  3. Download the required plugin (extension) for your web browser. This utility allows you to increase the set of options for the program installed on your computer.

If these requirements are met, you must provide proof of identity in your account on the website using an electronic digital signature. Having selected a key certificate, enter a PIN code to recognize your visa and use it to certify the application for account approval. Provided that everything is normal and the signing went well, the account will become confirmed.

In order to use the Gosuslugi portal in full, you must go through the identity verification procedure, which can be done through Rostelecom branches. After receiving and entering the required information, expanded access to the service opens.

How to confirm your identity for government services through Rostelecom

The electronic service “State Services” allows citizens to request information online, order certificates, make appointments with doctors and register a vehicle without leaving their home.

The portal provides 3 account options:

  • simplified (requires entering your last name, first name, phone number and email address);
  • standard (you need to indicate personal data, as in your passport, and information from your insurance certificate (SNILS));
  • confirmed (involves certification of personal data in special service centers).

You can confirm your identity for public services either independently, through the office of Rostelecom, Russian Post and through the territorial divisions of the MFC, or by letter. For citizens who have an electronic signature or UEC (universal electronic card), this procedure can be completed instantly.

The response to the activation code request via Russian Post is delivered within two weeks, but if for any reason you need re-confirmation, it can be issued no earlier than in a month. Once the data is ready and delivered, you will be notified accordingly.

You can get it at a Rostelecom branch, for this you will need:

  • visit the company office in person;
  • contact the manager;
  • provide a passport, SNILS and email address;

After processing the data, the specialist will give you an electronic medium (USB drive) containing an electronic signature, which will allow you to go through the identification procedure on the site.

In order to use registration for government services through Rostelecom subscriber service centers, you need to have both a passport and SNILS with you. No additional documents will be required.

How to get an activation code for government services in Rostelecom

Let's take a closer look at how to get an activation code in Rostelecom, for this:

  • you need to select the nearest branch of the Rostelecom company (the list and opening hours can be found on the State Services website);
  • contact a specialist with a question that interests you;
  • provide your passport and SNILS for data verification;
  • get an activation code.

After confirming the data, the user will be able to access an expanded format for using the electronic service both on a desktop PC and through applications installed on tablets and smartphones running Android, IOS, Windows 7, 8 and 10.

If you do not find a suitable Rostelecom office address in the list where you can get a password for government services, then you should contact the help desk by calling 8-800-100-08-00.

Obtaining an access code to the State Services service at Rostelecom is quite simple and does not take a significant amount of time. The entire procedure takes place in the presence of the client, so there is no need to worry about the safety of personal data. By activating a confirmed account, the user gains access to the entire list of services provided under this program.

Why do you need an account on the government services portal? This will make it easier to obtain many services without going to the authorities, and will also provide access to a lot of useful information.

Without wasting time on the road and huge queues, you can:

  • replace documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • sign up for an appointment with the doctor;
  • send the necessary information to receive a foreign passport;
  • register the vehicle;
  • pay traffic fines;
  • change address;
  • take a pension account statement;
  • resolve tax issues;
  • replace your driver's license;
  • enroll your child in school or kindergarten.

And this is not a complete list of service services. In your personal account, a lot of everyday issues are resolved, you can receive qualified government assistance, speed up interaction with executive and judicial authorities, and local government.

Accounts: Types and Differences

Simplified – gives access only to reference documentation. To receive it, just enter your contact information.

Standard – allows you to make an appointment at a medical institution, check traffic police fines, etc. To do this, you must additionally enter your passport details and SNILS number.

Confirmed – provides full access to government services, allows you to speed up interaction with government agencies. Personal confirmation is required for activation.

There are many useful services available on the unified government services portal, access to which opens after registration and identity confirmation. If you do not have a verified account, then you will not be able to use all the functionality of the State Services portal. In this regard, immediately after registration, users think about where they can confirm their identity for government services. There was a time when the only way to confirm an account was to personally visit a service center, which was not present in all cities. Now the situation has changed a lot and it is possible in several ways, including without leaving your own apartment.

You can confirm your identity for State Services:

  • Through Internet banking (Sberbank, Tinkoff and Post Bank);
  • By personally contacting the service center (MFC, Rostelecom office, pension fund and other organizations);
  • By ordering to receive an identity verification code through Russian Post;
  • Using an enhanced qualified digital signature or UEC card.

It should be said right away that the fastest and easiest way to confirm an account involves using the Internet banking system. In this case, you can confirm your identity in just a few minutes without leaving your own apartment. This method appeared quite recently and is still little known. Of course, other methods also have a right to exist. In this article we will tell you how and where you can confirm your identity for State Services, paying special attention to each method.

  • Important
  • To confirm your account on the public services portal, you will need a passport, SNILS and email address.

Identity confirmation for government services via Internet banking

Until recently, there was no way to confirm an account in government services remotely, that is, without leaving home. The easiest way was to order a code through Russian post, which was used to confirm identity. On average, a letter with a code takes two weeks, besides, you will still need to go to the post office to receive the letter. In addition, the disadvantage of this method is that it is impossible to confirm identity in this way. Now there is a new, very convenient way to confirm your account. We are talking about an Internet banking system that has been actively used by many people for a long time. If you want to know where you can confirm your identity for State Services without spending a minimum of time, then first of all, familiarize yourself with this method.

Online account confirmation is available for clients of the following banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • Tinkoff;
  • Post Bank.

Perhaps in the near future the list of banks will increase. Most users are interested in the opportunity. This is not surprising, because many residents of our country use the services of this bank. As an example, we will give the procedure for confirming an account on the government services portal through Sberbank Online. If you are a client of Tinkoff or Post Bank, then the principle will be the same. First you need to get the “Standard” account type. To do this, indicate your passport details and SNILS number in your profile.

To confirm government services through Sberbank Online, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Sberbank Online;
  2. On the main page at the very top, find the tab with the heading “Vote where it’s convenient” and click on the “Go” link;
  3. In the new page, indicate the passport department code, SNILS number and click on the “Continue” button;
  4. The system will check the data within a few minutes, after which you will see a notification that your account on the public service portal has been successfully found;
  5. Almost immediately you will receive an account confirmation notification by email.

In the same way, you can confirm your account through Tinkoff or Post Bank. It is important that the profile data in public services matches the data in the bank’s application form. As you can see, this is truly the easiest way. If you are not a client of any of the above banks, do not worry, we will tell you where you can confirm your identity for State Services other than the Internet banking system.

  • Important
  • The profile data in government services must match the data in the bank’s application form (passport details, phone number, SNILS).

Identity confirmation for government services through the service center

For some reason, many users consider this method the most difficult. Of course, it takes much more time than the previously discussed option, but not everything is so bad. Previously, service centers where you could confirm your identity were not in all localities and you had to go to another city, but now everything is much simpler. Many government organizations and even banks provide the service of confirming an account on the government services portal completely free of charge.

You can confirm your identity for State Services in the following organizations:

  • Rostelecom offices;
  • Pension Fund;
  • Employment center;
  • Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Civil registry office, etc.

These are not all government organizations where you can confirm your identity on the State Services portal. In addition, a similar opportunity is available in many banks. Surely, in your locality there is at least one of these organizations. To find out where you can confirm your identity for State Services, use a special service from the State Services portal. It will help you determine the service centers closest to you with the ability to confirm your account.

To find user service centers of the State Services portal, follow these steps:

  1. Follow the link;
  2. Check the box next to “Identity Confirmation”;
  3. If the service does not automatically detect your location, enter your city and click “Find”;
  4. Click on the “List” tab to view a list of all service centers and their operating hours.
  5. Now all that remains is to choose the service center that is most suitable for you and go there. To confirm your identity on the State Services portal, you will need a passport, SNILS, email and phone number that were used when registering on the portal. To avoid wasting time in line, when choosing a service center, look at the phone number and call to make an appointment at a time convenient for you.

  • Important
  • To confirm your identity in government services through the service center, you will need a passport, SNILS, email address and phone number.

Identity confirmation by ordering a code by mail

If none of the above methods suits you for certain reasons, you can order a letter with an account confirmation code on the State Services portal through Russian Post. The service is provided free of charge, the delivery time of the letter depends on the region. On average two weeks. The whole point of this method is that you receive a registered letter containing a special code. This code must be entered into the appropriate field in your personal account on the State Services portal, after which your account will be confirmed.

To confirm your account using the code from the letter, follow these steps:

  • Log in and enter your personal account;
  • Find the banner asking you to confirm your account and click on the “Confirm” button;
  • On the personal information page, enter your personal data (if you have not done so previously);
  • After checking the personal information you have specified, a link to account confirmation options will appear in your profile, select “Receive identity verification code by mail”;
  • Indicate the letter delivery address;
  • After receiving the letter, log back into your profile and enter the code from the letter in the appropriate field.

In principle, nothing complicated. Although, this method also has a drawback. When confirming your account by ordering a letter with a code, you cannot log in to the taxpayer’s account through government services. That is, if you want

To protect users’ personal data, government services use an account - this is your personal access point to government services. You will be recognized by your government service account.

There are three types of accounts:

  1. Simplified provides access only to reference information: extracts from registers, obtaining financial statements of a legal entity, obtaining copies of some documents, checking traffic police fines using the vehicle registration certificate and the vehicle number (on the beta version of the portal). A simplified account requires only an email or phone number. But you won't have access to most government services, such as doctor's appointments. Therefore, it is better to immediately get a standard account. It takes 5 minutes.
  2. Standard expands the list of available services: checking traffic police fines using the vehicle registration certificate, car number and driver’s license, making an appointment with a doctor, registering a trademark. For this entry, the user fills out passport data and SNILS. But to fully use the portal, you need the following type of account.
  3. Confirmed opens access to all government services: international passport, registration of a child in kindergarten, registration at the place of residence, etc.
  4. Why are the accounts separated?

    The more legally significant the service, the higher the account level requirements. For example, in order to accept an application for a passport, we must know that you are you. To do this, please confirm your identity.

    How to make a verified account

    1. Register on the portal: to do this, you must enter your first name, last name, mobile phone number or email address. You will receive a simplified account.
    2. Enter your passport details, insurance number of your individual personal account and wait for online data verification (up to 5 days). This gives a standard account.
    3. Confirm your identity: come to the service center in person, receive a letter with a code by mail, or use an electronic signature.
    4. If you have completed all the steps correctly, congratulations - you have access to all the services that are on the portal.