Which server is better in world of tanks. World of tanks – which server is better to play on? Which server to choose

In addition to its gaming and national character, the location of servers in World of Tanks also has territorial significance. Players are distributed among gaming clusters - entire networks consisting of different computers, but representing a single whole.

This is done with the sole purpose of evenly distributing users throughout the game universe, as well as uniting players geographically belonging to the same geographical units for their full communication with each other.

It may also happen that the “native” server is overloaded, and it is vital to play

For players who find themselves in the above life situations, as well as for those who decide to diversify their gaming experience by fighting with foreign colleagues in the game, a list of servers has been created with their territorial reference and location.

By choosing a convenient server, you can easily get the desired result and entertain yourself with battles with interesting opponents.

Below is a list indicating the location of servers in World of Tanks not only in Russia, but also abroad

RU 1 – Located in Moscow, Russia.
RU 2 – Also located in Moscow, Russia.
RU 3 – The only Russian one located in Europe. Frankfurt, Germany.
RU 4 – Located in Russia, the city of Yekaterinburg.
RU 5 – Like the first two – located in Moscow, Russia.
RU 6 – Another server for Moscow, Russia.
RU 7 – Final server from the capital. Moscow, Russia.
RU 8 – City of Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
RU 9 – Located in Khabarovsk, Russia.
RU 10 – Located in the city of Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

There are players who, due to circumstances, are in a territory that is not their permanent place of residence and, accordingly, an unfamiliar language environment.

SEA 1 – Location – Singapore, Republic of Singapore.
CH 1 – Hebei Province, Langfang, China.
CH 2 – Another Chinese server in Shanghai, China.
CH 3 – Located in Sichuan province, famous for its mountainous terrain. Chengdu city, China.
CH 4 – Located in Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, China.

EU 1 – German server located in Munich, Germany.
EU 2 – Place of deployment – ​​Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


US 1 – American server. Vanshington, DC, USA.
US 2 – The server is located in Los Angeles, USA.

ROK 1 – Last on the list, is located in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Today we will try to understand the theme of the servers of our favorite game World of


Hello dear friends, today we will try to understand the theme of the servers of our favorite game World of Tanks, and at the same time we will try to teach you not only to find the optimal ping for your location, but also to understand the structure of existing servers.

Clusters and servers, what are you talking about?

If you refer to Wikipedia, then we can say that a cluster is a certain segment that unites a group of computers; accordingly, these computers are united by high-speed communication channels and perform the functions of a hardware unit. If translated into gaming language, then this group of computers recreates a certain game world.

The cluster itself is a fairly large unit in terms of how much information it can contain and transmit, combining the activities of the servers that are actually part of it. A long time ago, when dinosaurs were still running around the planet, and the developers understood why they were creating and improving their game, so - in these most wonderful times, the World of Tanks game had only one cluster. At first it included one server, then two more were added - RU2 and RU3, then the number of servers increased even more and they had to be combined into new clusters. The thing is that the WoT gaming world has grown to hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and this required a significant expansion of server capacity and coverage. This is how Korean, Chinese, European and American servers appeared, not to mention several servers in the CIS.

Due to the particular popularity of the game in our territories (although now China is also showing noticeable growth and it is possible that when everyone gets tired of the game here, it will experience a boom in the Middle Kingdom), the largest number of servers are located in the Russian Federation. Thanks to this, any resident of the former USSR can choose the “fastest” server for themselves, and this speed can be determined by ping, that is, the delay of the signal from the client to the server; the lower it is, the more comfortable it is to play. But let’s start in order, let’s talk about servers, so we all know that now there are about nine “ruin” servers and this is the absolute majority compared to other segments, but what about the situation, for example, on the European server?

EU server

No matter how hard the developers tried to promote their game in the European direction, but alas, either the game has too few graphics worthy of a bourgeois, or the game is too ascetic, but the same Germans prefer to play Battlefied and Kolda, absolutely not paying attention to the steel giant from Belarus . However, at the moment Europe has received two servers, one of them is located in Munich (Germany), and the second in Amsterdam (Holland). What’s also interesting is that the server declared as a “rush” server, RU3, is actually based in Frankfurt on Main, that is, also in Germany. So our compatriots living in Vaterland can easily play on this server using the RU client.

EU1 - Germany, Munich (login.p1.worldoftanks.eu),,,,

EU2 - Netherlands, Amsterdam (login.p2.worldoftanks.eu),,,,

Asian sector

Asians differ from Europeans in their greater interest in MMO games, and therefore it is expected that the degree of interest in tanks here is a little higher. However, the same Koreans are more accustomed to MMMORPGs, which are full of all sorts of goodies - a bunch of achievements, items, various armor, weapons and spells with a couple of combat skills. There is too little of this in World of Tanks, the game is very ascetic, and the only interest lies in grinding for a long time and getting to the top. Many find themselves in improving statistics and practicing various tactics. All this is good, but for Asians spoiled by variety it will not be enough, so things are moving slowly there. The situation with China is much better, even though it is a very isolated country with a lot of restrictions on the Internet, it is also worth taking into account the peculiarities of the language and that in Singapore, for example, the English-speaking segment is much better developed. However, we know for sure that there are two servers on the territory of the PRC, and according to some data there are as many as 4 of them. Considering the Chinese people’s interest in new games (and also the fact that they have a line of tanks) and the country’s huge population, there is potential for development in this direction.

CH1 - China, Hebei (Shijiazhuang) ( (wotcn1-slave-165.worldoftanks.cn)

CH2- China, Shanghai ( (wotcn2-slave-87.worldoftanks.cn)

SEA1 - Singapore (login.worldoftanks-sea.com),

ROK1 - Korea, Seoul (login.worldoftanks.kr),,,

Figure 1. List of Chinese servers.

Great Russian cluster

We think that there is no need to explain for a long time that the game became popular primarily in the CIS, especially in the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine, it is here that the largest number of players and it is at their expense (including financial) that the game has developed and assumed such proportions . As a result, we have 9 servers at the moment, but it is possible that in five years there will be twice as many if the developers listen to the opinions of the players. According to various sources, more than a million players play on the ru-cluster, but in reality there are about 600-700 thousand unique users. Below you can see a list of servers and domain names.

RU1 - Russia, Moscow (login.p1.worldoftanks.net);

RU2 - Russia, Moscow (login.p2.worldoftanks.net);

RU3 - Germany, Frankfurt (login.p3.worldoftanks.net);

RU4 - Russia, Ekaterinburg (login.p4.worldoftanks.net);

RU5 - Russia, Moscow (login.p5.worldoftanks.net);

RU6 - Russia, Moscow (login.p6.worldoftanks.net);

RU7 - Russia, Moscow (login.p7.worldoftanks.net);

RU8 - Russia, Krasnoyarsk (login.p8.worldoftanks.net);

RU9 - Russia, Khabarovsk (login.p9.worldoftanks.net).

Figure 2. Detailed list of servers in the Russian, European, American and Asian segments.

American servers

Despite all the efforts of the developers, stupid nods to Uncle Sam (for example, the cancellation of the name of patch 9.11 due to attacks on the twin towers - not only does this have nothing to do with the game, but too few players play tanks here for this to be possible cause at least some reaction from the public), the tankers from VG failed to achieve obvious success here - two servers for huge and terribly rich states. Moreover, no more than 30,000 players play there, in general - very, very few. The same Battlefields and Call of Duty are played by millions, and huge queues line up for the next dose of action before Christmas. Despite the massive use of M4 Sherman tanks, this topic is far from the Americans; they are much more interested in ships and airplanes, which, by the way, , they didn’t go to the Ru-segment at all.

US1 - USA, Washington (login-p1.worldoftanks.com),,,

US2 - USA, Los Angeles (login-p2.worldoftanks.com),,,

Figure 3. The only WoWP RU server. RU-cluster - Russia, Moscow (login-ru.worldofwarplanes.com),,,

It is precisely because of the low popularity of the game that only one server works for World of Warplanes, versus nine for WoT.

By the way, either out of respect for the bourgeoisie, or in order to attract more audiences, various promotions are often organized on European and American servers, and you will never see such freebies on the Ru-cluster. What a domestic player has to earn with blood and sweat, for the same Europeans does not require much effort, and sometimes even comes for nothing. Many, due to the attractiveness of this moment, as well as the fact that they have to play there against outright noobs, often switch to foreign servers. Are there any problems with this? – Yes, there are no special ones, the ping rarely exceeds 100, so you can play quite calmly. Even to distant States, the signal travels quite quickly, thanks to the powerful North Atlantic cable. But if you don’t know what to do and what to do, here are the instructions:

1. Since this is a different client, you will have to create a new account, that is, an account for RU servers is not suitable for the same European ones;

2. After simple manipulations with installing the European client (or American), just go to the EU server (or USA server) and you are in the game.

By the way, you can use for these purposes.

Finding the optimal ping

As many of you know, the lower the ping value, the better the quality of everything that is happening on the battlefield is displayed, and vice versa - a high ping will introduce delays into what is happening, so it will be more difficult for opponents to hit you (you will move jerkily on their screens) , but you yourself will not hit, for the same reason the signal is delayed.

In any case, you should know which server has the lowest ping, which will provide you with a comfortable game. Most often now, players use mods that show the ping to each server, but there are tools that will allow you to find out it without even entering the game.

Manual method

The most difficult and most “fashionable” way is to work through the command line, it’s difficult, but you will feel much smarter than others. In fact, it’s not that difficult, you just need to think a little, but for those who are too lazy to think, there are special programs that will be discussed below.

So, open the command line either through the “Start” menu (click on “All Programs”, and then down the list, find “Accessories” and select “Command Prompt” from the list).

Figure 4. Selecting the command line through the Start menu

You can also press the key combination “Win ​​+ R” - the “Run” command will open, type “cmd” there (without quotes) and you will switch to command line mode.

In principle, you can select the “Run” command through the “Start” menu and enter the “cmd” combination there, although it is much easier to immediately select the command line itself, which is three points lower.

Figure 5. Checking ping via command line

In order not to completely confuse you, let's keep it simple - open the command line, then go to Figure 2 with a list of servers, where both IP and domain names are indicated. Since IP addresses can change periodically, it is more convenient to simply enter the domain name. Since we most often deal with RU servers, we perform the check for RU1 (but you can select any other server), and for this we find its domain name in the list, this is - login.p1.worldoftanks.net

Please note that the main difference in domain names is the change in the ordinal index “p” - for example, for the first server we type - login. p1.worldoftanks.net, and for the second server - login. p2.worldoftanks.net, that is, for the fifth server we will need to type - login. p5 worldoftanks.net. This applies to RU servers, but there are a number of small differences with foreign ones.

Firstly, regions with only one server do not have a serial index, for example, the Republic of Korea has the address – login.worldoftanks.kr. That is, there is no “p” that we see in the names of the domains of rush servers. If you are observant enough, you also noticed the change in ending - “kr” instead of “net” - this is a TLD name or top-level domain name, it denotes that the resource belongs to a certain area of ​​activity or territorial affiliation. In this case, “net” denotes belonging to a network resource (net-network, network), and kr is the TLD name of the Republic of Korea. The funny thing is that if European servers have the ending “EU” (for example - login.p1.worldoftanks. eu), then for American servers the top-level domain name is chosen as for commercial organizations - “com” (login.p1.worldoftanks. com). You can read more about the domain name system on the official Microsoft website.

In any case, there is nothing complicated here - you just need to correctly type the domain name of the WoT server and you will get the desired result. In our case, the reception and transmission time turned out to be equal, so the average value is no different from them, but if you have, for example, 40 for reception and 60 for output, then the average value will be equal to 50. What value is optimal? – In general, it is generally accepted that if the ping does not exceed 90, then everything is in order, but the lower the better, especially for fast games.

Simplified approach

If this approach is too complicated for you, then there are a number of programs that will do this for you easily and you don’t need to do anything special; in some cases, it’s enough to launch a program that will calculate everything itself.

From this list of programs you can select the one you are interested in and use it. Personally, we found WoT Pinger very convenient - how to launch it? - To do this, just download the program and run the executable file. Then in the menu you need to click on the “Check server availability” button and “voila”, you get complete and clear information. It’s very convenient and understandable, in addition, you can immediately select the cluster of interest (Russian, American, Asian) and even check the ping for two other VG projects - ships and airplanes.

Figure 6. Checking ping using the PingCheck program

The WotPingClusters program also looks quite interesting, the main difference is that in addition to demonstrating ping for all servers in the cluster, you are given advice on what the program thinks is optimal, and you can also see a graph of the exchange of information packets - the upper and lower values. As can be seen in Figure 7, the horizontal fluctuations of the curves are minimal, which indicates a generally smooth signal; no packet losses were noticed, which once again confirms the good quality of the connection. Why is this important - this way you won’t miss important game moments, for example an enemy shot, there will be no freezes or slowdowns in what is happening, that is, you will be able to adequately react to what is happening.

Figure 7. Checking ping using the WotPingClusters program

If this is also difficult for you, then download any collection of mods from well-known watermakers and select the necessary option by automatic installation - this way you can view the ping to the servers directly in the WorldofTanks client.


We hope you have learned a lot about this topic, but if you are still concerned about the issue of high ping, then you need to work in three main areas:

1. Check the quality of the connection with your provider - it often happens that either the communication line is outdated, or there are damaged sections of the line on the way to you, as a result, some information is lost and your ping sags.

2. Reinstall the WoT client - it often happens that due to incomplete removal of mods or their incorrect installation (as well as the installation of unnecessary functions), the game begins to produce worse ping values. Often, completely clearing mods helps, but sometimes you even need to reinstall the game. In general, try not to install a bunch of mods - the more additional information the client must provide, the higher the chance of a ping drop;

3. Check your computer for viruses and outdated/temporary files. It often happens that some kind of virus or Trojan “knocks” through your computer in the right place, and you don’t even know about it. As a result, your Internet traffic is occupied by excess flow, which can indirectly affect the game. It even happens that some viruses damage system files and then cause various system malfunctions, including reducing the performance of some applications and tanks are no exception. Clean your computer using an antivirus, and if that doesn’t help, do a clean installation of the system. Also, a cache clogged with garbage of temporary and outdated files can take over part of the computer’s virtual and RAM memory, this is insignificant, but it can affect the performance of the computer, and accordingly the game - clean the system of unnecessary files using the CCleaner utility, sometimes this has quite an effect noticeable on the performance of World of Tanks.

Figure 8. Overloading with some mod functions can cause ping drops

Remember that the performance of the game can largely depend on the state of your operating system, its cleanliness and orderliness, as well as the cleanliness of the WoT client, which can also indirectly be reflected in FPS and ping. Ping is more of a network problem, but insufficient care with your computer, poor and outdated wiring, overload of the client with mods can cause ping drops and, as a result, the comfort of the game will decrease, and to prevent this from happening, follow the instructions and tips that were given in this article.

World of Tanks is a free online game, a simulator of military operations involving armored vehicles from the Second World War. WoT was created in 2010 and has become one of the most popular action games. To date, more than 60 million people around the world have registered in the game.

High popularity requires developers to make significant efforts to maintain and support game clusters - servers connected by one communication channel. To distribute the load, the server infrastructure is geographically dispersed throughout the world. Choosing a server located closest to the user’s region will ensure comfortable gaming with minimal ping.

The location and number of servers in each region is determined by the demand for the game and the activity of the participants. As an example, let's try to take a closer look at where the World of Tanks servers are located.

Quick navigation through the article


The largest Russian-language cluster, intended for players in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries, includes half of the World of Tanks servers, which serve up to 1 million online players:

  • Ru1 - Moscow, Russia;
  • Ru2 - Moscow, Russia;
  • Ru3 - Munich, Germany;
  • Ru4 - Novosibirsk, Russia;
  • Ru5 - Moscow, Russia;
  • Ru6 - Moscow, Russia;
  • Ru7 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.


According to statistics, in this region the simultaneous number of users reaches 200 thousand, served by 2 servers:

  • Eu1 - Munich, Germany;
  • Eu2 - Amsterdam, Netherlands.


According to World of Tanks developers, the popularity of this game in China will grow steadily. Now 2 servers provide online presence for 150 thousand players:

  • CH1 - Beijing, China;
  • CH2 - Shanghai, China.


The demand for the game in this region is not high and there is no tendency for its growth. On the only server US1 (USA, Washington) there are about 30 thousand participants in online battles.

Southeast Asia

This region is in the development stage - the number of players does not yet exceed 30 thousand. The prospects for the development of this zone, according to analysts, are also ambiguous.

In order to support the game around the world, the World of Tanks developers decided to install 2 servers in this region:

  • SEA1 - Singapore, Republic of Singapore;
  • ROK1 - Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Each online game has a limit on the number of players who can be in it at the same time. In order to somehow solve this problem, additional servers are connected, which divide users geographically and ensure uninterrupted, full-fledged stable operation of each part of the game world.

It is worth thinking about changing the game cluster if problems arise with the gameplay, such as:

Constant and systematic disconnection from combat.
Inability to even enter the game.
Due to the large number of players.
Incorrect operation with a decrease in the amount of transmitted digital information.

Material about where the World of Tanks servers are located will help you decide on the selection of the right gaming space.

By the way, not every Russian server with the designation RU is located in Russia

Here is a list of RU servers, their geographic affiliation and regional position:

Russian domains with numbers 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 are located in Moscow, Russia.
Domain number 4 is located in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Server 8 is located near Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Cluster RU 3 is the only RU server located in Europe. Location: Frankfurt, Germany.
Number 9 is located in Khabarovsk, Russia.
Server 10 – Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

In addition to Russian ones, there are servers with EU designations that are based in Europe.

According to the latest data, servers are available in the main cities of Germany and the Netherlands

There are also Chinese analogues that take on gigantic loads due to the large number of players. According to the latest data, there are now 4 Chinese cluster branches.

Below is a list of where the World of Tanks servers are located, which lists resources that are not included in the main list due to low popularity and remote geographical location:

US 1 – United States of America.
US 2 – United States of America.
SEA 1 – Republic of Singapore.
ROK 1 – Republic of Korea.

As you can see, there are a huge number of options, everything is done for the benefit of the tankers, so as not to interrupt the gameplay with technical glitches.

By correctly distributing the gaming community across servers, you can guarantee the uninterrupted and high-quality operation of each of them. Many players deliberately move to servers in other countries in order to learn from the gaming experience of their foreign comrades.

    A very difficult and at the same time easy question. The logical answer is that you need to play on the server where the ping is lower, and now with the latest update you can already see the best ping when selecting a server in the game client (and not installing mods). WOT servers are located in different regions (information can be found here). But it’s more difficult to answer in terms of the presence of crayfish and deer on the server and where there will be fewer drains (lost battles). It has been noticed that if you abandon (not visit) the server for a month or more, then winning battles will begin on this server, which means we can conclude that there are server statistics for the player and the server itself balances victories and defeats. By the way, Jov (the whiner) accidentally hinted a long time ago that he was raising statistics on server 4 from 2 to 4 a.m. Moscow time. This means there is a loophole (perhaps even probably bought) for donors and extras. It has been noticed that if you buy a premium for a year, then very often the player at the top wins battles. Now, when the game has turned into a complete donation (money and money), and the developers are doing nothing to improve it, many players have gone to armata (and in vain, the potato stuttered about buying it) and therefore there are more than 50 percent of bots in the game. So advice: look for your winning combination on the servers. My friend raises the stats on the IS-3 this way: they play in a platoon (they combine 3 or 2 players), if defeats begin, they scatter and fight individually. Every day new combinations. In general, I have an interesting combination (works often): ru 3, the first 3 battles are victories, I go to ru 4 or ru 8 (for 3 there will be only defeats, tested), the first 3-5 fights are plums, then 5-7 battles are victories, 7 victory server after 2 am (Moscow time) and then, several in a row and that’s it. I play without donation.

    The server on which you can play the online game World of tanks is best to choose automatic. That is, you will check the box next to the inscription - select automatically and the launcher will drop you exactly on the server that has the least load and where there is a certain number of players. That is, it groups everything in a balanced way, which is extremely convenient for everyone - and the servers do not strain, they work stably and the end user plays without lags!

    There is, of course, a second option, when a gamer can select a server from his preferences, then look at the ping and the like. But internet speed also plays a key role here!

    Over several years spent playing World of tanks, I came to the conclusion that it is better to let the server be selected automatically (automatically before entering the game), because... then there are an order of magnitude fewer leaks, and if you constantly choose the server you like, then the leaks are constant and inevitable, 45 percent. I don’t know why, but it works. It's my opinion.

    Play on the first one) There are a lot of players there and they are quickly looking for a game

    I’ve been playing tanks for four years now and I also asked myself the same question. Which server is better to play on? Let's try to look at the issue from the technical side. Now there are many servers and each is designed for a certain territory, I’m not saying that you can’t play on them. You can simply see on the website that each server belongs to a specific area. To select a server with low ping, you can use mods (for example, tanks), they will show which server has less load and therefore less slowdowns and glitches, so that situations like mine don’t happen in the video below.

    When choosing a server for a game like World of tanks, you need to pay attention to the fact that it would be good to choose a server with low ping. In order to decide on the choice of server based on this indicator, use a special tank mod, which will show which server has the least load. And based on this, you can conclude that the game on this server will slow down and freeze less.

    Well, as an option, you can simply give preference to automatic selection.

    It's better to play on the server where your ping is lower. I prefer the 2nd and 5th servers, but I don’t know why) It’s just that when I enter the game, my hand is already drawn to choosing one of these servers. In general, just so you know, this game is very addictive, so if you are not yet very interested, it is better to delete it.