Several ways to delete an account in my world. How to delete the “My World” page Remove an account from my world


In Opera, click "Tools", then "Delete personal data". A window will appear in front of you in which you need to click on the arrow next to the “Detailed settings” button. Next, click the “Manage Passwords” link. In the window that appears, you will find a list of websites and accounts for them. You need to left-click on the required mail resource. A specific list of names will open that you use to successfully log in to this resource. All you have to do is select and delete the corresponding mail login. Click the button called “Delete”, which is located in the upper right corner of the window.

In Internet Explorer, open the email service whose login name you will be deleting. Go to the login page. You need to double-click the left mouse button in the field provided to enter the name of the mailbox. A window will appear containing a list of all accounts that you use for authorization on the server. Select the desired login, and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.

In Mozilla Firefox, click the menu item “Tools” => “Settings”. Select "Protection" and find the "Passwords" link, then click on the button like "Saved Passwords". You will see a list of web resources and logins that are used for authorization. Find the required service from the specified list and select the required name, click the “Delete” button. If you want to delete all logins at once, then simply click “Delete all”.

In Google Chrome, look for the picture of a wrench, it is located in the upper right part of this browser. If you hover your mouse over it, the “Customize and manage Google Chrome” option will appear. You must click on this button and select the “Options” button in the new menu. In the tab like “Personal Materials” you will find a field called “Passwords” and click on the “Management” tab. And in the window that appears in the “Saved Passwords” list, you can find a list of websites, logins and password phrases for them. Now delete your mail login by simply clicking on the cross located on the right side of the line.

The procedure for opening an electronic mailbox is usually clear to most users, since many different instructions and articles have been written about it. Unfortunately, much less has been said about such a procedure as deleting a mailbox. This is why not every user knows how to delete a mailbox if it is no longer needed.

At the same time, deleting a mailbox is a procedure, all the intricacies of which you need to know for your own safety. After all, if data (login and password) are obtained by attackers, your mailbox can be used by them at their discretion. So, what about a mailbox if it is on one of the popular mail services?

1. If your mailbox is on the service, you can delete it quite easily. To do this, you need to go to your mailbox directly or the “Yandex passport” system and log in. When you log into your mailbox, you will see a “ ” link at the top (it’s grayed out). By clicking on this link, you will see the settings page with the corresponding menu. In this menu you need to find the “delete mailbox” link. By clicking on it, we will be taken to a page with a standard form for deleting a mailbox. After filling out the form and entering the appropriate password, you must click on the “delete” button. This operation will completely delete your mailbox.

2. If your mailbox is on the service, to delete it you will need to log in and use a special interface that will be available to you directly from the mailbox. You can delete it only after you enter the full name of the mailbox you want to delete in the “Username” field and select the corresponding domain in the drop-down list. In the “Password” field, you must enter the correct password for this mailbox and click the “Delete” button. After this, your mailbox will be completely emptied of its contents, and access to it will be blocked. But the name under which this mailbox was registered will be released no earlier than three months after its deletion.

3. If your mailbox is on the service, you can delete it using one of two existing methods. If you want to completely delete your name and the corresponding mailbox on, you should log in to the page and click the “delete name” link there. After confirming the operation, the account will be deleted along with the mailbox. The second way is to simply send to an email address [email protected] login and password of the mailbox to be deleted. It will be closed and deleted.

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Many sites provide a free mailbox to their users, particularly those who create an address for a specific period. This could be the time of a certain project or enterprise, competition, event, and so on. After the period expires, the box is no longer needed, and to prevent confidential information from falling into the hands of hackers, you can delete it.

You will need

  • Computer with Internet connection.


To delete an account from the Rambler service, go to the page, select the “Delete mailbox” command and confirm your choice.

On the service, go to the page If desired, indicate the reason for deletion, current password, and confirm deletion.

On the Google service, go to the page, select the “Delete account” command. Check the boxes next to all the services you use, enter your password and confirm deletion.

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Sometimes, due to the complete refusal to use email, some users need to deactivate their email. This may be due to registering a new email address with another email service or for some other reason. This option is used extremely rarely. If you decide that you no longer need your mail, you can turn it off.

You will need

  • Deactivating the “Use email address” option in the Google system.


A new page will then open describing the consequences of disabling your . After reading, please confirm your decision to disable email. The shutdown will occur within 30 minutes. Click "Save Changes".

To disable the email box in the Yandex mail system, open “Settings” in the upper right corner of your page with letters. At the bottom of the page on the left, open the “Yandex.Passport Settings” menu. Click "Delete Mailbox." After this, you will find yourself on the “Yandex.Passports” page, where a form for deleting a mailbox will be presented. Enter your password and click "Delete".

Now your Yandex mailbox has been deleted, but Yandex- remains. To delete it, open “Personal Data”. At the bottom of the page that opens, click “Delete account.” You will be redirected to a page with the “Deleting an account on Yandex” form. Enter your password and click "Delete". After deleting your account, you will find yourself on the start page of the search engine.

To disable a mailbox in the system, use a special interface.
To do this, log into your mailbox and enter the mailbox name in the “Username” field.

Select the desired domain from the list provided. Enter your mailbox password in the “Password” field and click “Delete”. After this, access to this mailbox will be blocked, and the name will be free after 3 months after deleting the mailbox.

To disable your email account in the Rambler mail system, log in to the page and click "Remove Name". Confirm your desire to disconnect. After which your name and the mailbox corresponding to your name will be deleted. You can also send your mailbox name and password to [email protected] .

To disable your Gmail mailbox, open Settings and go to the Accounts tab. Click Account Settings. Next to the My Services heading, click Edit. Open the “Delete Gmail service” item.

Deleting a mailbox on involves filling out a special form on this mail service, after which you can easily forget your old email address.

You will need

  • - computer with Internet access;
  • - web browser Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Google Chrome.


Make sure you are connected to the Internet. Next, open the web, enter in its address bar and wait for the main page of the mail service to load. In the upper left corner, enter your login information into the authorization form and click “Login” and go to your mailbox.

Enter your password again and click Delete. Your mailbox will be deleted along with all previously created services.

Deleting a mailbox on Go to the website, open your mailbox (enter your username and password).

At the very bottom of the page on the right is the “Help” tab - click on it. You will see a list of the most common questions and problems that arise when working with mail on Find in this list the question “How do I delete a mailbox that I no longer need?” Click on it.

On the page you see the answer to the question asked. To delete a mailbox, use the special interface (click on the hyperlink). Write a reason explaining the removal of the box. Enter your password and click on the “Delete” button.

Your mailbox has been deleted. Within three months you can restore it.

Video on the topic


Some mail servers delete (lock) mailboxes themselves if users do not use them for a certain period of time. Therefore, if you do not want to accidentally lose your box, be sure to go in and use it at least once every three months.

Almost every modern person has a mailbox. Many people have more than one, and it becomes impossible to remember everything. But, as they say, you should get rid of unnecessary things. For example, you can delete one of your unused emails.


Removing it is quite easy if you know how. For example, deleting mail in the system. Go to the site In the upper left corner there is a special login form in which you must enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. In the drop-down menu, select the domain on which the mailbox is registered. To do this, simply click on the desired option with the mouse.

You have entered your mailbox. Open the "More" tab in the top menu. In the menu that opens, click on the “Help” button.

An information center page with questions and problems that arise when working with the mail service will open in a new window. You can easily find explanations for deleting a mailbox in this list. This is question #11, located towards the end of the list.

In the window that loads, read a detailed description of the procedure for deleting a mailbox and a warning about what this action may entail. By getting rid of a mailbox, all of its letters are deleted. Emails sent to this address will not be delivered. All information on related projects is also simultaneously deleted. This refers to blogs, personal page, photographs, etc.

To permanently delete a mailbox, you must enter a reason for deleting it. You can write any reason, for example, “the mailbox is no longer in use.” Fill in the current password field. Confirm by clicking the “delete” button. In the pop-up window that appears on your screen, click the “ok” button.

A downloaded notification is a signal of successful deletion of a mailbox you no longer need. This is your last chance to change your mind, because you can still “restore this mailbox” by clicking on this inscription.

Video on the topic

Registering a mailbox is easy, but sometimes it takes a while to delete it the first time. Messaging services are fighting for their users, deliberately complicating the procedure for eliminating an account.

You will need

  • – login and password for the mailbox
  • – answer to secret question


Activate your account on the mail resource using your login and password. In the service that opens, find the “Settings” button. On different mail resources, this function may be called: “Change settings”, “Mailbox settings”, etc. Most often, this function is located next to the log out key of the mail account, and has an inconspicuous color. On one of the mail resources, the account liquidation service is located along the path: “Help” - “Delete mailbox”. Please note that most email resources provide the ability to delete only a mailbox, preserving all other applications that were used while using the resource. These resources may include

In this article:

This short guide is devoted to the topic - how to remove yourself from the My World Mail.Ru network. Although in general deletion is a fairly simple process, for those people who are not very familiar with computers, this can cause some difficulties.

The social network My [email protected] today occupies the third, quite stable place in the ranking of social networks in the Russian-language segment of the global network. However, oddly enough, many “residents” of more advanced social networks, such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, are not even aware of the existence of such a wonderful project as My World.

There is an opinion that this situation arose due to the not so active promotion of this social network, because Mail.RU Group is an organization that still supports postal services and technologies rather than social projects. Perhaps it is for this reason that My World lags so far behind its competitors, although 7 years ago we had never heard of others except this social network.

On the other hand, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki can only be called competitors of My World with a very big stretch. The owner of all three networks today is the same Mail.RU Group, its head office of Digital Sky Technologies. Therefore, promoting a third social network when there are two older brothers was probably considered irrelevant.

As a preface

Everything comes to an end sooner or later. A person comes to a social network, registers in it, creates a certain virtual life, makes new acquaintances, and lives here. Then there always comes a moment when you want to start all over again, or completely erase any mention of yourself, forever. Everyone has their own reasons for this and, as a rule, they are always associated with something negative. This is especially true for those who registered online using real data and came here just to spend time and find friends. Profiles of users involved in the promotion of any projects, especially on a commercial basis, are deleted extremely rarely. Because in advertising and commercial business, the older the profile, the better.

To those who have decided, no matter what, to completely remove themselves from My World, I would like to convey a certain fact - 85% of all those who leave social networks return. Resentments boil over, and a deficit in communication develops, which you quickly get used to. You turn on the computer, try to log into your profile out of habit, and realize that it’s not there. It's getting very sad.

Therefore, before deleting all your pages forever, you should think about it and perhaps postpone this action, at least until tomorrow morning. The My World service also provides the ability to quickly return the user, so even after completely deleting your account, you can restore it without losing data within 48 hours. After this period, the profile is deleted permanently and in order to return to the network, you will have to start all over again. So, let's move directly to the question of how to remove yourself from My World Mail.Ru.

Basics of deleting My World

If the question of how to delete “My World” on Mail.Ru is completely and irrevocably removed, the time has come for active action. Unlike other social projects, My World did not hide the deletion page behind seven doors, where it is sometimes not so easy to squeeze through.

There are a few important things to keep in mind before deleting your profile:

  • The social profile in My World is strictly tied to the Mail.Ru email address.
  • Deleting a social profile will not entail the parallel deletion of your email address; it can be used as usual. Therefore, questions like “How to delete a world but leave mail?” or “If you delete My World, will the mail remain?” shouldn't worry.
  • Before deleting, you need to change or delete your avatar - the main photo of your social profile, since later changing this picture will be very problematic without creating an account again. The photograph, left unchanged, will accompany any email sent from this email address. And if the recipient is an email also located on Mail.Ru, then the photo will “shine” in the recipient’s notifications.
  • 48 hours after deleting a personal page from My World, it will be impossible to restore it.
  • Within 48 hours after the deletion request, the profile will be blocked and it can be returned to its original state without loss.
  • Although profile restoration is impossible for the user, this does not guarantee the destruction of personal information about him on Mail.Ru servers. But it was worth thinking about this earlier, when valid information was entered during registration - last name, personal photo, and so on.

How to remove yourself from “My World” forever

Before you start deleting your profile, you need to change the main profile photo if you don’t want it to appear in the recipient’s return address line. This is relevant if you continue to use the email address on which the deleted social profile is registered. To do this, go to the personal settings page by clicking on the “Pencil” located next to the avatar:

In the “Personal Data” tab, which opens by default, click the “Add/change photo” link:

In the new window, select the storage location for the new picture for the avatar. It is preferable to choose a pre-prepared picture that is in a folder on your computer:

Select the desired image in the folder by clicking on it:

The new image will be downloaded automatically, you just need to adjust it a little and save it on the server:

Now comes the actual procedure for deleting a profile. As noted above, within the My World social network, this is easy to do. Go to the settings page again:

Go to the “Settings” tab:

At the very bottom of the page that opens, click the “Delete your World” button:

In the next window, the system will warn you that you can do without deleting if the problem is only in the privacy settings, and then step by step it will ask you to check the boxes. By this, the user agrees that he loses after deleting the profile. If you still haven’t managed to get rid of the service, you need to check all the “birds” and click the “Delete your World” button:

The system will issue a final warning about the blocking of the profile and duplicate the same information to the email address assigned to the profile:

From this moment on, if you do nothing, the profile will be permanently deleted forever. About 7 years ago, the blocking period before deletion was six months, then two months, and later 45 days. Today is only 48 hours.

If you still have questions about how to remove yourself from My World on Mail.Ru, ask them in the comments, we will definitely study your problem and give a detailed answer.

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The website is a fairly large communication portal (its monthly audience is millions of people). In addition to mail, on this site it is possible to communicate with people on the “My World” social network.

Some people want to get rid of this page. In fact, you can delete a page in very simply.

Quick navigation through the article

Deleting your page

To delete a page in, do the following:

  • Go to, and then enter your username and password. This way you will get to your mail on this resource.
  • Find and click "My World" in the menu.
  • Next, go to "Settings".
  • A new page will open, which you need to scroll to the very bottom. There you will find a button called “Delete your World”. Click this button.
  • After 48 hours, your page will cease to exist.

Helpful information

You can initially not create a page on “My World” when registering your mail. This is done like this:

  • The first thing, of course, is to click “Registration by mail” (this button is located on the main page of the site).
  • You will see a page with a registration form in which you will need to enter data.
  • On this page there will also be an item "Other services". You need to uncheck the checkbox entitled “Create a personal page on the My World project.”

If there is a need to delete the “My World” social network, which is linked to the “” portal, this can be done. This need arises if “My World” appears on its own, “spam” begins to be sent from your page, and in general, you stop using this social network.

How to delete "My World"

First you need to understand that you can only delete your own page. The reasons for this action may be different: perhaps someone writes you different messages too often, someone is “causing” a lot of activity in your feed, blog, or some active users are simply “fed up” with their communication. You can delete a page temporarily or permanently. In any case, you should know that it can be restored.

How to delete my world:

  • In order to get started, you need to log in, that is, go to your page, enter your username and password. You can also do this by switching from your personal mail.
  • Then you need to go to your page and view all the data again. There may be important information that needs to be saved first.
  • On the left in the My World data column, you need to find the “Settings” tab from the list of services and go to them.
  • Next, go down and look for the “Delete my world” service.
  • Carefully examine the pop-up window again, think about whether it is so important for you to delete your page with all the data. If you have thought well, click the “confirm” button under the pop-up window with the following information: “Yes, I want to delete “My World” and I will lose all my information without the possibility of recovery.”
  • Click the confirm button.

After 48 hours in the “My World” project, your page will be deleted. Remember that all information - photos, videos, contacts, important correspondence and links will also be deleted. If you change your mind, then within 48 hours you are given the opportunity to restore your page. In order to do this, you need to go back to the “My World” project and click the “Cancel deletion my world” button.

Features of deleting a page in My World

Not all Internet users know about all the capabilities of a particular service. Let’s say the “My World” project has a function such as restricting access to a personal page and disabling notifications. What does it mean? If the main reason for deleting a page is due to the fact that overly active users constantly write to you and send you information of a different nature, then you can limit this person’s access to your page. That is, he will not be able to write to you. You can also turn off notification alerts.

You don't have to permanently delete the page, even if you don't use this service. Change your photo and personal information, so some activists will lose contact with you, and when the desire to bombard you with unnecessary information subsides, you can return all your data again.

When you need to take the decisive step, you will have to check the following points:

  • Delete all photos. Agree, it’s a pity to part with your photographs. You don’t have to lose them and save them in your computer’s memory.
  • Delete blog. It will not be possible to save all participants and discussions. Think before you decide to delete your page in “My World”.
  • Unfriending is the most difficult step.
  • You will have to leave the communities in which you are a member. This is also not always convenient, because there is a lot of necessary information that will be useful in life.

It’s a pity if you decide to delete the page and it’s very good if you change your mind.

Remember the words from the song “Take My Heart” by the group “Aria”? “I have nowhere to go... I destroyed my world...”, etc. Well, if you are in such a mood, or almost like this (in general, sad), when you open your personal page in “My World” on the website. And, in fact, no other desire arises than to remove it, but you don’t know which button to press to perform this operation, then this article will help you.

From it you will learn how to delete your account in “My World”, how to restore it, how to get rid of various problems in it (which, in particular, is why sometimes you want to delete it). So let's get started. First things first.

Deleting a profile

2. In the “My World” profile, in the upper right corner of the page, click on the arrow next to your login.

3. In the panel that appears, select “Settings”.

4. To completely remove your page from the service, in the “My Settings” section, click the “Delete your World” button.

5. Check the boxes next to all the items in the “I want to delete...” list. Thus, you agree to the deletion of your personal profile, all content (photos, videos, music) available on the page, friends (their contact information), and interest groups in which you were a member. Also note “I thought... and made... a decision.”

6. Click “Delete your World” again.

After completing this procedure, the message “Your world is blocked...” will appear.

How can I restore my profile?

You can return your account in its previous form (in which you left it) only within 48 hours (two days) from the moment it was deleted.

2. Under the text of the message about profile blocking, click the “Cancel world deletion” button.

3. A new page “Cancel deletion of a world...” will open. Hooray! Now you can use the social network again.

Don’t rush to delete “My World” if...

Your photos are evaluated by spam bots (profiles with indecent pictures and fictitious names), you are bothered by certain users (they send advertisements, unnecessary, offensive messages in private messages, a guest book, a mailbox...), you are “attacked” with invitations to various groups... etc. .d.

All these troubles are not a reason to be upset and delete your account. You can easily get rid of them using special settings.

Access limitation

1. Log in to the service. Go to the “My Settings” section (see points No. 1 and No. 2 of the previous instructions).

2. Click the “Access” tab. In the options “... can watch”, “guest book... can write”, “dialogue... can start”, set the value to “only friends” with a mouse click.

3. Uncheck the “allow…” boxes in the “Photo settings...” block.

Blocking a user

If a specific user is bothering you on, do the following:
1. Go to his page, copy the link to his profile in the address bar of your browser.

2. Open your account settings.

3. On the “Black List” tab, in the first field “1” of the “Black List” block, paste the copied address of the “harassing user” (or bot).

4. Click the “Add” button.

Now the owner of this profile will no longer be able to visit your page, send a message, or rate a photo.

The blocking on the same tab (Black list) is removed. Click the “Delete” button under the user’s profile.

Disabling integration with other sites

1. On the “My Settings” page, click the “Sites” tab.

2. In the linked site field, click “Delete”.

Adding email to spam filter

If you regularly receive advertising mailings from the same email address, in the “Mail” section, check the box next to this message, and then click the “Spam” button in the top panel. After completing this setting, mailings from the specified email will be automatically sent to the Spam folder.

Enjoy your stay on the World Wide Web!