New electronic currency. Mint

Every day more and more people learn about cryptocurrencies and the cryptocurrency market, and many of them try to make money by investing in various coins, but often lose money. In cryptocurrency, one can observe a pattern that unknown and cheap coins, with promising technology, can grow tenfold and bring good profits.

In this collection, we have collected the most promising cheap cryptocurrencies of 2018, which you can buy on exchanges right now. You don’t have to buy a lot of coins, a small amount is enough, and when the coin makes a jump, you will remain in the black. But please note that I am not giving any financial advice and there is no guarantee that any of the coins on this list will rise. Therefore, before investing in anything, analyze and think for yourself.

The most promising cheap cryptocurrencies 2018

All coins in this list are sorted by capitalization, because the more money has already been invested in a coin, the less likely it is that it is of low quality.

1. Ripple

Ripple is one of the cheapest and most promising cryptocurrencies. Despite the fact that it violates all the basic principles and ideas of cryptocurrencies, it is very popular among banks and organizations. This coin is centralized and managed by one company, but this did not stop it from growing in 2017 from 6 cents to three dollars. The coin is a system of instant transactions that allows you to transfer any currency anywhere in the world. Now developers are actively establishing cooperation with banks. And despite the fact that now the rate of all cryptocurrencies is falling, this coin has great prospects.

  • Year of creation: 2014;
  • Designation: XRP;
  • Growth for 2017: x500;
  • Mining algorithm: No;
  • Number of coins: 99 992 725 510;
  • Coins mined: 39 009 215 838;
  • Exchanges: Poloniex, Binance, Bittrex, HitBTC, Bitfinex and others.

2. Cardano

The developers say that Cardano is a new decentralized platform created to create a decentralized economy and democratize finance in emerging markets. Cryptocurrency does not have any serious advantages over its competitors; it supports smart contracts, privacy and security. But the developers promise many innovations in the future, for example, separate layers for operations with tokens and processing smart contracts.

  • Year of creation: autumn 2017;
  • Designation: ADA;
  • Growth for 2017: x100;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 31 112 483 745;
  • Coins mined: 25 927 070 5388;
  • Exchanges: Bittrex, Binance, Upbit;


EOS is the most stable currency on the list of promising low-cost cryptocurrencies. This is a decentralized operating system based on its own blockchain architecture, which was created to solve problems with the scalability of smart contracts. The platform has its own databases, authentication and account management services, as well as management of the execution of decentralized applications and their distribution. Thanks to this, the architecture can scale to billions of transactions per second. Another advantage of EOS is that it did not fall very much even with the recent fall of the entire market, when Bitcoin dropped to $7 thousand. At the moment, EOS is just an Ethereum token, but this is only while developers are making their own platform.

  • Year of creation: spring 2017;
  • Designation: EOS;
  • Growth for 2017: x10;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 900 000 000;
  • Coins mined: 649 449 582;
  • Exchanges: Binance, Bitfinex, Kraken, HitBTC.

Presentation of the EOS cryptocurrency in Russian:

4. Stellar Lumens

This is one of the mandatory participants in our list of the cheapest and most promising cryptocurrencies. Stellar is actually an open source analogue of Ripple, the developers set themselves almost the same goals as the Ripple developers, but unlike that coin, Stellar is open source, decentralized and community-oriented. Many predict Ripple will succeed because banks will use it, but if Ripple grows, so will its free alternative.

  • Year of creation: Spring 2014;
  • Designation: XLM;
  • Growth for 2017: x400;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Block time: 3.5 seconds;
  • Number of coins: 103 649 583 897;
  • Coins mined: 18 436 222 998;
  • Exchanges: Binance, Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken, CEX.IO.

5. NEM

NEM is another cryptocurrency designed for banking, written in Java and JavaScript. In addition to money transfers, the NEM cryptocurrency has a built-in chat for transmitting encrypted messages, as well as an Eigentrust++ reputation system. Confirmation of transactions is carried out using its own PoI algorithm, this is the same as PoS, only here the user’s activity is also taken into account. The main advantage of the algorithm is that the more transactions you perform, the greater the reward you will receive for confirming blocks. NEM already has several agreements with Japanese banks.

  • Year of creation: early 2015;
  • Designation: XEM;
  • A country: Japan;
  • Growth for 2017: x250;
  • Mining algorithm: PoI;
  • Number of coins: not limited;
  • Coins mined: 8 999 999 999;
  • Exchanges: Poloniex, Bittrex, HitBTC.


Iota is a cryptocurrency for the Internet of things. A very interesting project, considering that there is no mining here, just like there are no miners. Anyone who wants to send a transaction must confirm two existing ones using PoW. Thus, there are no transaction fees. Instead of a blockchain (chain), IoTA uses confusion, in which the blocks are not in one chain, but are mixed in a certain order. In the future, it is planned that this coin will be used on more than 50 billion devices.

  • Year of creation: summer 2017;
  • Designation: IOTA;
  • Growth for 2017: x12;
  • Mining algorithm: PoW;
  • Number of coins: 2 779 530 283;
  • Coins mined: 2 779 530 283;
  • Exchanges: Bitfinex, Binance, Coinone.

7. Tron

Tron is a platform for distributing digital content, applications and other information over the Internet while respecting copyright. All this content, including games and applications, will be sold for the internal currency - Tron, but other popular cryptocurrencies will also be available. All platform source code is open source and the platform will be decentralized. Currently, the cryptocurrency operates on the Ethereum network, but in the future it is planned to switch to its own platform.

  • Year of creation: autumn 2017;
  • Designation: TRX;
  • A country: Singapore;
  • Growth for 2017: x200;
  • Mining algorithm: No;
  • Number of coins: 100 000 000 000;
  • Coins mined: 65 748 192 476;
  • Exchanges: Binance, Bitfinex.

8. OmiseGo

OmiseGo is a financial transfer and asset trading platform based on the Ethereum network. The development council includes key Ethereum developers, including Vitalik Buterin. Internal transfers are carried out using the OMG token; the advantages of the platform include instant transfers, low commissions, mobile banking and support for working with fiat money.

  • Year of creation: 2017;
  • Designation: OMG;
  • A country: Eastern Europe;
  • Growth for 2017: x36;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 140 245 398;
  • Coins mined: 102 042 552;
  • Exchanges: Bitfinex, Binance, Poloniex.


Icon is a Korean platform that aims to provide a tool for interoperability between blockchains and supports the execution of decentralized applications. The platform is designed to be used by various companies for financial transfers; agreements have already been concluded with several banks, universities and hospitals. In addition, this cryptocurrency is officially supported by the Korean government and was created with its support.

  • Year of creation: 2017;
  • Designation: ICX;
  • A country: Korea;
  • Growth for 2017: x44;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 381 495 014;
  • Coins mined: 400 230 000;
  • Exchanges: Binance, HitBTC.

10. Stratis

Stratis is a British platform that allows companies to create their blockchains in the C# and .NET programming languages, which allows for high speed in the development of new blockchains. In fact, the platform can be called an analogue of Ethereum, with such advantages as PoS mining, smart contracts in the C# programming language and support for smart contracts for child blockchains (tokens). Another plus for Stratis is its active cooperation with Microsoft.

  • Year of creation: 2016;
  • Designation: STRAT;
  • A country: Great Britain;
  • Growth for 2017: x260;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: not limited;
  • Coins mined: 98 729 632;
  • Exchanges: Bittrex, Binance, HitBTC, LiveCoin.

11. Waves

Waves is another platform similar to Ethereum that is being developed in Russia. Its founder is Sasha Ivanov, a fairly well-known personality; he is constantly promoting the platform and participating in various conferences. Waves has several advantages over Ethereum - PoS mining, leasing (renting out your coins for mining), its own decentralized exchange, high scalability and transaction speed, low commission.

  • Year of creation: 2016;
  • Designation: WAVES;
  • A country: Russia;
  • Growth for 2017: x80;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: not limited;
  • Coins mined: 100 000 000;
  • Exchanges: Yobit, Exmo, Binance, Waves DEX.

12. Augur

I have a negative attitude towards gambling and do not believe that you can make money by trying to guess the outcome of events, but many people believe in it and use it. Augur cryptocurrency is an Ethereum-based platform with which each participant can bet on the outcome of a particular event. The idea is that the commission is much lower than in bookmakers, and it is impossible to deceive the network in any way due to decentralization.

  • Year of creation: 2015;
  • Designation: REP;
  • A country: USA;
  • Growth for 2017: x180;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 998 999 495;
  • Coins mined: 998 999 495;
  • Exchanges: Kraken, Poloniex, Bittrex.


Doge is a fairly well-known and at the same time still very cheap cryptocurrency. It was created back in 2013 based on Litecoin with the goal of making a cheap and accessible coin for everyone. Since then, the coin has been used many times for charity and to support sports teams from obscure countries.

  • Year of creation: 2013;
  • Designation: DOGE;
  • A country: USA;
  • Growth for 2017: x90;
  • Mining algorithm: PoW;
  • Mining algorithm: Scrypt;
  • Number of coins: not limited;
  • Coins mined: 113 077 183 783;
  • Exchanges: Poloneix, Bittrex, HitBTC, Kraken, YoBit.

14. Civic

Civic is a Blockchain-based user authentication platform. It will provide secure and inexpensive access for organizations that need to verify the identities of their users. Moreover, now there will be no need to send and confirm documents. Now identity verification is a headache for many users of cryptocurrency exchanges; if the project is successful, it will dramatically improve the whole situation.

  • Year of creation: 2013;
  • Designation: CVC;
  • A country: South Africa;
  • Growth for 2017: x7;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 1 000 000 000;
  • Coins mined: 342 699 966;
  • Exchanges: Bittrex, Poloniex, Kucoin.

15. Ardor

Many have heard about the promising cryptocurrency NXT, which was before and is still quite popular. The cryptocurrency solved many of Bitcoin's problems in the field of storing data in blockchains by providing the ability to create child blockchains. But then the developers stopped developing NXT and switched to its new version - Ardor. This coin has all the same advantages as NXT, but in addition, it provides other improvements - transactions are processed within 60 seconds, a high degree of security.

  • Year of creation: 2017;
  • Designation: ARDR;
  • Growth for 2017: x6;
  • Mining algorithm: PoS;
  • Number of coins: 998 999 495;
  • Coins mined: 998 999 495;
  • Exchanges: Bittrex, HitBTC.

Rating of promising inexpensive cryptocurrencies

To finish, let's make a small rating of cheap cryptocurrencies based on how much they grew in 2018.

Cryptocurrency Designation Height
Ripple XRP 500
Stellar Lumens XLM 400
Stratis STRAT 260
Tron TRX 200
Augur REP 180
Cardano ADA 100
DogeCoin DOGE 90
Waves WAVES 80
Icon ICX 44
OmiseGo OMG 36
Civic C.V.C. 7
Ardor ARDR 6


In this article, we looked at the most promising cheap cryptocurrencies of 2018, which you can buy right now on most exchanges. No one can guarantee that they will grow. But they have already shown excellent growth this year and at the moment the market has fallen very much, we can count on these cryptocurrencies to at least regain their positions. What cheap cryptocurrencies do you think are the best? Write in the comments!

The first cryptocurrency (bitcoin) appeared in January 2009, that is, 8.5 years ago. In 2017, cryptocurrencies are booming, their capitalization breaks records almost every day, and the profitability from trading them is tens and hundreds of times higher than the profitability from Forex, securities and bank deposits. There are more than a thousand cryptocurrencies in total; their total capitalization today exceeds $135 billion, which is more than, for example, that of Mastercard (121 billion). Moreover, only the 10 most popular cryptocurrencies have a capitalization of at least $1 billion. These ten cryptocurrencies account for the lion's share of their value; they can also be called the most promising in terms of income, because because of their popularity, it is not a problem to find exchanges and exchangers where they can be sold and bought; the popularity of cryptocurrency also affects the number of places where it can be used to pay for real goods and services, and this also affects the prospects for the growth of the cryptocurrency rate and its reliability.

10th place. Ethereum Classic/ Classic Ether (abbreviation ETC)

This currency emerged after the Ethereum split on July 30, 2015. A year ago (August 13, 2016) its rate was $1.84. The exchange rate for today is $14.47. Thus, the price of classic ether increased 7.86 times over 12 months. A total of 94,493,547 ETC were issued, capitalization is $1,361,774,854.

Classic ether rate chart. Here and below, green indicates the exchange rate to the dollar, orange indicates the exchange rate to Bitcoin, and blue indicates capitalization.

9th place. Dash/ Dash (abbreviation DASH)

First issue - January 18, 2014. A year ago the rate was $13.22. The exchange rate for today is $204.66. The price over 12 months increased by 15.48 times. A total of 7,489,567 DASH were issued, capitalization is $1,529,541,914.

Dash exchange rate chart

8th place. IOTA/ IOTA (abbreviation MIOTA)

First release - June 11, 2016. Two months ago (earlier data could not be found) the rate was $0.62. The exchange rate for today is $0.73. The price increased by 17% in 2 months. A total of 2,779,530,283 MIOTA were issued, capitalization is $2,081,434,575.

IOTA rate chart

7th place. NEO/NEO (abbreviation NEO)

The Chinese project started in 2014 under the name AntShares. In August 2017, it received a new name - NEO. 11 months ago the rate was $0.32. Today's rate is $46.30. The price has increased 144.68 times in 11 months, making Neo the most profitable cryptocurrency in 2017. A total of 50,000,000 NEO have been issued, capitalization is $2,257,220,000.

NEO exchange rate chart

6th place. NEM/ NEM (abbreviation XEM)

The Japanese project started on March 31, 2015. A year ago the rate was $0.007. The exchange rate for today is $0.26. The price over 12 months increased by 37.14 times. A total of 8,999,999,999 XEM have been issued, capitalization is $2,392,803,000.

NEM course chart

5th place. Litecoin/ Litecoin (abbreviated LTC)

First issue - October 12, 2011. A year ago the rate was $3.75. The exchange rate for today is $46.05. The price over 12 months increased by 12.28 times. A total of 52,443,432 LTC were issued, capitalization is $2,414,516,604.

litecoin price chart

4th place. Bitcoin Cash/ Bitcoin Cash (abbreviated BCH)

This currency arose after the Bitcoin split on August 1, 2017. The rate today is $309.94, which approximately corresponds to the rate of the first day of sales. A total of 16,489,888 BCH have been issued, capitalization is $5,158,729,385.

bitcoin cash price chart

3rd place. Ripple/ Ripple (abbreviated XRP)

The project started in 2012. A year ago the rate was $0.006. The exchange rate for today is $00.17. The price over 12 months has increased by 28.33 times. A total of 38,352,642,160 XRP will be issued, capitalization is $6,488,806,822.

ripple rate chart

2nd place. Ethereum/ Ether (abbreviated ETH)

First issue - July 30, 2015. A year ago the rate was $11.65. The exchange rate for today is $296.11. The price over 12 months increased by 25.41 times. A total of 93,970,956 ETH were issued, capitalization is $28,076,830,306.

ether price chart

1 place. Bitcoin/ Bitcoin / Bitcoin (abbreviated BTC)

The first release of the most popular cryptocurrency today took place on January 3, 2009. A year ago, the Bitcoin rate was $586.40. The exchange rate for today is $4068.44. The price over 12 months increased by 6.93 times. A total of 16,504,775 BTC were issued, capitalization is $67,148,686,801, which is 49.5% of the total cryptocurrency capitalization.

bitcoin price chart

After Bitcoin was given the status of an official currency in Japan and Germany (as a private currency) and a legal exchange asset in the USA, Norway and a number of other countries, investing in cryptocurrency has become more attractive and promising.

The emergence of other technologies, in addition to Bitcoin, that have economic and practical value (Ethereum, for example, is actively used by some Western banks and IT companies to conclude smart contracts) also helps to increase the level of trust in cryptocurrency and stimulates interest in its acquisition.

Investment strategies in 2018

Currently, due to the process of gradual legalization of cryptocurrency – mainly Bitcoin – investors are becoming increasingly interested in this promising asset. In Russia, the legal status of cryptocurrency has not yet been determined - certain officials speak out against it, while other politicians, including the President of the Board of Sberbank German Gref, are supporters of the technology.

However, investing in cryptocurrency in 201 in Russia is possible, many companies work with bitcoins and other electronic currencies legally. The rapid development of technology has led to the development of specific methods of investing in cryptocurrency, and even management companies began to appear. The currency is experiencing a real boom and many believe that this is the best way to invest today.

Production of bitcoin and other currencies

Mining is the extraction of cryptocurrency using a personal computer. This method is only relevant for newly formed currencies, since the coin mining algorithms are not yet very complex. According to reviews, it is useless to mine Bitcoin, Likecoin or Ether using mining on a personal PC; there are almost no prospects in this direction: the energy costs and wear and tear of the equipment are too high - so-called farms are used to mine long-developed cryptocurrencies, and for industrial mining farms are combined into clusters .

Cloud mining is the best strategy (available to the general population) for investing in the cryptocurrency bitcoin and other new currencies. A farm or cluster mines coins, and service clients invest in equipment and electricity, receiving a reward at the current rate depending on the amount of capacity invested.

Trading Features

There are special platforms where some types of cryptocurrencies can be purchased for others or for real money; as a rule, they work with the TOP popular currencies. You can engage in trading directly, but it is better to transfer funds into trust management to professional traders if you do not have practical experience. Earnings are generated through speculation on the exchange rate; you can earn money both on the fall and on the growth of the cryptocurrency. Choosing the best one is not so easy, since the time of their use is still short, especially on the scale of our country.

CFDs are contracts for the difference in the value of cryptocurrency on the interbank market (Forex). They differ from trading on the exchange due to the increased volatility of the asset and lower costs. It is possible to invest in PAMM accounts of professional traders.

Smart contracts, so-called ICOs. Technically, this is the same as an IPO (public offering of securities), only with the help of cryptocurrencies. The investor becomes the owner of so-called tokens, which he can sell on the exchange or hold in order to receive payments and expect an increase in value.

Management companies

Transferring funds for trust investment in management companies is also one of the investment strategies. There are few such companies - they officially operate only in jurisdictions where bitcoin is recognized as a legal exchange asset, for example, in Norway or Japan, and there are no real reviews about them on the RuNet.

In Russia, due to the unclear position of cryptocurrencies, management companies of such a promising profile do not exist. However, through European brokers you can purchase shares of crypto-ETFs operating in Western jurisdictions, for example, Token Fund, the tokens of which can be purchased for Bitcoin or Likecoin.

Please note that there are many pseudo-trust management companies on the Internet that operate on the basis of licenses and permits from offshore countries, and also do not sign any documents with clients, offering simplified registration when investing in cryptocurrency.

Usually such companies are called HYIPs. Reviews suggest that investing in them is highly discouraged, since they operate on the principle of a financial pyramid and disappear after 3-4 months of actively raising funds - it is better to choose a safer method.

Exchanges for cryptocurrency

Despite the fact that the cryptocurrency market in 2018 is not yet large (the total capitalization, according to Coinmarketcap, reaches only $54 billion, while the stock market, for example, is worth more than $73 trillion according to Bloomberg estimates), there are many international exchanges , offering exchange, not only for ordinary currency, but directly between different types of cryptocurrencies (including bitcoin).

Thanks to exchanges, you can purchase the best assets and invest in cryptocurrency using various strategies. The largest exchanges in terms of daily bitcoin turnover in 2018 are as follows:

  • Poloniex is the largest exchange in the world, and according to reviews it is considered the best. Offers 90 currency pairs for exchange, language – only English;
  • Bitflinex is the second exchange in terms of trading volume, offering 21 pairs for exchange, including using margin lending;
  • OKCoin is the largest Chinese exchange, works only with Bitcoin and Likecoin;
  • BTCChina is the second major Chinese exchange that also offers work with Ethereum;
  • BTC-e is the largest Russian platform, supports cryptocurrency exchange in 27 directions;
  • LiveCoin is another exchange with a Russian-language interface; on it you can purchase more than 180 cryptocurrencies, including completely new ones;
  • LocalBitcoins – more than 75 currency pairs are offered for exchange, supports Russian language.
Promising strategies There are several ways to invest in cryptocurrency using exchanges:
  • Buy and hold - the strategy involves purchasing cryptocurrency at a minimum and selling after reaching its target value; investors can hold the asset for years;
  • Scalping - quick purchase and sale of currency (a favorite strategy of medium-sized management companies), earnings due to minimal price fluctuations, it is most effective to work on Forex, on a regular exchange the costs are too high;
  • Breakout of a trend - an asset is purchased when the cryptocurrency passes a local maximum or minimum and is reflected from it, and the movement gives rise to a new long-term trend (the exit point from the transaction is a breakout of the trend in the other direction).

Other strategies are intended for professional traders and are applied directly to cryptocurrency trading. By the way, the company's managers have similar strategies.

Cloud mining: best offers and reviews

Time makes its own adjustments to standard methods of investing in cryptocurrency: in 2018, almost no one engages in single coin mining due to high costs, choosing promising cloud mining. The principle of investing in them is simple:

  • You choose a service that meets the conditions (pay special attention to the commission and money-back guarantee);
  • You purchase for money a certain part of the capacity of a remote mining farm;
  • You are engaged in remote mining of the selected currency in a specific pool;
  • Once the coin is earned, the funds are distributed among clients depending on their deposits.

It is important to use proven services for investing in cryptocurrency with reviews from real users - otherwise you can easily encounter scammers. Today, the most authoritative and promising mining services, relatively speaking, the best, are:

  • HashFlare - actively worked in 2017, and in 2018 left only a few contracts, but payments are accrued on them (for example, Ether). Minimum deposit – $5

(update from November 20, 2017 - investments in Litecoin, zCash, Etherium, Dash - but the annual contract for Bitcoin is still the most interesting from an investment point of view. 3 months payback.);

  • Bitmi – works only with Bitcoin, investments – from 1 dollar, recommended – from 200 dollars;
  • Fleex – mining allows you to mine about 10 popular cryptocurrencies;
  • HashOcean – cloud mining for likecoins;
  • Genesis Mining is considered the largest remote mining service in Russia; it allows you to mine not only Bitcoin, but also all cryptocurrencies built on the basis of its protocol.

In general, investing in cryptocurrency with the help of mining centers has clearer conditions; compared to management companies, they are more promising, but it is important to choose a trusted company so as not to lose your own funds.

Read more about cloud mining, its pros and cons in our articles:

TOP promising cryptocurrencies for investment

It is important not only where to invest and according to what strategy, but also in what currency. Thus, bitcoin is quite volatile and is growing in the long term (and with its recognition as a means of payment in new countries, its popularity will only increase), but you should not limit yourself to it; it is better to assemble a portfolio of several of the best cryptocurrencies for and diversify the risks.

As practice shows, cryptocurrency rates are practically independent of each other, so it is optimal to purchase them in equal quantities at the moment of the greatest drop in value and work with them using different strategies.

New cryptocurrencies appear regularly, but choose the best ones that have existed for at least a year and have managed to establish themselves as a reliable means of payment.

The most promising cryptocurrencies in 2018 for investing using any of the selected strategies (besides bitcoin) are the following:

  • Ethereum. One of the rare cryptocurrencies that have practical value: its technology is used to secure automatic scenarios for completing transactions. Thanks to this property, Ethereum is actively used by a number of Western banks and IT companies, including Microsoft; the board of Sberbank has declared interest in this cryptocurrency. According to reviews, it is one of the most promising projects.
  • Monero. A completely anonymous service that has gained popularity among black market participants. It is actively developing.
  • Siacoin. This technology is a cloud data storage - an alternative to Google Doc or Yandex.Disk, but at the same time independent of corporations.
  • Lisk. This cryptocurrency is based on JavaScript and is a ready-made infrastructure for the Internet of Things.
  • Ripple. Ranked among the TOP cryptocurrencies for investment, Ripple is a rare example of a centralized cryptocurrency. Ripple is actively used by Western banks in settlements, as it allows you to save on transactions, reducing the commission to literally a few cents.
  • Litecoin. If you compare Bitcoin with gold, then LaCoin is definitely silver. This cryptocurrency is the second largest by capitalization, and when Bitcoin prices fall, a number of investors are looking for salvation in it. Therefore, Litecoin can be purchased to hedge risks.


Thus, investing in cryptocurrency in 2018 is an excellent promising investment due to the growth of the market and its legalization in many developed countries. You can invest in electronic currency in different ways: by trading, transferring funds to management companies, cloud mining, participating in ICOs, etc.

To invest in cryptocurrency in 2018, you need to choose reliable and proven services so as not to encounter scammers. There are many promising cryptocurrencies; to reduce risks, it is recommended to collect a diversified portfolio of several of the best names included in the TOP list.

Successful people are not born, they are made. This vital axiom is also quite suitable for the digital world, where all new currencies are initially little-known and inexpensive, but gain popularity over time. Weak players in the crypto market are eliminated, promising ones develop, become influential, their capitalization increases and, accordingly, their value increases.

Those who from the very beginning made a bet on the desired inexpensive cryptocurrency and decided to invest in it, seeing its potential value in the future, end up with kings. As a rule, new digital coins start out very cheap, but then some of them show an increase in value that even the most optimistic forecasts did not predict.

The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was initially not worth a penny, and only a couple of people knew about it, including its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Let's look at 2009: 1 BTC costs $0.001. Let's look at what happened in 2017: the BTC rate exceeded $20,000!

$0.001 → $20,000 = incredible success of Bitcoin cryptocurrency

Classic story “slumdog millionaire”. Now it tops all cryptocurrency ratings, is on the first line of all kinds of tops, and is the most desirable investment object. And the best thing is that other cryptocurrencies, even the most inexpensive ones today, can go through a similar path. Success depends on many factors that need to be carefully studied, because in the field of virtual money a superficial approach and hasty decisions are not welcome.

Today we will take a detailed look at the list of cryptocurrencies at the same time the cheapest and most promising for investment in 2019.

Promising cheap cryptocurrencies

Inexpensive, but with growth prospects. This is said not only about virtual currency, but also about other investment objects. After all, aerobatics - find a promising and inexpensive coin at the moment of its inception before others had time to take a fancy to her, and turn it into an inexhaustible source of income.

In 2019, experts predict unprecedented growth of the entire cryptocurrency market with record rates and total capitalization, the emergence of new serious players capable of completely changing the usual course of action. Let's get acquainted with the main contenders who may shoot in the very near future. Our task is to make sure that this arrow flies into your virtual garden. Of course, as in any business, there is always a risk of losing your investment. However, there is a way to reduce it.

So, the top 5 cheap and promising cryptocurrencies in 2019

Important! The risk associated with investing in cryptocurrency can be minimized if you invest not in one asset, but divide your capital into several of the most potential and attractive ones.

This promising newcomer to the cryptocurrency market is not so much a virtual means of payment as innovative cloud storage technology, capable of protecting all your assets even in the event of a force majeure system failure. This global decentralized storage, which provides users from all over the world with an unprecedented level of privacy and information security.

Sia cloud developers use local encryption, that is, they encrypt both the entire file itself and each part of it separately. This way, no one is able to find out exactly what files you store on the platform.

Now Siacoins cost mere pennies, and the Sia network is constantly growing and in the future plans to become the main service for decentralized cloud storage on the Internet. Hurry up to study siacoin more deeply so as not to miss the moment and one day stumble upon news about its unimaginable rise in price.

A decentralized protocol that allows users to satisfy their online entertainment needs, taking advantage of all the benefits of blockchain. The coin began trading only in September 2017, and already in January 2019 it entered the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies in terms of capitalization. This platform provides users high-quality entertainment content without restrictions: various applications, games, videos, graphic materials. Moreover, the service allows them to create and distribute content, even own internal currency.

The total capitalization of the TRON project is currently $7 billion, and the digital entertainment market is not oversaturated, to put it mildly. And now, while the TRX rate is still very low, it’s time to take a closer look at this promising young stock.

1 hour 24 hours 7 days 30 days 1 year

3. Verge (XVG)

One of the safest and most anonymous coins. Released back in 2014 and designed with privacy in mind. Verde uses Proof of Work and supports 5 algorithms for mining(Scrypt, X17, Groestl, Blake2s, Lyra2rev2). The currency is constantly evolving and is supported by a large number of wallets. Traded on many exchanges, but the main volume is on Bittrex.

No one can tell you about the coin better than its creators. Therefore, to get a complete picture, do not be lazy to watch a short but informative video from the authors of Verge.

1 hour 24 hours 7 days 30 days 1 year

4. Cardano (ADA)

An open cryptocurrency project, which is a decentralized public blockchain. Its authors have a goal improve the smart contract platform, allowing users to create applications and contracts inexpensively and securely. This will create a new decentralized economy, and the financial industry will become more democratized. A new highly secure Haskell programming language was developed for the project, which provides increased security for the entire system. It is currently the most secure programming language.

Really perfectly adapted to the conditions of the cryptocurrency economy. When coin activity begins, the price of coins will rise sharply, analysts are sure. And they characterize Cardano as a worthy option for long-term investment. A detailed overview of this currency, as well as the prospects for growth in its value, can be found at the link.

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5. Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Stellar is called decentralized consent platform, which supports any type of cryptocurrency. Moreover, it is equipped with a built-in decentralized exchange. The service developers are confident that this simple and effective technology will help improve the world's financial infrastructure.

Through Stellar, users (people/companies/financial institutions) can make exchange transactions as easily and quickly as possible. So everyone gets Free access to financial transactions without the need for intermediaries, which significantly reduces costs and increases profitability. At the Sibos 2017 conference in Toronto, this platform was supported by large industry companies and leading banks. Staller's main promise is that it could become the main intermediate cryptocurrency to facilitate exchange between different cryptocurrencies, which will increase their liquidity.

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Cheap cryptocurrencies that may rise in price in 2019

We cannot ignore other inexpensive cryptocurrencies that may rise in price in 2019. Analysts are confident that digital assets such as Ardor and aelf will show excellent positive dynamics and will significantly increase in price. There are also big bets on IOTA and Nxt currencies: they will grow and strengthen their position in the market.

Top 5 cheap cryptocurrencies that could rise significantly in price in 2019

1. Nxt/Nextcoin (NXT)

A completely decentralized, anonymous and secure electronic money exchange system, built on its own blockchain. The developers deliberately created the code from scratch in order to eliminate all the shortcomings of the first generation of crypto money. It is based on the Proof of Stake (proof of ownership, PoS) algorithm, which expands mining capabilities. Thanks to the transparent protocol, all transactions within the network are literally lightning fast (no other system is capable of providing such fast transfers).

The platform is also different energy efficiency, because the PoS mechanism does not require huge computing power, as is the case with most other cryptocurrencies. Both experts and ordinary users speak out about the prospects and optimistic future of Nextcoin. A short video about Nextcoin is clear and interesting.

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A virtual ecosystem developed on the blockchain, offering users convenient network scaling options. Essentially, this is the second generation of Nxt, but more advanced: Ardor provides the ability to create your own child chains within the system. Ardor is also positioned as an easy-to-understand and reliable development for business.

Through this platform, any company can create your own coins and receive a commission for their transfer. Moreover, transactions within the network are almost lightning fast: it usually takes 60 seconds, or even less. This simple and affordable solution for business will undoubtedly find its wide audience in various organizations and companies that use blockchain technology to scale and strengthen their business.

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The main mission of this virtual currency is to make money transfers as simple as possible, which in turn will simplify interaction between banks, much will improve the quality of their services and will have a positive impact on the state of the entire financial market. Ripple has one of the highest levels of capitalization today, so the authority of this crypto coin is already very high.

Its creators have secured the support of more than 300 major financial organizations and well-known international banks. it's the same the only cryptocurrency through which you can pay for the purchase of gold and other valuable metals. Headquartered in Silicon Valley and nine other global financial centers, the digital currency clearly has serious plans for the future.

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A self-developing platform that should become a real panacea for everyone who works with digital currency and needs different tools to perform a particular task. The aelf platform is characterized phenomenal multitasking and the ability to quickly and easily adapt to any user need.

Quite ambitious, but quite realistic, especially considering how strong the team is developing it. The creators of the aelf-ELF project have extensive experience working with blockchain technologies and several successfully implemented innovative projects. The ambition of the project lies in the fact that through partnerships with FBG and Decentraland, aelf developers plan to start construction the first digital city - Crypto Valley.

“Blockchain markets are globalized, but it is not always easy to interact between teams, investors and communities. We wanted to find a way to reduce communication costs, increase efficiency, and put encrypted digital cities at the center of blockchain technology development. Crypto Valley is positioned to achieve this mission.” Zhulin Chen, co-founder of Aelf

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Cryptocurrency without commissions and miners. Created as a means of payment for the sale Internet of Things concept(Internet of Things, IoT). Indeed, there are no commissions here, which allows you to use IOTA for micropayments (for example, 1 RUB). It is also completely self-sustaining network: There are no miners here, and users themselves confirm other users' transactions. Instead of the usual blockchain, Tangle technology is used here.

In addition to a convenient means of payment for the implementation of IoT, this platform can allow users to trade online: rent out their equipment, rent out hard drive space, sell free megabytes in electronic databases, and large companies can sell data about their products.

What's innovative about it? The very principle of operation. IOTA is built like a web and is infinitely scalable.


Do you want to become one of the first owners of new profitable cryptocurrencies released in 2017?

The increasing popularity of ICOs has led to the emergence of dozens of proposals on this market. Many of them demonstrate literally explosive growth in prices, which predetermines their popularity and excellent prospects.

In June 2017, the startup Status placed its SNT tokens. The cryptocurrency shows a price increase of 193% within 7 days, and the daily transaction volume with it exceeds $5.5 million. This is only the initial period of growth for SNT, so you can consider this option as an investment object for the coming months.

Among the newest crypto coins from the list released in 2017, GNT also deserves attention. The issuer of the tokens was the Golem company. The project is creating a decentralized supercomputer, formed by combining the computing power of connected users' PCs. In just 20 minutes, the company raised $8 million in investments. True, soon after the initial placement the rate of the crypto coin unexpectedly dipped, but now it is going up quite confidently.

Another star of the 2017 list of promising offers is OMG from OmiseGO. Immediately after the first sale, the company’s tokens showed rapid growth and have already brought impressive profits to their owners.

How to buy the latest cryptocurrencies?

Most of the interesting offers are not intended for mining. They are produced and distributed by startups in limited quantities. So you can only acquire such crypto coins by purchasing. To conclude a deal on the most favorable terms, it is better to take part in the ICO. A list of initial cryptocurrency offerings for the near future can be found on thematic resources.

There is an alternative option to get the latest tokens - participation in bounty campaigns. Complete various developer tasks and take part in ICOs without investing your own capital. If both of the above options do not work, the only option left is to buy coins on the exchange.

Popular cryptocurrencies for mining in 2017

The list of such tokens is updated quite rarely. The market for unsecured crypto coins is already saturated, and the choice of mining options is quite wide. Bitcoin is no longer suitable for these purposes. However, there are other interesting options.